351 - 375 of 1,952
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351 Yamaguchi, AyakoDevelopment of an acute method to deliver transgenes into the brains of adult Xenopus laevisThe central vocal pathway of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, is a powerful vertebrate model to understand mechanisms underlying central pattern generation. However, fast and efficient methods of introducing exogenous genes into the neurons of adult X. laevis are currently not available. Her...viral vector; vesicular stomatitis virus; Xenopus laevis; transgene; neurons; vocalizations; central pattern generator; electroporation2018
352 Yamaguchi, AyakoDevelopment of techniques to deliver transgenes into neurons of amphibiansSociety for Neuroscience Meeting 2017viral vector; Xenopus laevis; vocalizations2017
353 Capecchi, Mario R.Developmental defects of the ear, cranial nerves and hindbrain resulting from targeted disruption of the mouse homeobox gene Hox-1.6.Gene targeting in mouse embryo-derived stem cells has been used to generate mice with a disruption in the homeobox gene Hox-1.6. Mice heterozygous at the Hox-1.6 locus appear normal, whereas Hox-1.6-/Hox-1.6- mice die at or shortly after birth. These homozygotes exhibit profound defects in the forma...Chromosome Mapping; Genetic Vectors; Mice, Inbred C57BL2002-06-27
354 Bastiani, MichaelDevelopmental expression and biochemical analysis of Conulin, a protein secreted from a subset of neuronal growth conesIn this report, we analyze the developmental pattern of expression of a new grasshopper protein, Conulin, using the monoclonal antibody 7D2 on whole-mount embryos and dissociated neurons. We also have examined its biochemical properties by immunoblot analysis. Conulin is a protein expressed by a su...Conulin; Growth cone-specific protein; Secreted protein; Selective tasciculation; CNS-specific protein; Pathfinding1996
355 Bastiani, MichaelDevelopmental expression of REGA-1, a regionally expressed glial antigen in the central nervous system of grasshopper embryosGlial cells are a large component of the developing nervous system, appearing before the onset of axon outgrowth in a variety of developing systems. Their time of appearance and their location in conjunction with developing axon pathways may allow them to define the position of axon pathways.Antibody; Axons; Pathways1991
356 Lupton, John MarkDevice model for polymer light emitting diodes: effect of temperature and oxidationWe present a temperature-dependent single carrier device model for polymer light-emitting diodes. The model includes both the injection of charge carriers over a barrier and the transport of charges across the device. To test the model, the temperature dependence of an LED based on the conjugated po...Single carrier; Temperature dependent; Poly(phenylene vinylene); Transport measurements; ITO; Disorder1999
357 Rogachev, AndreyDichotomy in short superconducting nanowires: thermal phase slippage vs. Coulomb blockadeQuasi-one-dimensional superconductors or nanowires exhibit a transition into a nonsuperconducting regime, as their diameter shrinks. We present measurements on ultrashort nanowires (∼40-190 nm long) in the vicinity of this quantum transition. Properties of all wires in the superconducting phase, e...Thermal phase slippage; Coulomb blockade2006-11-01
358 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Gray, William Robert; McIntosh, J. MichaelDifferential targeting of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by novel αA-conotoxinsWe describe the isolation and characterization of two peptide toxins from Conus ermineus venom targeted to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). The peptide structures have been confirmed by mass spectrometry and chemical synthesis. In contrast to the 12-18 residue, 4 Cys-containing α-co...Conotoxins; aA-conotoxins; Conus ermineus; Peptide toxins1997
359 Boehme, ChristophDiffusion of hydrogen and deuterium in stack systems of SixNyHz/SixNyDz and crystalline SiH/D-, N-H/D- and Si-H/D-bond density changes were investigated in stacks consisting of a Cz-Si substrate, a thin layer of SiC>2, amorphous deuterated silicon nitride as well as amorphous hydrogenated silicon nitride in order to see if the post deposition anneal of a-SixNyHz layers on crystalline sil...Hydrogenated silicon nitride; Anneal process2000
