651 - 675 of 1,952
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651 Capecchi, Mario R.Genetic interaction between hoxb-5 and hoxb-6 is revealed by nonallelic noncomplementation.hoxb-5 and hoxb-6 are adjacent genes in the mouse HoxB locus and are members of the homeotic transcription factor complex that governs establishment of the mammalian body plan. To determine the roles of these genes during development, we generated mice with a targeted disruption in each gene. Three ...Alleles; CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Proteins; Cervical Vertebrae; DNA-Binding Proteins; Forelimb; Genetic Complementation Test1995-01-01
652 Jorgensen, ErikGenetic screens for synaptic function mutants in the nematode C. elegansThe synapse is the site of a remarkable conversion of electrical signals into chemical signals. This conversion takes place when a depolarizing impulse enters the axon terminal and opens voltage-sensitive calcium channels; calcium then flows into the cell and initiates the fusion of synaptic vesicle...Vesicle; Neurotransmission; Cell1996
653 Rogers, Alan R.; Harpending, Henry C.Genetic structure of ancient human populationsDiscusses mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences as important source of data about the history of human species.Tree of descent; Mismatch distributions; Simulations; Findings; Intermatch distributions; Younger and older populations2001-09-15
654 Genetics in Utah : NPR talk of the nation, science Friday for May 15, 1998This is a 1 hour, 9 seconds audio transcript of National Public Radio's Science Friday that was taped at Westminster College of Salt Lake on 1998/05/15. The host, Ira Flatow, leads a panel composed of University of Utah scientists and researchers, Jeffrey Bodkin, Mario Capecchi, Ray Gesteland, Mark...Genetic engineering; Molecular genetics; Capecchi, Mario R.; Homeobox genes; Science - Moral and ethical aspects; Human chromosome abnormalities - Diagnosis1998
655 Parkinson, John StansfieldGenetics of bacterial chemotaxisMany types of motile bacteria are capable of detecting and responding to changes in their environment. Phototactic, chemotactic and thermotactic movements in bacteria are similar to more complex behaviours seen in higher organisms, and constitute useful model systems for investigating the molecular ...Bacterial chemotaxis1981
656 Potts, Wayne K.Gong method for capturing shorebirds and other ground-roosting speciesIn many shorebird studies it is necessary to capture adult birds. While shorebirds can often be trapped on the nest, capturing them away from the nest is usually very difficult and may require expensive equipment. After weeks of failure in our attempts to capture migrant and resident shorebirds in n...Gong method; Shorebirds; Capture; Ground-roosting1979
657 Davidson, Diane W.Granivory in a desert ecosystem: experimental evidence for indirect facilitation of ants by rodentsTwo major groups of desert granivores, ants and rodents, coexist as permanent residents of local desert habitats in southwestern North America. At our Sonoran Desert study site, both of the major taxa exhibited short-term increase in density when the other taxon was experimentally removed. Over the...Ants; Arizona; Desert annuals; Facilitation; Granivory; Indirect mutualism; Rodents; Seed predation; Sonoran Desert1984
658 Davidson, Diane W.Granivory in the Chihuahuan Desert: interactions within and between trophic levelsWe investigated the effects of Chihuahuan Desert granivores on three seasonal classes of plant resource species, the effects of these resource classes on one another, and the ways in which interactions through plant resources affect the abundances of seed consumers. At our study site, three seasona...Annual plant; Ant; Competition; Community; Desert; Ecosystem structure; Experiment; Granivore; Indirect interaction; Rodent; Population cycles; Seed predation1985
659 Davidson, Diane W.Granivory in the Chihuahuan desert: interactions within and between trophic levelsWe investigated the effects of Chihuahuan Desert granivores on three seasonal classes of plant resource species, the effects of these resource classes on one another, and the ways in which interactions through plant resources affect the abundances of seed consumers. At our study site, three seasona...Annual plant; Ant; Competition; Community; Desert; Ecosystem structure; Experiment; Granivore; Indirect interaction; Rodent; Population cycles; Seed predation1985
660 Morse, Michael DavidThe ground state and excited ?-hole states of CuAuResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy has been applied to jet-cooled diatomic CuAu. Eight band systems have been observed, rotationally resolved, and analyzed. The ground state is X??+ in symmetry, deriving from the 3d??Cu 5d??Au, ?? molecular configuration. Its bond length has been determined...1991
661 Mattis, Daniel C.Ground state of interacting spinsThe question is posed of how the ground state of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian H= - ΣFij Si-Sj depends on the magnitude s of N interacting spins, particularly in the case of long-ranged oscillatory interactions Fij. It is discussed whether fixing the geometry and the bond strengths Fij suffices to d...Ground states; Interacting spin; Ruderman-Kittel interaction1963-04
662 Mattis, Daniel C.Ground state of the Kondo modelThe single-impurity Kondo problem is investigated with the use of the nonperturbative Lanczos (tridiagonalization) method. We are able to obtain an explicit expression for the ground-state energy in terms of the Kondo coupling constant J. The method places no restrictions on the range of J.Kondo model; Ground-state energy; Coupling constant1985-06
663 Wu, Yong-ShiGround states and thermal states of the random field Ising modelThe random field Ising model is studied numerically at both zero and positive temperature. Ground states are mapped out in a region of random field and external field strength. Thermal states and thermodynamic properties are obtained for all temperatures using the Wang-Landau algorithm. The specific...Ground states; Thermal states2005-09
