451 - 475 of 1,952
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451 Mattis, Daniel C.Eigenfunction localization in dilute lattices of various dimensionalitiesAs a fraction of bonds p is removed from a lattice, we find a threshold PQ above which all eigenstates are nonpropagating (Anderson localized). This occurs well before the classical percolation threshold. For example, in two dimensions where the classical threshold is pc = 1/2 , we find PQ = 0.Eigenstates; Dilute lattices1981-05
452 Bromley, Benjamin C.Eigenspectral computtations for linear gravity and nonlinear toy modelsThe periodic standing-wave approach to binary inspiral assumes rigid rotation of gravitational fields and hence helically symmetric solutions. To exploit the symmetry, numerical computations must solve for "helical scalars," fields that are functions only of corotating coordinates, the labels on the...Binary black holes; General relativity; Standing wave2006
453 Mattis, Daniel C.Eigenstates of excitons near a surfaceThe exact eigenstates and energies of an electron and a hole of equal effective masses, with an attractive δ-function interaction and hard-wall repulsion at the surfaces of a solid, are classified and obtained explicitly for a solid of arbitrary thickness. Both bound and scattering states of the e...Eigenstates; Frenkel excitons1978-10
454 Mattis, Daniel C.Eigenstates of N excitons and one holeWe solve for the eigenstates and energy eigenvalues of N immobile Frenkel excitons (a relatively trivial proposition) and of N such excitons plus one hole (which for large N can only be done in one dimension). We also guess that a charged globule, consisting of N excitons and O(N) holes, can be stab...Eigenstates; Frenkel excitons; Many-body problem1983-04
455 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Elastic properties of (N(CH3)3H) (I) (TCNQ)We present the results of a study of the temperature dependence of the Young's modulus and internal friction of (N(CH3 )3H)(I)(TCNQ). The Young's modulus was measured in a direction parallel to the TCNQ (tetracyanoquinodimethane) stacking axis using a vibrating reed technique. The results confirmed ...Metal-like, Conductivity, Magnetic1979
456 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineElectrical and optical studies of gap states in self-assembled molecular aggregatesWe fabricated a variety of two-terminal devices using self-assembled monolayers (SAM) of solid-state mixtures comprised of molecular "wires" [1,4-methane-benzenedithiol (Me-BDT)] and molecular insulator "spacers" [1-pentanethiol], which were prepared at various molar concentrations ratio, r of wires...Gap states; Self-assembled molecular aggregates2007
457 Boehme, ChristophElectrical detection of coherent 31P spin quantum statesIn recent years, a variety of solid-state qubits has been realized, including quantum dots [1, 2], superconducting tunnel junctions [3, 4] and point defects [5, 6]. Due to its potential compatibility with existing microelectronics, the proposal by Kane [7, 8] based on phosphorus donors in Si has als...Spin quantum states; Qubits; Rabi flops2006-11-19
458 Boehme, ChristophElectrical detection of spin coherence in siliconExperimental evidence is presented showing that photocurrents in silicon can be used as highly sensitive readout probes for coherent spin states of localized electrons, the prime candidates for quantum bits in various semiconductor based quantum computer concepts. Conduction electrons are subjected ...Spin coherence; Electronic transitions; Rabi oscillation2003-12
459 Golden, Kenneth M.Electrical transport in high contrast composite materialsA broad range of problems in the physics of materials involve highly disordered media whose effective behavior depends critically on the connectedness, or percolation properties of a particular component. Examples include smart materials such as piezoresistors and thermistors, smart insulators, rada...1997
460 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineElectroabsorption spectroscopy of luminescent and nonluminescent ∏-conjugated polymersWe have measured the quadratic electroabsorption (EA) spectrum of a variety of soluble luminescent and nonluminescent p-conjugated polymer films in the spectral range of 1.5-4.5 eV. The luminescent polymers include MEH and DOO derivatives of poly(phenylene-vinylene), poly(phenylene ethylene), and ...Electroabsorption spectroscopy; pi-conjugated polymers1997-12
461 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineElectroabsorption spectroscopy of single walled nanotubesWe have measured the electric field modulated absorption of a sample of single-walled nanotubes (SWNT) suspended in a solid polyvinyl alcohol matrix. The electroabsorption (EA) spectrum roughly follows the first derivative of the absorption with respect to photon energy, scales quadratically with t...Electroabsorption spectroscopy; Single-walled nanotubes; SWNT2005
462 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineElectromodulated photoinduced absorption; a new spectroscopy in ∏-conjugated polymer/C60-blendsWe have applied the electromodulated photoinduced absorption (EPA) technique to a variety of C 6 0 -doped and pristine luminescent conducting polymer films. EPA measures the electric field-related change of the absorption in the sample as a result of above-gap illumination. An electric field leads t...Electromodulated photoinduced absorption; EPA; C60 doping; Electromodulated photoluminescence; EPL; Polaron pair polarizability1997