360 Miller, Joel StevenDimetallic complexes derived from a novel dinucleating chelating symmetric triazole ligand; crystal strcutrue,magnetic properties and ESR study of Bis[μ-3,5-diacetlyamino-1,2,4-triazolato-O',N1,N2,O"]bis[nitrato)(aqua)-copper(II)]Reaction of 3,5-diacetylamino-1,2,4-triazole (Hdaat) with copper(II), nickel(II) and cobalt(II) salts yields dinuclear co-ordination compounds, which were spectroscopically characterized. The crystal and molecular structure of one of the compounds, bis[u-3,5-diacetylamino-1,2,4-triazolato-0'_x0001_,...Susceptibility; Orbitals; Compounds1999
361 Miller, Joel StevenDinuclear iron(II) complex, [(TPyA)FeII(THBQ 2-)FeII(TPyA)](BF4)2 [TPyA = tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine; THBQ2- = 2,3,5,6-tetrahydroxy-1,4- benzoquinonate] exhibiting both spin crossover with hysteresis and ferromagnetic exchangeDinuclear [(TPyA)FeII(THBQ22)FeII(TPyA)](BF4)2 (1) possesses hydrogen bonding interactions that form a 1-D chain, and p-p interactions between the 1-D chains that give rise to a 2-D supramolecular-layered structure, inducing hysteresis in the spin crossover behavior; 1 has shown spin crossover behav...Dinuclear complexes2008
362 Wu, Yong-ShiDiophantine equation for the three-dimensional quantum Hall effectWhen the Fermi level lies in a gap, the Hall conductivity of three-dimensional electrons in a periodic potential is expressed in a topologically invariant form with a set of three integers. If the magnetic fluxes through the three independent areas of the periodic lattice are rational numbers, one...Hall conductivity; Periodic potentials1992-06
363 Gerton, JordanDipolar relaxation collisions in magnetically trapped 7LiWe report the measurement of the rate constant for dipolar relaxation from the (F=2, mF=2) hyperfine state of 7Li. The atoms are confined in a permanent magnet trap at a field of 10^3 G. The measured value of (1.05±0.10)X10^-14 cm3/s agrees well with theory. Additionally, we determine an upper bo...1999-02
364 Truong, ThanhDirect ab initio dynamics studies of N + H2<-->NH + H reactionKinetics of the N+H2<-->NH+H reaction have been studied using a direct ab initio dynamics method. Potential energy surface for low electronic states have been explored at the QCISD/ cc-pVDZ level of theory. We found the ground-state reaction is N(4S)+H2-->NH(3Σ-)+H. Thermal rate constants for this ...Ab initio dynamics; Potential energy surfaces; Minimum energy path; Ground-state reaction; Rate constants2000
365 Truong, ThanhDirect ab initio dynamics studies of the hydrogen abstraction reactions of hydrogen atom with fluoromethanesA direct ab initio dynamics study on the gas-phase reactions of atomic hydrogen with different fluoromethanes has been carried out. The thermal rate constants were calculated using canonical variational transition state (CVT) theory augmented by multidimensional semiclassical zero and small curvatur...Hydrogen abstraction reactions; Gas-phase reactions; Fluoromethanes; Thermal rate constants; Moller?Plesset perturbation theory; Hybrid density functional theory1999
366 Williams, Clayton C.; Huang, YufengDirect comparison of cross-sectional scanning capacitance microscope dopant profile and vertical secondary ion-mass spectroscopy profileThe scanning capacitance microscope (SCM) has been shown to be useful for quantitative 2D dopant profiling near the surface of silicon. An atomic force microscope is used to position a nanometer scale tip at a silicon surface, and local capacitance change is measured as a function of sample bias. A ...Oxide capacitance; Dopant profile; Oxide layer; Scanning capacitance microscopy1996-01
367 Gondolo, PaoloDirect detection of neutralino dark matter in nonstandard cosmologiesWe compute the neutralino direct detection rate in nonstandard cosmological scenarios where neutralinos account for the dark matter of the Universe. Significant differences are found when such rates are compared with those predicted by the standard cosmological model. For b-ino-like neutralinos, the...Neutralinos2008-02
