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1 Carter, Tony M.Cascade: hardware for high/variable precision arithmeticThe Cascade hardware architecture for high/variable precision arithmetic is described. It uses a radix-16 redundant signed-digit number representation and directly supports single or multiple precision addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, extraction of the square root and computation...1989
2 Bohs, Lynn A.Solanum allophyllum (Miers) Standl. and the generic delimitation of Cyphomandra and Solanum (Solanaceae)Solanum allophyllum has previously been placed in Cyphomandra and in Solarium. This species has a number of morphological features not found in Cyphomandra, but has been included in the genus because it has a similar growth habit, three-leaved sympodial units with inflorescences in branch forks, and...Solanum allophyllum; Cyphomandra1989
3 Sperry, John S.Anatomy of the palm Rhapis excelsa, IX. Xylem structure of the leaf insertionSTEMS OF PERENNIAL PLANTS, particularly trees, represent a considerable investment in biomass. Trees can survive even under the most adverse conditions, but only if the hydraulic integrity of the stem is preserved. A very important and vulnerable part of the stem is the xylem. As water is pulled int...Palm stems; Palm stem anatomy; Palm leaves; Leaf insertion; Vessel network; Vessel-length distribution; Primary vascular stem tissue; Hydraulic architechture; Water column1983
4 Yamaguchi, AyakoRhythm generation, coordination, and initiation in the vocal pathways of male African clawed frogscentral pattern generator; vocalization; parabrachial area; hindbrain; bilateral coordination; motor programs2016
5 Sperry, John S.Hydraulic architecture of palmsThe water transport and storage system of palms is adapted to maintain the primary stem xylem functional over the life of the shoot, and in spite of severe drought. However, our structural information far exceeds our knowledge of vascular function, and these functional considerations bring more que...Hydraulic architecture; Rhapis excelsa; Cavitation1995
6 Shapiro, Michael D.Genetic architecture of parallel armor plate reduction in threespine sticklebacksHow many genetic changes control the evolution of new traits in natural populations? Are the same genetic changes seen in cases of parallel evolution? Despite long-standing interest in these questions, they have been difficult to address, particularly in vertebrates. We have analyzed the genetic bas...Genetic changes; Plate number; Genetic mapping2004
7 Efros, Alexei L.Sensor-based distributed control scheme for mobile robotsIn this paper we present a sensor-based distributed control scheme for mobile robots. This scheme combines centralized and decentralized control strategies. A server-client model is used to implement this scheme where the server is a process that caries out the commands to be executed, and each clie...Sensor-based; Distributed control scheme1995
8 Shapiro, Michael D.Genetic architecture of skeletal convergence and sex determination in ninespine sticklebacksThe history of life offers plentiful examples of convergent evolution, the independent derivation of similar phenotypes in distinct lineages [1]. Convergent phenotypes among closely related lineages (frequently termed "parallel" evolution) are often assumed to result from changes in similar genes or...Convergent evolution; Skeletal convergence; Pungitius pungitius; Gasterosteus aculeatus; Comparative genetics2009-07
9 Sperry, John S.Observations of reaction fibers in leaves of dicotyledonsHALLE, OLDEMAN, AND TOMLINSON (1978) have discussed the transference of function between compound leaves and plagiotropic branches in the context of tree architecture. In trees conforming to Cook's model (see Halle, Oldeman, & Tomlinson, 1978), plagiotropic branches resemble compound leaves in their...Reaction fibers; Compound leaves1982
10 Coley, Phyllis D.What's up? Perspectives from the first international forest canopy conference at Sarasota, Florida, 1994Jumars, caribineers, pole pruners, tree bicycles, Bosun's chairs, booms, peconhas . . . these terms are not listed in most biological dictionaries. Nor are construction cranes or large treehouses or hot-air dirigibles listed as priority equipment for any scientific laboratories. But these are th...1995
11 Stang, Peter J.Supramolecular chemistry and molecular design: self-assembly of molecular squaresModem supramolecular chemistry has been described as organized polymolecular systems held together by noncovalent interactions and represents one of the major frontiers in the chemical sciences.'-' At present the field is dominated by the hydrogen bonding motif that mimics biological systems and th...Molecular design; Molecular squares1997
12 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Spin-dependent kinetics of polaron pairs in organic light-emitting diodes studied by electroluminescence detected magnetic resonance dynamicsWe describe a method for characterizing the spin-dependent kinetics of polaron pairs (PP) in polymer organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) made from a derivative of poly(phenylene-vinylene), using the dynamic response of spin- 1/2 electroluminescence detected magnetic resonance (ELDMR) compared wit...Spin-dependent kinetics; Polaron pairs; Organic light-emitting diodes; OLED; ELDMR; CDMR; Interchain excitations; pi-conjugated polymers2008-11
13 Goller, FranzLateralization as a symmetry breaking process in birdsongThe singing by songbirds is a most convincing example in the animal kingdom of functional lateralization of the brain, a feature usually associated with human language. Lateralization is expressed as one or both of the bird's sound sources being active during the vocalization. Normal songs require ...Lateralization; Syringeal muscles; Respiration; Gating2007-03
