Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Fan, Huijun | Examination of Y-Deterium isotope effects for the solvolysis of model isoprenoid compounds | Model isoprenoid compounds can undergo two distinct pathways, dissociative or associative nucleophilic substitution depending on the conditions used. The dissociative pathway consists of two steps, involving a carbocation intermediate where the formation of that carbocation is rate determining. The ... | Isopentenoids; Solvolysis; Deuterium - Isotopes | 2012-05 |
2 |
 | Beseris, Ethan | Biological impact protection in human facial hair | Our study investigated selective mechanisms that influenced the evolution of facial hair in human males (Homo sapiens). Beards are often perceived as an indicator of masculinity and social dominance in men, suggesting that they may play a role in male contest competition. Some authors propose that t... | hypothesis | 2018 |
3 |
 | Lee, Charles Chang Suk | A demonstration apparatus for optical pumping of rubidium | Optical pumping refers to the use of light in order to elevate ("pump") the spin (intrinsic angular momentum) of an atom or molecule. This process is of interest from a pedagogical and experimental perspective because it encapsulates fundamental properties of atomic physics and quantum mechanics. Fu... | Optical pumping -- Research Spin exchange -- Research Rubidium isotopes -- Research | 2015-05 |
4 |
 | Odendahl, Nathan | Comparison of popular force fields for molecular modeling of proteins applied to ice binding of the tenebrio molitor antifreeze protein | Ice Binding Proteins (IBPs) are a class of proteins that affect the melting and freezing temperatures of ice. While substantial research has been conducted to understand the properties of IBPs, experimental and molecular dynamics simulations have not satisfactorily explained the mechanism of the i... | Antifreeze proteins - Research; Ice binding proteins; Tenebrio molitor; Antifreeze protein; Force fields | 2016-04 |
5 |
 | Davis, Kacey A. | Expression and Purification of Augertoxins: Searching for Novel Protein Folds in Venomous Marine Snails | This study describes a method for bacterial expression and purification of previously uncharacterized proteins. The proteins chosen for this study come from auger snail toxins, which have evolved to help the snail hunt and kill their prey. Evolutionary pressure between predator and prey selects for ... | | 2018 |
6 |
 | Lee, Hani | Post-traumatic headache: an opportunity to develop new preclinical models for better understanding of pathology and treatment | Post-traumatic headache (PTH) is identified as one of the most frequent symptoms following traumatic brain injury (TBI) (Faux & Sheedy, 2008). Despite the high prevalence, there are currently no treatments which specifically target PTH. Instead of etiology-specific treatments, individuals suffering ... | | 2022 |
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 | Christensen, Masen | Cooperative primers: Intersecting spherical model for optimization of linker and gap lengths | Detection of specific sequences of DNA is invaluable for diagnosing the presence of a pathogen, as well as other areas of genetic analysis. A common way of detecting DNA is replicating it millions of times through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and using fluorescent molecules to detect those copies... | Pathogenic microorganisms - Detection; DNA - Research; Polymerase chain reaction - Research; Cooperative primers; Aluminum foam materials; Load frame | 2016-05 |
8 |
 | Franchina, Jordan Avery | Measurement of bond dissociation energies of transition metal molecules | Measuring thermochemical and kinetic properties of chemical systems has always; been a central theme of chemistry. Knowing these properties assists us in assessing; whether or not a chemical reaction is energetically feasible, efficient, and worthwhile.; Theoretical chemistry has now developed suffi... | Chemical systems; thermochemical; kinetic; modeling | 2018-04 |
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 | Khuu, Scott | Identifying Retinoic Acid Dependent Mechanisms of Neural Crest Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition | Cancer metastasis is one of the distinguishing traits that make the disease difficult to treat. The steps of tumor invasion are similar to a process called epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Retinoic acid (RA) is shown to inhibit EMT and may cause an increased transcription of the gene, ski... | | 2017 |
10 |
 | Dutson, Matthew J. | Reconstruction of Cosmic Ray Geometry using Cherenkov backscattering | Fluorescence detectors are often used to examine the energy spectrum and arrival directions of ultra high energy cosmic rays. An accurate reconstruction of geometry is key when determining both energy and direction. In the past, it has been necessary to build multiple fluorescence detectors to take ... | | 2017 |
11 |