368 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Direct evidence of electron spin polarization from an organic-based magnet: [FeII(TCNE)(NCMe)2][FeIII Cl4]Direct evidence of an organic-based magnet with a finite electron spin polarization at the Fermi edge is shown from spin-resolved photoemission of the [FeII(TCNE)(NCMe)2][FeIIICl4] organic-based magnet. The 23% majority-based spin polarization at the Fermi edge is observed at 80 K in zero applied fi...Organic-based magnets; Electron spin polarization2009-05
369 Williams, Clayton C.Direct imaging of SiO2 thickness variation on Si using modified atomic force microscopeFabrication techniques of metal-oxide-semiconductor ~(MOS) transistors have been improved very rapidly during the last several decades. With this trend, scaling down of MOS transistors is necessary to improve the speed of circuits and the packing density of discrete devices. Both lateral and vertic...Silicon dioxide; Oxide layer; Phosphorus ions; Oxide capacitance; Dopant profile1996-03-01
370 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineDirectional emission from asymmetric microlaser resonators of ∏-conjugated polymersA ∏-conjugated polymer film was fabricated into an asymmetric microlaser resonator having a quadrapole deformation with irregular boundaries and a Q factor of 600. At high excitation intensities above the threshold for lasing, we observed multimode laser emission spectra and directional emission a...Directional emission; Asymmetric microlaser resonators; pi-conjugated polymers; DOO-PPV; poly(dioctyloxy) phenylene vinylene2004
371 Gondolo, PaoloDirectional recoil rates for WIMP direct detectionNew techniques for the laboratory direct detection of dark matter weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are sensitive to the recoil direction of the struck nuclei.We compute and compare the directional recoil rates dR/d cosθ, (where θ is the angle measured from a reference direction in th...WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles; WMAP 3; Directional recoil; Halo models2008-02
372 Symko, Orest GeorgeDiscrete spatial filtering with SQUID gradiometers in biomagnetismFirst-, second-, and third-order gradiometers used in detecting biomagnetic signals are analyzed as spatial niters. Their transfer functions independent of the source to be measured are presented and both the magnitude and phase characteristics of the transfer functions are analyzed. The distortion ...Spatial filtering; SQUID gradiometers; Fourier transform1986
373 Crespo, Jose GuillermoDislodgement effect of natural semiochemicals released by disturbed triatomines: a possible alternative monitoring toolThe quick detection of domestic and peridomestic triatomines in their environments becomes difficult without the use of dislodgement substances that flush them out from their shelters. At present, tetramethrin 0.2% is being widely used in control programs. Although it is an efficient dislodging agen...2013-01-01
374 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineDisorder-induced TA Raman lines in mixed Cu-halide crystalsThe Raman spectra of CuClxBr1=x and CuBrxI1=x solid solutions are shown to contain extremely intense disorder-induced first-order TA phonons. The intensity of these lines is a function of the concentration x, and is highest in CuCl0.6oBr0.40. The TA spectrum, well resolved at low temperature, fits...Cuprous halides; CuBr; CuCl; CuI; mixed Cu-halide crystals1979-03
375 Davidson, Diane W.Dispersal adaptations of some acacia species in the Australian arid zoneMost Australian representatives of the genus Acacia have diaspores with arillate appendages indicative of adaptation for active dispersal by animals. Based on physical and chemical characteristics of these arils and mechanisms of diaspore presentation, a number of arid zone acacias can be distingu...Acacia; Australian arid zone; Dispersal ecology; Fruit quality; Myrmecochory; Ornithochory; Seed parasitoids; Soil nutrients1984
351 - 375 of 1,952