14 Sperry, John S.Evaluation of Murray's law in Psilotum nudum (Psilotaceae), an analogue of ancestral vascular plantsPrevious work has shown that the xylem of seed plants follows Murray's law when conduits do not provide structural support to the plant. Here, compliance with Murray's law was tested in the stem photosynthesizer Psilotum nudum, a seedless vascular plant. Psilotum nudum was chosen because the central...Conduit furcation number; hydraulic architecture; Murray's law2005
15 Beckerle, Mary C.; Hoffman, Laura M.Targeted disruption of the murine zyxin geneZyxin is an evolutionarily conserved protein that is concentrated at sites of cell adhesion, where it associates with members of the Enabled (Ena)/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) family of cytoskeletal regulators and is postulated to play a role in cytoskeletal dynamics and signaling.Zyxin2003
16 Miller, Joel StevenCrystal engineering or crystal mysticism? A case studyThe de novo design and synthesis of a crystalline motif of a substance is a holy grail for a growing number of organic and inorganic synthetic chemists. Achievement of targeted architectural arrangements is less reliable as the complexity increases. Simple substitution of, for example, alkyl penda...Synthesis, Structure, Chemistry2005
17 Goller, FranzLow-dimensional dynamical model for the diversity of pressure patterns used in canary songDuring song production, oscine birds produce large air sac pressure pulses. During those pulses, energy is transferred to labia located at the juncture between the bronchii and the trachea, inducing the high frequency labial oscillations which are responsible for airflow modulations, i.e., the utt...Serinus canarias; Air sac pressure2009-04
18 Miller, Joel StevenRoom temperature molecular/organic-based magnetThe Du Pont / Ohio State University research team made materials in the laboratory, then tested them for magnetism. To do so, they initially moved a magnet along the outside of a sealed tube containing a small blob of experimental material and an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen. "We've done it...Bis(benzene)vanadium; Vanadium; Tetracyanoethylene; TCNE; Polymeric magnets; Room temperature1991
19 Minteer, Shelley D.Investigating the reversible inhibition model of laccase by hydrogen peroxide for bioelectrocatalytic applicationsThe reversible inhibition of laccase by H2O2 as a bioelectrocatalyst was studied in mediated- and direct electron transfer-based configurations to understand the differences in mechanism. The reversible inhibition of laccase follows a noncompetitive inhibition model when 2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzoth...2014-01-01
20 Farmer, Colleen G.Unidirectional pulmonary airflow patterns in the savannah monitor lizardThe unidirectional airflow patterns in the lungs of birds have long been considered a unique and specialized trait associated with the oxygen demands of flying, their endothermic metabolism1 and unusual pulmonary architecture2,3. However, the discovery of similar flow patterns in the lungs of crocod...2014-02-20
21 Beckerle, Mary C.Targeting of zyxin to sites of actin membrane interaction and to the nucleusThe localization of proteins to particular intracellular compartments often regulates their functions. Zyxin is a LIM protein found prominently at sites of cell adhesion, faintly in leading lamellipodia, and transiently in cell nuclei. Here we have performed a domain analysis to identify regions in ...Zyxin; Actin; LIM domains; Focal adhesions; Lamellipodia; Cytoskeletal architecture2001
22 Poulter, Charles DaleCatalytic mechanism of Escherichia coli isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase involves Cys-67, Glu-116, and Tyr-104 as suggested by crystal structures of complexes with transition state analogues and irreversible inhibitorsIsopentenyl diphosphate (IPP):dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) isomerase is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of isoprenoids. The reaction involves protonation and deprotonation of the isoprenoid unit and proceeds through a carbocationic transition state. Analysis of the crystal structures (2 A) of ...Catalytic Domain; Crystallography; Organophosphorus Compounds2003-04-04
23 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhotoresponse and electroresponse of polymers light emitting diodesWe have studied the photoresponse and electroresponse of light emitting diodes (LEDs ) made from a variety of soluble conducting polymers sandwiched between indium tin oxide (ITO) and metals including calcium, aluminum and copper. Under illumination all freshly prepared LEDs exhibit relatively large...Photoresponse; Electroresponse; Photovoltage; I-V curves1995
24 Beckerle, Mary C.Molecular characterization of human zyxinZyxin is a component of adhesion plaques that has been suggested to perform regulatory functions at these specialized regions of the plasma membrane. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of cDNAs encoding human and mouse zyxin.Zyxin; Proline; LIM domains1996
25 Lupton, John MarkBright electroluminescence from a conjugated dendrimerPhotoluminescence and electroluminescence (EL) from a conjugated dendrimer consisting of three distyrylbenzene units linked by a central nitrogen atom as core and meta-linked biphenyl units as dendrons were investigated. The conjugated dendrimer emits green light and shows photoluminescence quantum ...Conjugated dendrimer2002
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