664 Wu, Yong-ShiGround-state degeneracy in the Levin-Wen model for topological phasesWe study the properties of topological phases by calculating the ground-state degeneracy (GSD) of the two-dimensional Levin-Wen (LW) model. Here it is explicitly shown that the GSD depends only on the spatial topology of the system. Then we show that the ground state on a sphere is always nondegener...2012-01-01
665 Mattis, Daniel C.Ground-state energy of Heisenberg antiferromagnet for spins s=1/2 and s=1 in d=1 and 2 dimensionsA simple real-space renormalization method yields the ground-state energy of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet. We find the ground-state energy per spin for s=1/2 (-0.4438 in ID , -0.6723 in 2D ) and s = 1 (-1.388 in ID and -1.907 in 2D) to three-figure accuracy, using properties of relatively small o...Ground-state energy; Heisenberg antiferromagnet; Long-range order1988-07
666 Mattis, Daniel C.Ground-state symmetry in XY model of magnetismNumerical studies by Betts and Oitmaa have led those authors to conjecture that in the XY model the ground-state magnetization Mz is zero. This is a model of spins on a lattice with interactions - J(SnxSmx+SnySmy), that can also describe a hard-sphere boson fluid. In the present note I prove the c...Ground state; Magnetization; Bipartite lattice1979-06
667 Gondolo, PaoloGroups of galaxies in the local supercluster: some hypotheses on the evolutionary stageWe present a method capable of determining the evolutionary stage of bound, isolated systems of galaxies. In particular, we apply it to a sample of groups, belonging to the Local Supercluster, taken from the Geller and Huchra's (1983) catalogue. We find that most of them are still in the phase of c...Evolution of galaxy clusters1988
668 Bastiani, MichaelGrowth cone dynamics during the migration of an identified commissural growth coneWe have used time-lapse video microscopy to study the behavior of a neuron, 01, that pioneers the posterior commissure of the embryonic grasshopper. Our goal is to use time-lapse video as a tool to acquire a precise picture of normal development over time, and thereby identify stereotypic activities...Time-lapse video; Commissure; Grasshopper; Pathfinding; Filopodia; Confocal microscopy; Adhesion1993
669 Coley, Phyllis D.Growth-defense trade-off and habitat specialization by plants in Amazonian forestsTropical forests include a diversity of habitats, which has led to specialization in plants. Near Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon, nutrient-rich clay forests surround nutrient-poor white-sand forests, each harboring a unique composition of habitat specialist trees. We tested the hypothesis that t...Amazon; Ecological gradient; Growth-defense trade-off; Habitat specialization; Herbivory; Phenolics; Phylogenetic control; Rainforest; Reciprocal-transplant experiment; Terpenes; Tropical trees2006
670 Ehleringer, James R.Grupos funcionales en arbustos deserticos del norte de Chile, definidos sobre la base de las fuentes de agua utilizadasLa productividad primaria y la estructura de la vegetación en ecosistemas áridos están determinadas por la disponibilidad de agua. En un estudio realizado en el secano costero del norte-centro de Chile (29/43'S; 71/14'O, 300 m) se compararon los mecanismos de utilización de distintas fuentes de...Grupos funcionales; Functional groups; Arbustos deserticos; Desert shrubs; Fuentes de agua; Water sources; Water availability; Arid ecosystems; Pastoreo con caprinos; Goat overgrazing1999-01-01
671 Bastiani, MichaelGuidance of neuronal growth cones in the grasshopper embryo. I. Recognition of a specific axonal pathway by the pCC neuronThe selective affinities that growth cones display for specific axonal surfaces give rise to stereotyped patterns of selective fasciculation. Previous studies on cell recognition by neuronal growth cones in the grasshopper embryo led to the proposal and initial experimental testing of the labeled-p...Fascicle; Axon; Affinity1986
672 Bastiani, MichaelGuidance of neuronal growth cones in the grasshopper embryo. II. Recognition of a specific axonal pathway by the aCC neuronIn the previous paper, we experimentally analyzed the selective affinity of the pCC growth cone for the MP1/dMP2 fascicle in the grasshopper embryo. Here we describe a similar experimental analysis demonstrating the selective affinity of the aCC growth cone for the U fascicle. These results support...Axon; Cell; Fascicle1986
673 Bastiani, MichaelGuidance of neuronal growth cones in the grasshopper embryo. III. Recognition of specific glial pathwaysIn the previous 2 papers, we focused on the selective affinities that growth cones display for specific axonal pathways. Little is known, however, about how this orthogonal scaffold of axonal pathways in the CNS is established in the first place, and what, if any, role glia might play in these even...CNS; Nerve; Cells1986
674 Bastiani, MichaelGuidance of neuronal growth cones in the grasshopper embryo. IV. Temporal delay experimentsIn the previous 3 papers, we demonstrated that neuronal growth cones display selective affinities for both specific axonal and glial pathways in the grasshopper embryo; for example, the pCC growth cone selectively recognizes the MPl/dMP2 axons, while the aCC growth cone selectively recognizes the U...Pathways; Neurons; Axons1986
675 Bastiani, MichaelGuidance of neuronal growth cones: selective fasciculation in the grasshopper embryoOne of the central questions of developmental neurobiology concerns how the diversity and specificity of individual neurons are generated during embryonic development. One major component of neuronal diversity is the complex axonal morphology of individual neurons, largely generated early in develop...Neurons; Filopodia; Axon1983
651 - 675 of 1,952