26 - 50 of 1,944
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26 Swalberg, AJaA new denazinemys (baenid turtle) specimen from the upper cretaceous wahweap formation2012-04-18
27 Dale, ColinA novel human-infection-derived bacterium provides insights into the evolutionary origins of mutualistic insect-bacterial symbiosesDespite extensive study, little is known about the origins of the mutualistic bacterial endosymbionts that inhabit approximately 10% of the world's insects. In this study, we characterized a novel opportunistic human pathogen, designated ‘‘strain HS,'' and found that it is a close relative of th...2012-01-01
28 Morse, Michael DavidA pair potentials study of matrix-isolated atomic zinc. II. Intersystem crossing in rare-gas clusters and matricesThe mechanism of 4p 1P1?4p 3PJ intersystem crossing (ISC) following excitation of the 4p 1P1 level of matrix-isolated atomic zinc is investigated using a pair potentials approach. This is achieved by extending earlier ISC calculations on the Zn?RG2 and Zn?RG3 complexes to the square planar Zn?RG4 ...1998
29 Crespo, Jose GuillermoA review of chemosensation and related behavior in aquatic insectsInsects that are secondarily adapted to aquatic environments are able to sense odors from a diverse array of sources. The antenna of these insects, as in all insects, is the main chemosensory structure and its input to the brain allows for integration of sensory information that ultimately ends in b...2011-09-13
30 Adler, Frederick R.A time since recovery model with varying rates of loss of immunityFor many infectious diseases, immunity wanes over time. The majority of SIRS models assume that this loss of immunity takes place at a constant rate. We study temporary immunity within a SIRS model structure if the rate of loss of immunity can depend on the time since recovery from disease.We determ...2012-01-01
31 Olivera, Baldomero M.; McIntosh, J. Michael; Hillyard, David R.A-superfamily of conotoxins: structural and functional divergenceThe generation of functional novelty in proteins encoded by a gene superfamily is seldom well documented. In this report, we define the A-conotoxin superfamily, which is widely expressed in venoms of the predatory cone snails (Conus), and show how gene products that diverge considerably in stru...Conotoxins; A-superfamily conotoxin2004-02-03
32 AAMC Award for Distinguished Research presentation for 1998This is a 3 minutes, 51 seconds video of the presentation of the American Association of Medical Colleges' Award for Distinguished Research to Mario Capecchi and Oliver Smithies for their independent work as pioneers in gene targeting.Transgenic mice; Gene targeting; Genetic engineering; Mutagenesis; Capecchi, Mario R.; Science - Awards - United States; Smithies, Oliver; Awards presentations1998
33 Voth, Gregory AlanAb initio calculations of reactive pathways for ?-octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (?-HMX)Using the BLYP and B3LYP level of density functional theory, four possible decomposition reaction pathways of HMX in the gas phase were investigated: N?NO2 bond dissociation, HONO elimination, C?N bond scission of the ring, and the concerted ring fission. The energetics of each of these four mechan...Ab initio calculations; Reactive pathways; HMX2000
34 Ehleringer, James R. ; Cerling, Thure E.Aberrant water homeostasis detected by stable isotope analysisWhile isotopes are frequently used as tracers in investigations of disease physiology (i.e., 14C labeled glucose), few studies have examined the impact that disease, and disease-related alterations in metabolism, may have on stable isotope ratios at natural abundance levels. The isotopic composition...2010-07-21
35 Gondolo, PaoloAberration features in directional dark matter detectionThe motion of the Earth around the Sun causes an annual change in the mag-nitude and direction of the arrival velocity of dark matter particles on Earth, in a way analogous to aberration of stellar light. In directional detectors, aberration of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) modulates ...2012-01-01
36 Wu, Yong-ShiAbsence of (1,0) supersymmetry anomaly in world-sheet gauge theories: a purely cohomological proofA purely cohomological proof is given for the absence of the (1,0) supersymmetry anomaly in gauge theories on a world sheet. In particular, it is shown that generalized cohomological approaches to anomalies in supersymmetric gauge theory, either formulated in whole superconnection space or only in t...World sheet; String theory; Superfields; Superspace1989-01
37 Capecchi, Mario R.Absence of radius and ulna in mice lacking hoxa-11 and hoxd-11.Mice with targeted disruptions in Hox genes have been generated to evaluate the role of the Hox complex in determining the mammalian body plan. This complex of 38 genes encodes transcription factors that specify regional information along the embryonic axes. Early in vertebrate evolution an ancestra...Alleles; Animals; Bone and Bones; Carpal Bones2003-09-02
38 Symko, Orest GeorgeAbsorption at radio frequencies in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3OyThe large magnetic-field-dependent ac absorption in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy ceramics and powders decreases slowly with increasing frequency in the range 2-16 MHz. The magnetic-field-dependent ac absorption is observed below Tc in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy ceramics, powders and twinned crystals ...Copper-octahedral oxygen perovskites; Superconducting Y1Ba 2Cu3Oy; ac absorption1989
