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1 Sekercioglu, CaganChewing lice (phthiraptera) found on songbirds (Passeriformes) in TurkeyObjective: This study was performed to detect chewing lice species found on the songbirds at Lake Kuyucuk bird ringing station in the Kars province located in eastern Turkey. Methods: Chewing lice were collected from songbirds captured between September and October 2009. Fifty-one birds belonging t...2011-01-01
2 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Elastic properties of (N(CH3)3H) (I) (TCNQ)We present the results of a study of the temperature dependence of the Young's modulus and internal friction of (N(CH3 )3H)(I)(TCNQ). The Young's modulus was measured in a direction parallel to the TCNQ (tetracyanoquinodimethane) stacking axis using a vibrating reed technique. The results confirmed ...Metal-like, Conductivity, Magnetic1979
3 Sekercioglu, CaganChewing lice (phthiraptera) species found on birds along the Aras River, lgdir, Eastern TurkeyChewing lice were sampled from the birds captured and ringed between September-October 2009 at the Aras River (Yukarı Çıyrıklı, Tuzluca, Iğdır) bird ringing station in eastern Turkey. Eighty-one bird specimens of 23 species were examined for lice infestation. All lice collected from the birds...2011-01-01
4 Beckerle, Mary C.; Clark, Kathleen A.Integrin effector PINCH regulates JNK activity and epithelial migration in concert with Ras suppressor 1Cell adhesion and migration are dynamic pro- cesses requiring the coordinated action of multiple signaling pathways, but the mechanisms underlying signal integration have remained elusive. Drosophila embryonic dorsal closure (DC) requires both integrin function and c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) ...Epithelial sheets; PINCH2004
5 Poulter, Charles DalePrenyltransferase. Kinetic studies of the 1'-4 coupling reaction with avian liver enzyme.Prenyltransferase catalyzes the sequential, irreversible 1'-4 condensation of isopentenyl-PP with dimethylallyl-PP and geranyl-PP to yield farnesyl-PP. A kinetic study shows substrate inhibition by isopentenyl-PP at concentrations above 0.7 microM when the concentration of geranyl-PP is 1.0 microM o...Birds; Kinetics; Structure-Activity Relationship; Substrate Specificity1979-10-10
6 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineOptical and transport studies of single molecule tunnel junctions based on self-assembled monolayersWe have fabricated a variety of novel molecular tunnel junctions based on self-assembled-monolayers (SAM) of two-component solid-state mixtures of molecular wires (1,4 methane benzene-dithiol; Me-BDT with two thiol anchoring groups), and molecular insulator spacers (1-pentanethiol; PT with one thio...2005-09
7 Clayton, Dale H.Ecological basis of coevolutionary historyMacroevolutionary patterns are difficult to interpret because they are the product of a time scale so vast that deterministic and chance events are hard to distinguish. Although the macroevolutionary history of a group can be reconstructed from extant species, determining the ecological context in ...2003
8 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineTransport studies of isolated molecular wires in self-assembled monolayer devicesWe have fabricated a variety of isolated molecule diodes based on self-assembled monolayers (SAM) of solid-state mixture (SSM) of molecular wires [1,4-methane benzene dithiol (Me-BDT)], and molecular insulator spacers [penthane 1-thiol (PT)] with different concentration ratios r of wires/spacers, wh...Transport studies; Molecular wires; Monolayer devices2005
9 Clayton, Dale H.; Rogers, Alan R.Genetic analysis of lice supports direct contact between modern and archaic humansParasites can be used as unique markers to investigate host evolutionary history, independent of host data. Here we show that modern human head lice, Pediculus humanus, are composed of two ancient lineages, whose origin predates modern Homo sapiens by an order of magnitude (ca. 1.18 million years).Pediculus humanus; Head lice; Molecular phylogeny; Phthirus2004
10 Clayton, Dale H.Biology, ecology, and evolution of chewing liceChewing lice are small, dorsoventrally compressed insects and are parasites of virtually all birds (Fig. 1) and some mammals (Fig. 2). Many chewing lice are host specific, being found on only a single species of host. All chewing lice are permanent ectoparasites and complete their entire life c...Chewing lice2003
11 Boehme, ChristophRoom temperature electrical detection of spin coherence in C60An experimental demonstration of electrical detection of coherent spin motion of weakly coupled, localized electron spins in thin fullerene C60 films at room temperature is presented. Pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance experiments on vertical photocurrents through Al/C60/ZnO samples sh...Spin coherence2007-05
12 Poulter, Charles DaleFarnesyl diphosphate synthetase: molecular cloning, sequence, and expression of an essential gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiaeFarnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthetase is a key enzyme in isoprenoid biosynthesis which supplies C15 precursors for several classes of essential metabolites including sterols, dolichols, and ubiquinones. The structural gene for FPP synthetase was isolated on a 4.5-kilobase EcoRI genomic restriction f...Genetics; Transferases; Dimethylallyltranstransferase/biosynthesis1989-11-15
13 Symko, Orest GeorgeEnergy conversion using thermoacoustic devicesThermoacoustic engines offer the possibility for simple and efficient energy convmiondevices. They can be prime movers where heat produces sound or heat pumps and refrigerators where sound pump heat. An important element in such engines is the secondary thermodynamic medium, the stack which provides...Thermoacoustic devices; Thermoacoustics1999
