Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Poulter, Charles Dale | (S)-Geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate synthase. Purification and characterization of the first pathway-specific enzyme in archaebacterial membrane lipid biosynthesis | The first pathway-specific step in the biosynthesis of the core membrane diether lipids in archaebacteria is the alkylation of the primary hydroxyl group in (S)-glyceryl phosphate by geranylgeranyl diphosphate. The reaction is catalyzed by (S)-3-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate ((S)-GGGP) synthase... | Polyacrylamide gel; Molecular weight | 1993-10-15 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles | 109Ag NMR investigation of atomic motions in the incommensurate and paraelectric phases of proustite (Ag3AsS3) | 109Ag NMR line shape, T1 , Hahn spin echo, and Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill ~CPMG! spin-echo measurements were performed in proustite (Ag3AsS3) between 420 and 47 K in order to understand the role of atomic motions in phase transitions in a system containing an incommensurate phase. These measurements ... | NMR; Atomic motion; Proustitie; Phase transitions; Line shape | 2000 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles | 14N study of the role of N-D---O bonds in the deuteron glass transition | 14N spin-lattice relaxation-time measurements in Rb0.28(ND4)0.72D2PO4 provide direct evidence for the fast exchange averaging of the "long" and "short" N-D---O hydrogen bonds between the ND4 group and the four surrounding PO4 groups. This exchange and the associated distortion of the ND4 tetrahedron... | NMR; Hydrogen bonds; Spin-lattice; Relaxation-time; Deuteron glass | 1999 |
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 | Poulter, Charles Dale; Davis, Darrell R. | 15N labeled e. coli tRNAMet, tRNAGlu, tRNATyr, and tRNAPhe. Double resonance and two dimensional NMR of H-N1 units in pseudouridine | The N1 imino units in Escherichia coli tRNAfMet, tRNAGlu, tRNAPhe, and tRNATyr were studied by 1H-15N NMR using three different techniques to suppress signals of protons not attached to 15N. Two of the procedures, Fourier internuclear difference spectroscopy and two-dimensional forbidden echo spectr... | Escherichia coli; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Nucleic acid conformation | 1985-08-15 |
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 | Poulter, Charles Dale; Davis, Darrell R. | 15N-labeled Escherichia coli tRNAfMet, tRNAGlu, tRNATyr, and tRNAPhe. Double resonance and two-dimensional NMR of N1-labeled pseudouridine. | The N1 imino units in Escherichia coli tRNAfMet, tRNAGlu, tRNAPhe, and tRNATyr were studied by 1H-15N NMR using three different techniques to suppress signals of protons not attached to 15N. Two of the procedures, Fourier internuclear difference spectroscopy and two-dimensional forbidden echo spectr... | Escherichia coli; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Nitrogen; Nucleic acid conformation | 1985-08-15 |
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 | Poulter, Charles Dale; Davis, Darrell R. | 15N-labeled tRNA. Identification of 4-thiouridine in Escherichia coli tRNASer1 and tRNATyr2 by 1H-15N two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. | Uridine is uniquely conserved at position 8 in elongator tRNAs and binds to A14 to form a reversed Hoogsteen base pair which folds the dihydrouridine loop back into the core of the L-shaped molecule. On the basis of 1H NMR studies, Hurd and co-workers (Hurd, R. E., Robillard, G. T., and Reid, B. R. ... | Magnetic resonance spectroscopy | 1986-09-15 |
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 | Poulter, Charles Dale; Davis, Darrell R. | 15N-labeled tRNA. Identification of dihydrouridine in Escherichia coli tRNAfMet, tRNALys, and tRNAPhe by 1H-15N two-dimensional NMR. | The N3 imino units of dihydrouridine were identified in samples of 15N-labeled Escherichia coli tRNAfMet, tRNALys, and tRNAPhe by 1H-15N two-dimensional NMR. The peaks for dihydrouridine had high field 1H (9.7-9.8 ppm) and 15N (147.8-149.5 ppm) chemical shifts. Assignments were made by 1H-15N chemic... | Hydrogen Bonding; Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | 1986-03-15 |