39 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineAbsorption studies of charged excitations in α-sexithiopheneWe present photoexcitation studies of vacuum deposited neutral films of α,ω-substituted sexithiophene (α-6T) using photoinduced absorption (PA) and PAdetected magnetic resonance spectroscopy (PADMR). We find evidence for photoinduced polarons having spin 1/2, with two absorption bands at 0.80...alpha- sexithiophene; Charged excitations; Photoexcitation; Photoinduced absorption1996
40 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineAbsorption-detected magnetic-resonance studies of photoexcitations in conjugated-polymer/C60 compositesPhotoexcitations in poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy -p-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) and composites of MEH-PPV and C60 (MEH-PPV/C60) were studied by photoinduced absorption and absorptiondetected magnetic-resonance spectroscopies. We report direct evidence that the prominent triplet photoexci...Photoexcitations; Conjugated-polymer/C60 composites; Triplet photoexcitations1996-02
41 Mattis, Daniel C.Accuracy of bosonization for localized interactionsBosonization is commonly used to calculate the ground-state energy and the dynamics of simple model nonmagnetic impurities in metals. We analyze the accuracy of this procedure in the calculation of the ground-state energy of a simple, solvable, model.Fermions; Electrons; Magnetic2000
42 Symko, Orest GeorgeAcoustic approach to thermal management: miniature thermoacoustic enginesAn acoustic approach to thermal management in electronics can be efficient and it can be directly interfaced with electronic devices. It is based on two types of thermoacoustic heat engines, which are being developed for microcircuit applications. One type of device, the prime mover, converts heat t...Thermoacoustic engines; Thermal management2006
43 Armentrout, Peter B.Activation of methane by gold cations: guided ion beam and theoretical studiesThe potential energy surface for activation of methane by the third-row transition metal cation, Au+, is studied experimentally by examining the kinetic energy dependence of this reaction using guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometry. A flow tube ion source produces Au+ primarily in its 1S0 (5d10) ...2006
44 Armentrout, Peter B.Activation of methane by size-elected iron cluster cations, Fen+ (n=2-15): cluster-CHx (x=0-3) bond energies and reaction mechanismsThe kinetic energy dependences of the reactions of Fen + (n=2 - 15) with CD4 are studied in a guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer over the energy range of 0-10 eV. All reactions exhibit thresholds and two main products, FenD+ and FenCD2+, are formed.Metal clusters; Iron ions; Bond energies; Dehydrogenation; Endothermic reactions; Transition metal ions2001
45 Beckerle, Mary C.Activation-dependent redistribution of the adhesion plaque protein, talin, in intact human plateletsTalin is a high molecular weight protein localized at adhesion plaques in fibroblasts. It binds vinculin and integrin and appears to participate in generating a transmembrane connection between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton.Talin1989
46 Shapiro, Michael D.Adaptive evolution of pelvic reduction in sticklebacks by recurrent deletion of a Pitx1 enhancerThe molecular mechanisms underlying major phenotypic changes that have evolved repeatedly in nature are generally unknown. Pelvic loss in different natural populations of threespine stickleback fish has occurred by regulatory mutations deleting a tissue-specific enhancer of the Pituitary homeobox t...Adaptive evolution; Pelvic reduction; Pituitary homeobox transcription factor 1; Pitx1; Gasterosteus aculeatus2010-01-14
47 Beckerle, Mary C.Adhesion plaque protein, talin, is phosphorylated in vivo in chicken embryo fibroblasts exposed to the tumor-promoting phorbol esterTalin is a high molecular weight phosphoprotein that is localized at adhesion plaques. We have found that talin phosphorylation increases 3.0-fold upon exposure of chicken embryo fibroblasts to the tumor-promoting phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate.Talin; Vinculin; Chicken embryo fibroblasts1990
48 Symko, Orest GeorgeAdiabatic compressional cooling of He3By adiabatic compression of a two-phase mixture of liquid and solid He3, temperatures below 2.5 mK have been obtained. These are in the range expected for nuclear ordering in solid He3.He3; Adiabatic compressional cooling1969-03
49 Rogachev, AndreyAdmittance spectroscopy study of polymer diodes in small magnetic fieldsWe performed a systematic study of bipolar and unipolar organic diodes based on the p-conjugated polymer, 2-methoxy-5-(20-ethylhexyloxy) (MEH-PPV), using electronic and magneto-transport measurements with magnetic field in the range 0-180mT and admittance spectroscopy in the frequency range 1 Hz<f<1...2012-01-01
50 Williams, Clayton C.Advances in experimental technique for quantitative two dimensional dopant profiling by scanning capacitance microscopySeveral advances have been made toward the achievement of quantitative two-dimensional dopant and carrier profiling. To improve the dielectric and charge properties of the oxide-silicon interface, a method of low temperature heat treatment has been developed which produces an insulating layer with c...Doping; Scanning capacitance microscope; SCM1999
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