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1 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Anomalous charge transport phenomena in the molecular-based magnet V(TCNE)x.y(solvent)We present charge transport studies on recently developed molecular-based magnets V(TCNE)x. y(solvent) (TCNE= tetracyanoethylene) which show local magnetic ordering at temperatures, T, as high as 400 K. V(TCNE), .y(solvent) prepared from the solvent CH2Cl2 has o(300 K) - 10-3 S/cm, and that prepar...Frequency; Conductivity; Spin1993
2 Golden, Kenneth M.Arbitrarily slow approach to limiting behaviorABSTRACT. Let f(k, t): RN x [0, oo) -- R be jointly continuous in k and t, with lim(t)--(oo) f(k, t) = F(k) discontinuous for a dense set of k's. It is proven that there exists a dense set T of k's such that, for k e T , |f(k, t) - F(k)| approaches 0 arbitrarily slowly, i.e., roughly speaking, more ...Random; Conductivity; Diffusion1991
3 Golden, Kenneth M.Convexity and exponent inequalities for conduction near percolationThe bulk conductivity o*(p) of the bond lattice in Zd with a fraction p of conducting bonds is analyzed. Assuming a hierarchical node-link-blob (NLB) model of the conducting backbone, it is shown that o*(p) (for this model) is convex in p near the percolation threshold pc, and that its critical expo...Lattice; Conductivity; Model1990
4 Golden, Kenneth M.Convexity in random resistor networksThe bulk conductivity o*(p) of the bond lattice in Zd is considered, where the conductivity of the bonds is either 1 with probability p or e > 0 with probability 1 - p. Rigorous and non-rigorous results demonstrating convexity of o*(p) near the percolation threshold pc are presented.Conductivity; Bond lattice; Critical exponent t1989
5 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Proton spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation times of (N(CH3)3)H)(I)(TCNQ)Proton spin-lattice T(1) and spin-spin T(2) relaxation times are reported for (N(CH(3))(3)H)(I)(TCNQ) in the temperature range 150 to 5OOK. The overall relaxation process of the system can be described by contributions from rotation of the N(CH3)3H+ group about its symmetry axis, tumbling of that g...Transition; Reorientation; Conductivity1978
6 Sperry, John S.Winter xylem embolism and spring recovery in Betula cordifolia, Fagus grandifolia, Abies balsamea, and Picea rubensXylem embolism was monitored from mid-winter to mid-summer in four co-occurring species: Betula cordifolia (Reg.) Fern., Fagus grandifolia Ehrh., Abies balsamea (L.) Mill., Picea rubens Sarg. The study site was a west-facing slope in the northern Green Mountains of Vermont, U.S.A.; Betula and conife...Conductivity; Hydraulic; Trees1993
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