463 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineElectromodulation of charge-transfer photoexcitations in pristine and C60-doped conjugated polymersWe study the effect of an electric field of up to 100 kV/cm on photoexcitations in pristine and C60-doped p-conjugated polymers by electromodulated photoinduced absorption (EPA). In EPA, we measure changes in the photoinduced absorption of a polymer film induced by an electric field. The dominant ...Electromodulation; Charge-transfer photoexcitations; Photoinduced absorption; pi-conjugated polymers; Electromodulation spectroscopy1999-04
464 Carrier, David R.Electromyographic pattern of the gular pump in monitor lizardsGular pumping in monitor lizards is known to play an important role in lung ventilation, but its evolutionary origin has not yet been addressed. To determine whether the gular pump derives from the buccal pump of basal tetrapods or is a novel invention, we investigated the electromyographic activity...Electromyographic pattern; Gular pump; Varanus exanthematicus; Lung ventilation; Evolution2001
465 Armentrout, Peter B.Electron impact ionization cross section of metastable N2(A Σu+)Extensive studies of electron impact cross sections have been carried out both experimentally and theoretically for a number of ground state atoms and molecules.1 In general, as the electron energy is increased, such cross sections rise from a threshold at the ionization potential to a peak at an e...Ion beam; Nitrogen1981
466 Blair, David F.Electron spin relaxation of CuA and cytochrome a in cytochrome c oxidase: comparison to heme, copper, and sulfur radical complexesThe method of continuous saturation has been used to measure the electron spin relaxation parameter T1T2 at temperatures between 10 and 50 K for a variety of S = % species including: CuA and cytochrome a of cytochrome c oxidase, the type1 copper in several blue copper proteins, the type 2 coppe...Electron spin relaxation; EPR signals; Sulfur radical complexes1984
467 Morse, Michael DavidElectron spin resonance investigation of Sc?+ in neon matrices and assignment of its ground electronic state as X ???. comparison with theoretical calculationsThe discandium radical cation, Sc+2 , has been isolated in neon matrices at 4 K and studied by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and theoretical methods. It was produced by the x-irradiation of neon matrix samples containing neutral ScZ which was formed by trapping the products generated fr...1993
468 Mattis, Daniel C.Electron states in random alloys with short-range orderWe present an accurate and economical iterative method of calculating the energy levels of a disordered or partly ordered random alloy. Results presented for one- and three-dimensional simple cubic lattices compare favorably with exact calculations. We also present the systematic effects of partia...Random alloys; Density of state1977-04
469 Williams, Clayton C.Electron tunneling detected by electrostatic forceA method is introduced for measuring the tunneling of electrons between a specially fabricated scanning probe microscope tip and a surface. The technique is based upon electrostatic force detection of charge as it is transferred to and from a small (10217 F) electrically isolated metallic dot on the...Electrons; Tunneling events; Electrostatic force microscopy2000
470 Mishchenko, EugeneElectron-lattice kinetics of metals heated by ultrashort laser pulsesWe propose a kinetic model of transient nonequilibrium phenomena in metals exposed to ultrashort laser pulses when heated electrons affect the lattice through direct electron-phonon interaction. This model describes the destruction of a metal under intense laser pumping. We derive the system of equa...Electron-lattice kinetics; Thermoconductivity; electron temperature; Lattice deformation1999-01
471 Mattis, Daniel C.Electron-phonon interaction in two dimensions: the case for strong coupling in high-Tc superconductorsA particular model interaction between electrons and acoustic phonons is found to cause electrons to become weakly "self-trapped" for an arbitrary filling factor in d=2, but not in d=1 nor, for different reasons, in d>3. To the extent that electron kinetic energy is reduced in d=2, the electronic in...Strong coupling1987-09
472 Morse, Michael DavidElectron-spin resonance studies of the titanium cation (Ti+,3d?, ?F) in rare gas matrices at 4 K: A crystal field interpretationElectron-spin resonance studies of laser-ablated titanium metal isolated in neon and argon display an intense feature which exhibits a symmetric, narrow line and a large matrix-dependent g shift. On the basis of a number of experiments, this is assigned to a matrix isolated 3d3,4F Ti+ ion in an octa...1996
473 Wight, Charles Albert; Anderson, Richard BryanElectronic publication of theses and dissertationsFor many years, the university has required its doctoral students to print and publish their dissertations. After a dissertation has been approved for release by the Graduate School thesis editors and the student has been approved for graduation, the university sends one copy of the manuscript to Pr...Electronic publication; Theses; Dissertations2010
474 Mishchenko, EugeneElectronic Raman scattering in a magnetic fieldRaman scattering in a magnetic field is proposed as a possible method to solve the problem of whether the light scattering in high-Tc superconductors comes from conduction electrons or not. The electronic Raman light scattering in a magnetic field is studied theoretically. The semiclassical approa...Raman scattering1996-01
475 Morse, Michael DavidElectronic spectroscopy and electronic structure of diatomic CrCOptical spectra of jet-cooled diatomic CrC have been recorded in the near infrared region using resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy combined with mass-selective detection of the resulting ions. Several weak transitions have been observed, along with one relatively strong band near 842 nm. Ro...2010
451 - 475 of 1,952