Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
101 |
 | Symko, Orest George | Application of SQUID magnetometer to nuclear magnetic thermometry | This paper presents an application of a SQUID magnetometer for low temperature thermometry using the magnetic properties of a nuclear paramagnet. The static magnetization of a material which obeys Curie's law provides a very sensitive means of thermometry. Also included in the device is the capabi... | SQUID magnetometer; Nuclear magnetic thermometry; Low temperature thermometry | 1976 |
102 |
 | Mattis, Daniel C. | Application of tridiagonalization to the many-body problem | The problem of a single magnetic, Wolff-model impurity in an otherwise ideal metallic host is investigated using the nonperturbative Lanczos method. Convergence is very rapid. The many-body ground-state energy is investigated and comparisons are made with Tomonaga operator theory and other weak-coup... | Lattice; Electrons; Interaction; Ground-state energy; Tridiagonalization; Magnetic impurity; Nonmagnetic metals | 1983 |
103 |
 | Mattis, Daniel C. | Application of tridiagonalization to the many-body problem. II. Finite T | In a previous paper of the same title, we obtained the ground-state energy of a magnetic (Wolff-model) impurity in a nonmagnetic metal. In the present Brief Report, we calculate the impurity's contribution to the density of states and heat capacity of the metal at low temperatures. Here, the Lancz... | Ground-state energy; Tridiagonalization; Magnetic impurity; Nonmagnetic metals; Heat capacity | 1984-06 |
104 |
 | Golden, Kenneth M. | Arbitrarily slow approach to limiting behavior | ABSTRACT. Let f(k, t): RN x [0, oo) -- R be jointly continuous in k and t, with lim(t)--(oo) f(k, t) = F(k) discontinuous for a dense set of k's. It is proven that there exists a dense set T of k's such that, for k e T , |f(k, t) - F(k)| approaches 0 arbitrarily slowly, i.e., roughly speaking, more ... | Random; Conductivity; Diffusion | 1991 |
105 |
 | Bowling, David R. | Assessing filtering of mountaintop CO2 mole fractions for application to inverse models of biosphere-atmosphere carbon exchange | There is a widely recognized need to improve our understanding of biosphere-atmosphere carbon exchanges in areas of complex terrain including the United States Mountain West. CO2 fluxes over mountainous terrain are often difficult to measure due to unusual and complicated influences associated with ... | | 2012-01-01 |
106 |
 | DeTar, Carleton | Assorted weak matrix elements involving the bottom quark | As part of a larger project to estimate the fB decay constant, we are recalculating fstatic B using a variational smearing method in an effort to improve accuracy. Preliminary results for the static BB parameter and HQET two point functions are also presented. | Bottom quark; Decay constants; HQET; Effective field theory | 1997-02 |
107 |
 | Ailion, David Charles; Morris, Alan H. | Asymmetric spin echo sequences. a simple new method for obtaining NMR 1H spectral images | The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal decay produced by reversible tissue-induced dephasing of the magnetization components in the transverse plane (reversible tissue-induced dephasing) was measured and expressed as a function of a new transverse relaxation time T'2 (T2 prime) for samples of ... | Asymmetric spin echo; Signal decay; Chemical shift; Tissue characterization; Lung aeration; Fatty liver | 1985 |
108 |
 | Saam, Brian | Asymptotic and intermediate long-time behavior of nuclear free induction decays in polycrystalline solids and powders | Free induction decay (FID) measured by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in a polycrystalline solid is the isotropic average of the FIDs for individual single crystallites. It has been recently proposed theoretically and verified experimentally that the long-time behavior of single-crystal FIDs has t... | | 2012-01-01 |
109 |
 | Williams, Clayton C. | Atomic force microscope-force mapping and profiling on a sub 100-Å scale | A modified version of the atomic force microscope is introduced that enables a precise measurement of the force between a tip and a sample over a tip-sample distance range of 30-150Å. As an application, the force signal is used to maintain the tip-sample spacing constant, so that profiling can be ... | Attractive force; Silicon wafer | 1987 |
110 |
 | Williams, Clayton C. | Atomic scale trap state characterization by dynamic tunneling force microscopy | Dynamic tunneling force microscopy (DTFM) is applied to the study of point defects in an inter-layer dielectric film. A recent development enables simultaneous acquisition of DTFM, surface potential, and topographic images while under active height feedback control. The images show no clear correlat... | | 2014-01-01 |
111 |
 | Hughes, Kelly T. | ATPase-Independent Type-III Protein Secretion in Salmonella enterica | Type-III protein secretion systems are utilized by gram-negative pathogens to secrete building blocks of the bacterial flagellum, virulence effectors from the cytoplasm into host cells, and structural subunits of the needle complex. The flagellar type-III secretion apparatus utilizes both the energy... | | 2014-01-01 |
112 |
 | Beckerle, Mary C. | Atrial natriuretic peptide promotes cardiomyocyte survival by cGMP-dependent nuclear accumulation of zyxin and Akt | This study delineates a mechanism for antiapoptotic signaling initiated by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) stimulation leading to elevation of cGMP levels and subsequent nuclear accumulation of Akt kinase associated with zyxin, a cytoskeletal LIM-domain protein. Nuclear targeting of zyxin induces r... | Zyxin; Akt; Cyclic guanosine monophosphate | 2005 |
