201 - 400 of 1,054
Number of results to display per page
201 Development and application of centrifugal flotation systems in wastewater treatment2007Textir_uspace
202 Development and kinetic analysis of cobalt gradient formation in WC-Co composites2011-08Textir_etd
203 Development of a high-temperature high-pressure process for the manufacture of diamond-tungsten-metal composites for oil and gas drilling2015Textir_etd
204 Development of a multicomponent-multisize liberation model1985Textir_uspace
205 Development of a new colloid filtration theory in the presence of energy barriers via discrete nanoscale heterogeneity2015-08Textir_etd
206 Development of a PC, image-based, on-line particle size analyzer1993Textir_uspace
207 Development of materials for ultraviolet plasmonics2016Textir_etd
208 Development of the air-sparged hydrocyclone - a swirl-flow flotation column1988Textir_uspace
209 Diffusion of radiogenic helium in shallow groundwater: implications for crustal degassing2002-08Textir_etd
210 Dimethyl ether - a new synthetic fuel commodity and chemical building block2005Textir_uspace
211 Direct three-dimensional liberation analysis by cone beam x-ray microtomography1997Textir_uspace
212 The dirt on paleosols: sedimentology and paleoclimate indicators within the upper triassic Chinle Formation, Paria, Utah2012-08Textir_etd
213 The discrete dipole approximation with surface interaction for evanescent wave-based characterization of nanostructures on a surface with validation against experimental results2013-08Textir_etd
214 Discrete frontal propagation over the Sierra-Cascade mountains and western Great Basin2008-12-04Textir_etd
215 Discussion and reply: comments on "electromagnetic geophysics: notes from the past and the road ahead"2012-01-01Textir_uspace
216 Dispersed oil impact on froth stability in flotation2001Textir_uspace
217 Distribution of multiphase fluids in porous media: comparison between lattice Boltzmann modeling and micro-x-ray tomography2008-02Textir_uspace
218 Divalent cation conductivity of beta-alumina1983-06Textir_htca
219 Documenting hydrometeor layer occurrence within international satellite cloud climatology project-defined cloud classifications using CLOUDSAT and CALIPSO2012-05Textir_etd
220 The dry deposition of mercury into the Great Salt Lake2010-08Textir_etd
221 Dual multicollector laser ablation split stream mass spectrometry: Application to the Bruneau-Jarbidge volcanic center, central Snake River Plain, Idaho2016Textir_etd
222 Dust storms in the Eastern Great Gasin of Utah, U.S.A.2014Textir_etd
223 Dynamic displacement analysis of a shallow landslide in Norwood Tuff2011-05Textir_etd
224 Dynamic earthquake triggering potential across earthscope's transportable array2014-08Textir_etd
225 The dynamics of persistent cold-air pool breakup2014-08Textir_etd
226 Earllthesis1957_Part2 Geology of the Central Mineral Range, Beaver County, Utah1957-08Textir_etd
227 East Asian summer monsoon precipitation systems: rainfall characteristics, storm morphologies and convective properties2011-08Textir_etd
228 The effect of activated carbon particle size on gold cyanide adsorption and elution2007-08Textir_etd
229 The effect of current reversal on coated titanium electrodes2012-05Textir_etd
230 Effect of electrodeposition parameters on iron-nickel coatings2008-05Textir_etd
231 Effect of feed source in the hot water processing of Utah tar sand1980Textir_uspace
232 The effect of feed source in the hot water processing of Utah tar sand1979-02ir_eua
233 The effect of FeO activity on the material and energy flow in a novel suspension ironmaking process2011-12Textir_etd
234 Effect of ink types and printing processes on flotation deinking1997Textir_uspace
235 Effect of particle size on oxygen content and porosity of sintered ti-6al-4v2015Textir_etd
236 Effect of pH on pulping and flotation of mixed office wastepaper1999Textir_uspace