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 | Seger, Jon | 1998 Sewall Wright Award: William Donald Hamilton | The Sewall Wright Award was established in 1991 to honor active investigators who have contributed in especially significant ways to the conceptual unification of the biological sciences. This year's recipient is William D. Hamilton of Oxford University. Beginning in the 1960s with his papers on the... | Evolution; Biological; Research | 1999 |
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 | Miller, Joel Steven | 1H NMR investigation of the magnetic spin configuration in the molecule-based ferrimagnet [MnTFPP][TCNE] | 1H NMR line-shape measurements have been performed in the linear chain molecule-based ferrimagnet [MnTFPP][TCNE].xPhMe (TFPP=tetrakis(4-fluorophenyl)porphinato; TCNE=tetracyanoethylene) as a function of temperature. Hyperfine shifts of opposite sign were observed indicating the presence of two oppo... | Magnetization; Magnets; Paramagnetic | 2002 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles | 31P NMR spin-lattice relaxation: structural glass dynamics in Rb1-x(ND4)xD2PO4 | We performed 3 1P NMR measurements of the temperature-dependent spin-lattice relaxation time in several mixed single crystals of Rbi_x(ND4 ) xD2P04 [DRADP] having different ammonium concentration x (x =0.22, 0.44, 0.78) as well as in three pure single crystals (ND4)D2P04 [DADP], (NH4)H2P04 [ADP], an... | NMR; Spin-lattice; Relaxation; Crystals; Glass; Spin-glass | 1993 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles; Blinc, Robert | 35Cl spin-lattice relaxation in incommensurate bis(4-chlorophenyl)sulfone | The 35C1 nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) spin-lattice relaxation rate in incommensurate bis(4- chlorophenyl)sulfone (BCPS) is determined by Raman processes below 60 K and by direct one-phonon processes above 60 K. The variation of the 35C1 spin-lattice relaxation rate over the incommensurate NQR... | 35Cl; Incommensurate bis(4-chlorophenyl)sulfone; Raman processes; NQR; Incommensurate systems | 1995-01 |
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 | Morse, Michael David | The 3d?Ni(?F)3d10Cu???*? manifold of excited electronic states of NiCu | Diatomic NiCu has been supersonically cooled in a molecular beam and investigated by resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy. A total of nine band systems connecting the ground 3d?Ni3??Cu??, X 2?5/2 state to the 3d?Ni(3F)3d??Cu??*?? manifold of states have been found, and bands of eight of these... | | 1992 |
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 | Saam, Brian | 3He spin exchange cells for magnetic resonance imaging | We present a protocol for the consistent fabrication of glass cells to provide hyperpolarized (HP) 3He for pulmonary magnetic resonance imaging. The method for producing HP 3He is spin-exchange optical pumping. The valved cells must hold of order 1 atm.L of gas at up to 15 atm pressure. Because char... | 3He; Spin exchange cells; Hyperpolarized 3He; Pulmonary magnetic resonance imaging; Spin-exchange optical pumping; SEOP; Glass cells | 2002 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles | 79Br nuclear-quadrupole-resonance lineshape and Raman-induced spin-lattice relaxation in the incommensurate phase of β- ThBr4 | We performed 7 9Br nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) line-shape and spin-lattice relaxation time measurements in the incommensurate (D system j8-ThBr4 over the temperature range 293-2.5 K. In addition, we extended the theory of the effects of Raman processes on amplitudon and phason spin-lattice re... | Spin-lattice; NQR; Raman process; Line shape; Phason gap; Incommensurate systems | 1989 |
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 | Morse, Michael David | The 846 nm A? ???u ? ??? band system of jet-cooled V? | The 846 nm band system of jet-cooled 5?V2 has been recorded using resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy, and is assigned as the A ? 3?u- +X ??g- band system. Both the ?'= 1u? ?" = 1g and ?'= Ou+ ??? = 0g+ subbands of the O-O band have been rotationally resolved and analyzed. Although the trans... | | 1992 |
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 | Ailion, David Charles | 93Nb NMR in the imcommensurate and quasi-commensurate phases of barium sodium niobate | NMR spectra have been measured for the quadrupole perturbed 1/2 -1/2 transition of 9 3Nb in barium sodium niobate (BSN) between 300 and 650 K. The spectra are inhomogeneously broadened in the incommensurate (/) phase between T7 = 580 K and r c = 540 K as well as in the quasicommensurate (QC) phase ... | NMR; Spectra; Barium sodium niobate; Line shapes | 1994 |