113 |
 | Mishchenko, Eugene | Attraction-repulsion transition in the interaction of adatoms and vacancies in graphene | The interaction of two resonant impurities in graphene has been predicted to have a long-range character with weaker repulsion when the two adatoms reside on the same sublattice and stronger attraction when they are on different sublattices. We reveal that this attraction results from a single energ... | | 2014-01-01 |
114 |
 | Gesteland, Raymond F.; Ives, Jeffrey T.; Stockham, Thomas G. | Automated film reader for DNA sequencing based on homomorphic deconvolution | An automated reader for electrophoresis based DNA sequencing methods is described that provides fast and accurate sequence determination. Digitized sequencing lanes are processed with homomorphic blind deconvolution in preparation for peak detection, interlane alignment, peak refinement and base cal... | Sequence Analysis; Electrophoresis; Automated Film Reader; Homomorphic Deconvolution | 1994 |
115 |
 | Lee, Hyo Jong | Automatic mesh analysis technique by knowledge-based system | The finite element analysis technique has been recognized as a very important tool to solve various engineering problems, such as structural analysis, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics. The key point to the technique is discretization of the domain of interest into many finite elements. A good resul... | Mesh analysis; Mesh generation algorithm | 1989 |
116 |
 | Gondolo, Paolo | Axion cold dark matter in nonstandard cosmologies | We study the parameter space of cold dark matter axions in two cosmological scenarios with nonstandard thermal histories before big bang nucleosynthesis: the low-temperature reheating (LTR) cosmology and the kination cosmology. If the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaks during inflation, we find more allow... | | 2010-01-01 |
117 |
 | Gondolo, Paolo | Axion cold dark matter in view of BICEP2 results | The properties of axions that constitute 100% of cold dark matter (CDM) depend on the tensor-to-scalar ratio r at the end of inflation. If r ¼ 0.20 þ0.07 −0.05 as reported by the BICEP2 Collaboration, then "half" of the CDM axion parameter space is ruled out. Namely, in the context of single-fie... | | 2014-01-01 |
118 |
 | Jorgensen, Erik | Axon regeneration genes identified by RNAi screening in C. elegans | Axons of the mammalian CNS lose the ability to regenerate soon after development due to both an inhibitory CNS environment and the loss of cell-intrinsic factors necessary for regeneration. The complex molecular events required for robust regeneration of mature neurons are not fully understood, part... | | 2014-01-01 |
119 |
 | Jorgensen, Erik | Axons break in animals lacking B-spectrin | Axons and dendrites can withstand acute mechanical strain despite their small diameter. In this study, we demonstrate that β-spectrin is required for the physical integrity of neuronal processes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Axons in β-spectrin mutants spontaneously break. | | 2007 |
120 |
 | Bastiani, Michael | Axons break in animals lacking β-spectrin | Axons and dendrites can withstand acute mechanical strain despite their small diameter. In this study, we demonstrate that β-spectrin is required for the physical integrity of neuronal processes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Axons in β-spectrin mutants spontaneously break. | Mutants; Dendrites; Morphology | 2007 |
121 |
 | Symko, Orest George | Background signals in SQUID magnetometers | Since a SQUID magnetometer is an extremely sensitive device capable of detecting minute magnetic flux changes in a sample, it will also detect unwanted signals from materials near the magnetometer. The presence of temperature dependent "background signals" limits the accuracy of measurements of ... | SQUID magnetometer; Background signals | 1974 |
122 |
 | Sokolsky, Pierre | Backward production in π-p→pπ+π-π- at 8 GeV/c* | We have studied backward baryon and meson production in π'p → pπ+pπ +π-π- at 8.0 GeV/c using a streamer chamber triggered by the detection of a fast forward proton. Our data sample (1227 events) displays prominent N*p and N*f quasi-two-body production. These states are investigated with rega... | | 1976-01 |
123 |
 | Hughes, Kelly T. | Bacterial flagellin-specific chaperone FliS interacts with anti-sigma factor FlgM | Flagella are extracellular organelles that propel bacteria. Each flagellum consists of a basal body, a hook, and a filament. The major protein of the filament is flagellin. To prevent premature polymerization of newly synthesized flagellin molecules, FliS, the flagellin-specific chaperone, binds fla... | | 2014-01-01 |
124 |
 | Olivera, Baldomero M. | Bacteriophage Mu DNA replication in vitro | An in vitro system for bacteriophage Mu DNA replication using lysates on cellophane discs is described. Mu replication was monitored by DNA hybridization. Using a thermoinducible Mu Iysogen, 30-50% of all DNA synthesis in vitro was Mu-specific. | Bacteriophage Mu | 1983 |
125 |
 | Adler, Frederick R. | Balance of terror: an alternative mechanism for competitive trade-offs and its implications for invading species | This article uses models to propose an explanation for three observations in community ecology: the apparent overreaction of prey to attack by specialist predators, the existence of a common trade-off among components of competitive ability in communities of unrelated competitors, and the ability of... | Models; Curve; Native | 1999 |