 | Bell, Anthony W. | The expansion of pinyon-juniper woodland and the appearance of peromyscus truel in the Toiyabe range of central Nevada | In the early twentieth century field biologists from the University of California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology conducted vertebrate faunal surveys throughout the Great Basin region. Over the past several years we have been conducting resurveys of many of the localities visited by MVZ scientists. Our... | Piñon mouse -- Nevada -- Toiyabe Range; Piñon mouse -- Habitat -- Nevada -- Toiyabe Range; Piñon mouse -- Climatic factors -- Nevada -- Toiyabe Range | 2012-05 |
12 |
 | Ray, Stella Olive | The learning assistant experience: documenting the perspectives of learning assistants at the University of Utah | Peer-led collaborative learning models have been shown to improve student comprehension and engagement in undergraduate STEM courses [1]. Learning Assistant (LA) programs in particular, have been shown to transform introductory STEM courses and improve outcomes for students [1] [2]. While there has ... | | 2021 |
13 |
 | Kent, Alexandra | DNA split aptamers as a biosensing platform for the detection of small drug molecules | Prescription drug overdose and abuse is a leading cause of death in the United States. It is a serious issue and has become increasingly problematic as opioids are being prescribed with a higher frequency. For this reason, fast, accurate detection of small drug molecules is crucial. The current stan... | Drug testing; Biosensors; DNA split aptamers | |
14 |
 | Burga, Carlos Alberto | Binary superlattices of semiconductor nanocrystals : a path towards possible high-temperature superconductivity | This thesis provides a platform to experimentally test Dr. Daniel Mattis' theoretical work on the possible superconductive behavior of nanostructured intrinsic semiconductors1-2. The theoretical work hinged on the nano-scale architecture of semiconductors. Therefore, using various types of semicondu... | semiconductor nanocrystals; superconductivity; superlattices as materials | 2013-05 |
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 | Richards, Jackson | Chasing channels: Progress in calcium channel localization in the C. Elegans synapse | Calcium channels play a crucial role in neurotransmission by facilitating the flow of calcium ions necessary for synaptic vesicle fusion and neurotransmitter release. Different types of calcium channels participate in this process in the neurons of the nematode C. elegans. L- and N-type channels res... | Calcium channels; Synaptic vesicles; Caenorhabditis elegans | 2013-05 |
16 |
 | Skedros, Gregory Athanasios | Structural and material changes in the sheep radius from newborn to adult: Functional adaptation versus developmental constraint | Bones that exhibit marked changes in structural and material characteristics during ontogeny are potentially useful for studying the mechanisms that produce functional adaptations. The diaphyseal region of the sheep radius was examined because it is relatively simply loaded in cranial-caudal bending... | Functional adaptations - Sheep; Developmental constraint - Sheep; Ontogeny | 2015-08 |
17 |
 | Sageser, Emily | Understanding the radial distribution of dwarf satellite galaxies beyond the virial radii | Dark matter has been theorized to exist for over 80 years based on astronomical observations but has yet to be found in terrestrial experiments. Named for its lack of interaction with the electromagnetic field, dark matter does not absorb, reflect, or emit electromagnetic radiation making it undetec... | | 2023 |
18 |
 | Hunter, Samuel | Signaling Role of the Hamp Domain in the Escherichia Coli Serine Chemoreceptor | The chemoreceptor Tsr enables Escherichia coli to track serine gradients in its environment. Binding of serine to the periplasmic domain propagates a signaling conformational change through other domains of the chemoreceptor molecule to modulate the activity of CheA, a kinase associated with t... | Chemoreceptors - Research | 2016-07 |
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 | Sageser, Emily | Understanding the radial distribution of Dwarf Satellite galaxies beyond the virial radii | | | 2023 |
20 |
 | Walker, Kortnie | Understanding and treating diabetic retinopathy | Diabetic retinopathy is a neurovascular disease of the retina and is the leading cause of blindness in the working-age population in the United States. Complications as a result of hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus (DM) break down the blood-retina barrier (BRB) and retinal vasculature. Current tre... | Diabetic retinopathy | 2015-05 |
21 |
 | Peterson, John | Potential Therapeutic Inhibition of Epigenetic Modulator LSDI in Glioblastoma Multiforme | Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor in adults, and while advances in surgery, radiation, and standard chemotherapies have improved survival in this disease marginally over the years, the outcomes for most patients remain disappointing (Bhat, 2013). Recent studies have identifie... | | |
22 |
 | Bader, Cecily | The Response of Arabidopsis Mutant BPS1-2 on Salt Media | How would our world change if salt tolerance could be engineered in plants? The Arabidopsis mutant bps1-2 has been shown to respond differently on salt media than a nonmutated plant would. In normal conditions, the bps1-2 mutant will arrest development in the root and shoot shortly after germination... | | 2017 |