1 - 25 of 393
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1 Anatomy of the palm Rhapis excelsa, IX. Xylem structure of the leaf insertion1983Textir_uspace
2 Tetartohedral twinning in IDI-2 from Thermus thermophilus: crystallization under anaerobic conditions2014-01-01Textir_uspace
3 Illumination-induced metastable polaron-supporting state in poly(p-phenylene vinylene) films2007-07Textir_uspace
4 Microwave absorption in the superconducting and normal phases of Y-Ba-Cu-O1987-08Textir_uspace
5 A study of the structure and stability of DNA I-Motif oligodeoxynucleotides in the human genome2019Textir_etd
6 Examination of Y-Deterium isotope effects for the solvolysis of model isoprenoid compounds2012-05Textir_htoa
7 Effects of nonspherical tetraalkylammonium cations on the structure and magnetic properties of non-Prussian blue structured manganese (II) Prussian blue analogues2013-05Textir_etd
8 Biological impact protection in human facial hair2018Textir_htoa
9 Evolution of water transport and xylem structure2003Textir_uspace
10 An investigation of 1,4-dicyanotetrazine as a building block in molecule-based magnetic materials2012-08Textir_etd
11 Coulomb drag by small momentum transfer between quantum wires2003-09Textir_uspace
12 Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of jet-cooled Pt?1988Textir_uspace
13 Plant architecture and the allometry of hydraulic transport, light interception and growth2015-08Textir_etd
14 Existence of two phase transitions in Hubbard model1969-12Textir_uspace
15 Catalytic mechanism of Escherichia coli isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase involves Cys-67, Glu-116, and Tyr-104 as suggested by crystal structures of complexes with transition state analogues and irreversible inhibitors2003-04-04Textir_uspace
16 A demonstration apparatus for optical pumping of rubidium2015-05Textir_htoa
17 Magnetic behavior in metal tetracyanoethylene molecule-based materials2012-08Textir_etd
18 Laser vaporization generation of the SiB and SiAi radicals for matrix isolation electron spin resonance studies: comparison with theoretical calculations and assignment of their electronic ground states as X ??1993Textir_uspace
19 Charge transfer complexes of 2,4,6-tricyano-s-triazine with tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and N,N,N' ,N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD)2002Textir_uspace
20 Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of NiC2002Textir_uspace
21 Network model for fluid transport through sea ice2006Textir_uspace
22 Molecular dynamics studies of supercooled water using a monatomic model2012-05Textir_etd
23 Controlled placement of enzymes on carbon nanotubes using comb-branched DNA2014-01-01Textir_uspace
24 Comparison of popular force fields for molecular modeling of proteins applied to ice binding of the tenebrio molitor antifreeze protein2016-04Textir_htoa
25 Ultrafast intramolecular energy transfer in single conjugated polymer chains probed by polarized single chromophore spectroscopy2004Textir_uspace
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