237 Effect of surface oxidation on interfacial water structure at the pyrite (100) surface as studied by MDS2014-01-01Textir_uspace
238 The effect of ultrafine-grain size and titanium hydride addition on mechanical properties of tungsten2018Textir_etd
239 Electrical properties of basalts from Sites 768 and 7701991Textir_uspace
240 Electro dynamic sorting of metals, alloys and scrap2016Textir_etd
241 Electrochemical concentration measurements for multianalyte mixtures in simulated electrorefiner salt2016Textir_etd
242 Electrochemical performance of LI-MG and columnar SI anodes for high capacity LI-ion cells: experiments and modeling of charge/discharge behavior2013-12Textir_etd
243 Electrochemistry in silver catalysed ferric sulfate leaching of chalcopyrite1981Textir_uspace
244 Electrodynamic separation of metallic granules from mixed waste stream2010-05Textir_etd
245 The electrolytic recovery of lead from brine leaches1916Textir_etd
246 Electromagnetic inversion using quasi-linear approximation2000Textir_uspace
247 Electromagnetic modeling of porphyry systems from the grain-scale to the deposit-scale using the Generalized Effective Medium Theory of Induced Polarization2007-10-29Textir_etd
248 Energy partitioning in ballistic impact fragmentation of titanium boride2010-08Textir_etd
249 Energy-conscious production of Titania and Titanium powders from slag2014-12Textir_etd
250 Enhanced ferric sulphate leaching of copper from CuFeS2 and C particulate aggregates1984Textir_uspace
251 Ensemble kalman filter data assimilation in regions of complex terrain2014-05Textir_etd
252 The entrainment interface layer of stratocumulus topped boundary layers during the physics of stratocumulus top field campaign2013-12Textir_etd
253 Environmental and orographic influences on Great Salt Lake-effect precipitation2012-08Textir_etd
254 Environmental controls on the formation and isotopic composition of a laminated tufa in Red Butte Canyon, Utah2008-05-16Textir_etd
255 Environmental differences in tropical soil temperatures in Kenya2012-12Textir_etd
256 Environmental tracer investigation of groundwater conditions at the Scott M. Matheson Wetland Preserve near Moab, Utah2004-08Textir_etd
257 Episodic dust events of Utahs Wasatch Front and adjoining region2012-01-01Textir_uspace
258 Equilibrium and kinetics of copper extraction from ammoniacal solutions by hydroxoximes with particular emphasis on transport phenomena1981Textir_uspace
259 Erratum to Evaluation of stucco binder for agglomeration in the heap leaching of copper ore2011-01-01Textir_uspace
260 Estimation of media and liner wear in a grinding mill using the Kalman Filter1985Textir_htca
261 Estimation of snowfall accumulations at a mountainous site in Norway using combined radar and in-situ micropyhsical observations2018Textir_etd
262 Evaluating fluid-rock interactions in geothermal and contact metamorphic systems2012-05Textir_etd
263 Evaluating the use of strontium isotopes in tree rings to record the isotopic signal of dust deposited on the Wasatch Mountains2014-01-01Textir_uspace
264 Evaluation of a CT-based coal washability analysis system under simulated on-line conditions2002Textir_uspace
265 Evaluation of a PC image-based on-line coarse particle size analyzer1993Textir_uspace
266 Evaluation of coated titanium anodes2012-08Textir_etd
267 Evaluation of cool-season precipitation forecasts produced over the western continental United States by experimental NCEP modeling systems2019Textir_etd
268 Evaluation of crushed ore agglomeration, liquid retention capacity, and column leaching2012-08Textir_etd
269 Evaluation of double-moment representation of war-rain and ice hydrometeors in bulk microphysical parameterization2014-12Textir_etd
270 Evaluation of one-dimensional seismic models of the lunar interior2013-08Textir_etd
271 Evaluation of plantwide control strategies for coal preparation plants2000Textir_uspace
272 Evaluation of radio occultation measurements for long-term tropopause monitoring2008-08Textir_etd