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 | Morse, Michael David | ???X??+ band systems of jet-cooled ScCo and YCo | Rotationally resolved resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) spectra of ScCo and YCo are reported. The measured spectra reveal that these molecules possess ground electronic states of 1?+ symmetry, as previously found in the isoelectronic Cr2 and CrMo molecules. The ground state rotational constant... | | 2010 |
18 |
 | Morse, Michael David | The ?IIou ?X ???g band system of jet-cooled Ti? | A band of jet-cooled ??Ti? has been located in the near infrared by resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy. Rotational analysis has shown the band to be an ?? =O* ???=1 transition, which is consistent with the 3??g, ground state proposed by Bauschlicher ef al. [J. Chem. Phys. 95, 1057 ( 1991)]... | | 1992 |
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 | Olivera, Baldomero M. | ?O-Conotoxins inhibit NaV channels by interfering with their voltage sensors in domain-2 | The ?O-conotoxins MrVIA and MrVIB are 31-residue peptides from Conus marmoreus, belonging to the O-superfamily of conotoxins with three disulfide bridges. They have attracted attention because they are inhibitors of tetrodotoxin-insensitive voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV1.8) and could therefore ... | | 2007 |
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 | Miller, Joel Steven | [Cyanil]2 2- dimers possess long, two-electron ten-center (2e-/10c) multicenter bonding | A long, two-electron ten-center (2e-/10c) [8 carbon plus 2 oxygen] bond in diamagnetic dimers of radical-anion tetracyano-1,4-benzoquinoneide (cyanil, [Q]2 2-, is described by B2LYP and CASSCF92,2)/MCQDPT calculations. | Carbon bonds; Cyanil | 2008 |
21 |
 | Dearing, Maria-Denise | [Dearing_Database_Pilot] | [Database deposited March 08, 2013, as part of a pilot project, eResearch Committee, University of Utah.] [This description should include information that explains the dataset in detail in a manner that would be useful to potential reuse. The contact information for the primary investigator should ... | [Creator keywords here.] | 2013-03-08 |
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 | Miller, Joel Steven | [Et4N]2[TCNE]2 (TCNE = tetracyanoethylene) - an example of an exceptionally long 2.827 Ã CC bond | Interest in organic compounds exhibiting unusually long CC bonds has been the subject of several recent studies.1-3 The longest sp3-sp3 C-C single bond reported to date is 1.73 A°,1,2 whereas several [TCNE]22- (TCNE = tetracyanoethylene) dimers have been recently reported to form cation-assisted, l... | Synthesis; Crystal; Solution | 2001 |
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 | Miller, Joel Steven | [MeNC5H5]2[TCNE]2 (TCNE = tetracyanoethylene). Single crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction characterization of an exceptionally long 2.8 Å C-C bond | The reaction of N-methylpyridinium iodide, Mepy+I-, and tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) forms [Mepy]2[TCNE]2, which possesses [TCNE]2 2' with an intradimer C-C bond distance of 2.806(1)Å at 50 K from X-ray diffraction, and 2.801(4)Å at 50 K from neutron diffraction. In the IR it exhibits nChN absorption... | C-C bond; Tetracyanoethylene; Neutron diffraction; X-ray diffraction; Multicenter C-C bonding | 2009 |
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 | Sekercioglu, Cagan | A birders quide to Turkey | As I write, it is early December and the woods outside my window lay dusted with snow like a holiday card by Currier and Ives. A minute ago, I looked up and caught a glimpse of an adult Cooper's Hawk dashing swiftly through the trees. It swooped up, landed on a branch, then briefly shook its tail an... | | 2006-01-01 |
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 | Mattis, Daniel C. | A contribution to the many-fermion problem | In this work we reexamine the many-fermion problem in arbitrary dimensions. It is shown that in two dimensions or higher, the Hamiltonian of interacting fermions can be separated into individual nonintersecting sectors labeled by the wave-vector q. Within each sector the Hamiltonian maps onto a gene... | | 2012-01-01 |