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1 Yu, ZhouHeterogeneity and dynamics in China's emerging housing marketChina's emerging housing market, as a critical element of ongoing economic reforms, has drawn increasing attention. The complete abandonment of the socialist housing allocation system in the late 1990s has led to profound changes in housing distribution and consumption in urban China. This article, ...Housing distribution; Housing reform; Chinese Census; Beijing; Shanghai; Tianjin; Chongqing
2 McDaniel, SusanSocial bases of neonatal and postneonatal mortality: an ecological analysis of Alberta, CanadaCanada's steady downward trend in mortality in the twentieth century has not been matched by a similar decline in infant mortality. This paper examines, by reference to census divisions in Alberta, the degree to which neonatal and postneonatal mortality are related to environmental factors. Although...Death; Exogeneous; Rates1981
3 Yu, ZhouInternet Access, Spillover and Regional Development in ChinaAs Internet access grows at different rates across regions, the Internet has had variable effects on regional economies through agglomeration and spillover effects. This paper uses province-level panel data from 2000 to 2013 to study inequality in Internet access, its spatial effect on regional econ...Digital divide; Internet access; spillover effect; regional economic development; China2017-06-03
4 Fan, Jessie X., Yu, ZhouPrevalence and Risk Factors of Consumer Financial Fraud in ChinaThis study estimates the prevalence of consumer fraud in China and investigates consumer fraud risk factors using a novel two-stage conceptual framework that differentiates fraud exposure from fraud victimization after exposure. Multivariate analyses show that multiple risk factors have opposite eff...Consumer financial fraud victimization; China; migrants; financial knowledge; risk attitude
5 Diener, Marissa L.Kindergarten readiness and performance of Latino children participating in Reach Out and ReadBackground: Literacy is a vital skill that forms the basis for academic, occupational, and social success. Minority populations, especially immigrant Latinos in the US, have achievement gaps in literacy when compared to the White population. The Reach Out and Read (ROR) program is a pediatric, prima...2012-01-01
6 Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Wen, MingDisparities in healthcare utilization in China: do gender and migration status matter?Using a multi-stage cluster sampling approach, we collected healthcare and demographic data from 531migrants and 529 local urban residents aged 16-64 in Shanghai, China. Logistic regressions were used to analyze the relationship between gender-migration status and healthcare utilization while contr...2012
7 Yu, Zhou; Fan, Jessie X.Migrant status and consumer financial fraud in China: a two-stage approachChinese migrants face socioeconomic disadvantages. Less is known about their vulnerability to consumer financial fraud, which can impede migrants' integration into urban China. This paper uses nationally representative data from 2015 to investigate migrants' risk factors for consumer financial fraud...Migration; hukou; risk factors; fraud exposure; victimization; rural migrants; and urban migrants
8 Yu, ZhouChanging distribution of migrant population and influencing factors in urban China: economic transition, public policy, and amenitiesMigrant redistribution; rural-urban and interregional migration; urban transformation; economic transition; floating population2019
9 Yu, Zhou, Haan, Michael, Yi, ChengdongThe Inception of Housing Pathways in Urban China: The Declining Household Formation of Young Adults from 2011 to 2017The homeownership rate of young adults has surged to an unprecedented level in urban China, despite rising housing prices and significant rural-urban migration. A trend analysis of nationally representative microdata shows that household formation is the missing link in the paradox and that many you...Household formation; headship rates; young adults; migration; institutional barriers; housing pathways2017
10 Yu, ZhouAssimilation and Rising Taiwanese Identity: Taiwan-born Immigrants in the United States, 1990-2000This study examines why a growing percentage of Taiwan-born immigrants in the U.S. have identified themselves as Taiwanese rather than ethnic Chinese in the U.S. decennial censuses between 1990 and 2000. The trend appears inconsistent with the assimilation theory, which postulates that ethnic groups...Taiwanese; immigration; identity; economic status; United States2009-06-01
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