14 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Magnetic behavior of octaethylporphyrinatomanganese(III) tetracyanoethenide, [MnOEP][TCNE], and hexacyanobutadienide, [MnOEP][C4(CN)6]: the importance of a uniform chain for stabilizing strong effective ferromagnetic coupling[MnOEP][A] {A=[TCNE]'- and [C4(CN)6]'-} have been isolated as extended 1D coordination polymers with trans-U2"[A] bridging ligands with strong {A=[C4(CN)6].-} and weak {A=TCNE].-} ferromagnetic coupling as evidenced from the fit of the magnetic susceptibility to the Curie-Weiss law (0=5.1 and 67.1 K...Crystals; Inversion; Coupling1995
15 Lawton, Kristy J.Motor neurons tune premotor activity in a vertebrate central pattern generatorCentral patterns generators (CPGs) are neural circuits that drive rhythmic motor output without sensory feedback. Vertebrate CPGs are generally believed to operate in a top-down manner in which premotor interneurons activate motor neurons that in turn drive muscles. In contrast, the frog (Xenopus la...CPG; feed back; synchrony; vocal; vocalization; Xenopus2017
16 Sekercioglu, CaganChewing lice (Phthiraptera) species found on Turkish shorebirds (Charadriiformes)Approximately 4.500 species of lice have been so far described, with about 4.000 species seen on birds and with 3.000 species in the suborder Ischnocera 1. There are 465 bird species so far recorded in Turkey and the actual total is likely to exceed 500 species. However, the chewing lice fauna of th...2010-01-01
17 Golden, Kenneth M.Arbitrarily slow approach to limiting behaviorABSTRACT. Let f(k, t): RN x [0, oo) -- R be jointly continuous in k and t, with lim(t)--(oo) f(k, t) = F(k) discontinuous for a dense set of k's. It is proven that there exists a dense set T of k's such that, for k e T , |f(k, t) - F(k)| approaches 0 arbitrarily slowly, i.e., roughly speaking, more ...Random; Conductivity; Diffusion1991
18 Coley, Phyllis D.; Kursar, Thomas A.Novel DNA-based microfluorimetric method to evaluate antimalarial drug activityThis paper describes the development of a novel microfluorimetric assay to measure the inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum based on the detection of parasitic DNA by intercalation with PicoGreen®. The method was used to determine parasite inhibition profiles and 50% inhibitory concentration values ...Microfluorimetric assay; Plasmodium falciparum; Chloroquine; Drug discovery2004
19 Poulter, Charles DaleFarnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase. Mechanistic studies of the 1'-4 coupling reaction with 2-fluorogeranyl pyrophosphate.The mechanism of the 1'-4 coupling reaction between isopentenyl pyrophosphate and geranyl pyrophosphate catalyzed by farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase from porcine liver was studied with the allylic substrate analogue 2-fluorogeranyl pyrophosphate. 2-Fluorogeranyl pyrophosphate is an alternate subst...Kinetics; Liver; Mass Spectrometry; Organophosphorus Compounds; Protein Binding1978-10-25
20 Clayton, Dale H.Experimental test of the importance of preen oil in Rock Doves (Columba livia)Most species of birds have a uropygial gland, also known as a preen gland, which produces oil that birds spread through their plumage when preening. The plumage of waterfowl deprived of uropygial oil becomes brittle and is subject to breakage.Columba livia; Columbiformes; Preen oil; Ectoparasites; Columbicola columbae; Campanulotes compare; Plumage2003
21 Dawson, KyleRadiation tolerance of high-resistivity LBNL CCDsThick, fully-depleted p-channel charge-coupled devices (CCDs) have been developed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). These CCDs have several advantages over conventional n-channel CCDs, including enhanced quantum efficiency and reduced fringing at near-infrared wavelengths, a smal...P-Channel CCDs; Astrophysics instrumentation; Space instrumentation; SNAP satellite; Space-based telescopes2006-10
22 Adler, Frederick R.Effect of 1918 PB1-F2 expression on influenza A virus infection kineticsRelatively little is known about the viral factors contributing to the lethality of the 1918 pandemic, although its unparalleled virulence was likely due in part to the newly discovered PB1-F2 protein. This protein, while unnecessary for replication, increases apoptosis in monocytes, alters viral po...2011
23 Adler, Frederick R.Effect of 1918 PB1-F2 expression on influenza A virus infection kineticsAbstract Relatively little is known about the viral factors contributing to the lethality of the 1918 pandemic, although its unparalleled virulence was likely due in part to the newly discovered PB1-F2 protein. This protein, while unnecessary for replication, increases apoptosis in monocytes, alter...2011
24 Golden, Kenneth M.Classical transport in quasiperiodic mediaAbstract. Classical transport coefficients such as the effective conductivity or diffusivity of a quasiperiodic medium were observed [1] to depend discontinuously on the frequencies of the quasiperiodicity. For example, for a one-dimensional medium with a potential V(x) = cosx + coskx , the effecti...Transport; Diffusion; Random1991
25 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Raikh, Mikhail E.Cooperative emission from a disordered system: a classical modelThe effect of disorder on the collective emission from a system of classical oscillators is studied theoretically. Three types of disorder are considered: random orientation of dipole moments, finite spread in frequencies of the individual oscillators (diagonal disorder), and dipole-dipole interacti...Cooperative emission; Disordered system; Dipole-dipole interaction; Oscillators1997
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