273 Evaluation of simulated tropical convective updraft hydrometeor properties using aircraft observations2016Textir_etd
274 Evaluation of stucco binder for agglomeration in the heap leaching of copper ore2011-01-01Textir_uspace
275 Evaluation of the international satellite cloud climatology project simulator using data from the atmospheric radiation measurement Southern Great Plains facility in Oklahoma2008-08Textir_etd
276 Evaluation of tropical cyclone forecasts from a global model and comparison with regional mesoscale numerical simulations of hurricane joaquin2016Textir_etd
277 The evolution and biogeography of ankylosaurid dinosaurs from the late cretaceous of western north america2016Textir_etd
278 Evolution of microstructure and phases in in-situ processed Ti-TiB composites containing high volume fractions of TiB whiskers1999Textir_uspace
279 The evolution of neogene terrestrial ecosystems in Europe1999Textir_uspace
280 Exceptionally preserved jellyfishes from the Middle Cambrian2007-10-31Textir_uspace
281 Excess pore pressure and in situ measurement of shear strength gain in clays1972-06Textir_etd
282 Exhumation of the central Wasatch Mountains, Utah: 1, Patterns and timing of exhumation deduced from low-temperature thermochronology data2002Textir_uspace
283 Exhumation of the central Wasatch Mountains, Utah: 2, thermokinematic model of exhumation, erosion, and thermochronometer interpretation2002Textir_uspace
284 Expansion of the Hadley cell under global warming2007Textir_uspace
285 Experiment using the HICell for stress measurements in a Utah coal mine1987-06Textir_etd
286 Experimental and numerical study on the mechanism of liquefaction flow-slides in gently sloping ground2008-12Textir_etd
287 Experimental and validated modeling studies of electrolyte flow and anode slime behavior and transport in copper electrorefining2016Textir_etd
288 Experimental evaluation of a mineral exposure model for crushed copper ores2006Textir_uspace
289 Experimental study of the induced polarization effect using cole-cole and gemtip models2010Textir_etd
290 Experimental study of turbulent flow inlet system performance2018Textir_etd
291 Experimental study on the dynamic stress-strain behavior of expanded polystyrene geofoam using cyclic triaxial tests2011-11Textir_etd
292 The Extraction of copper from Crysocolla with NTA1972Textir_etd
293 The extraction of lead from its oxidized ores by leaching1916-05Textir_etd
294 Facies, Depositional Environments and Stratigraphy of the upper devonian upper member of the guilmette formation, West-Central Utah1989Textir_etd
295 Facies, stratigraphic architecture, and lake evolution of the oil shale bearing Green River Formation, Eastern Uinta Basin, Utah2013-08Textir_etd
296 Factors affecting droplet size distributions produced in dispersed phase mixers1981Textir_uspace
297 Factors affecting the inland and orographic enhancement of lake - and sea-effect snowfall2019Textir_etd
298 Fall speed measurement and high-resolution multi-angle photography of hydrometeors in free fall2012-01-01Textir_uspace
299 Fast flotation with an air-sparged hydrocyclone1984Textir_uspace
300 Fast least squares migration with a deblurring filer2009-05Textir_etd
301 Fast numerical modeling of multitransmitter electromagnetic data using multigrid quasi-linear approximation2006-06Textir_uspace
302 Fatigue behavior and mechanisms in powder metallurgy Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy2016Textir_etd
303 Figure 4: Longitudinal profile of Middle Canyon showing locations of the profiles across the canyon, the nickpoint, and the hypothetical profile before rejuvenation1960-08Imageir_etd
304 Fine coal flotation in a centrifugal field with an air sparged hydrocyclone1982Textir_uspace
305 Fine coal washability-liberation analysis by cone-beam X-Ray microtomography1996Textir_uspace
306 Fine-scale radar observations of orographic precipitation features during a Wasatch Mountain winter storm2013-12Textir_etd
307 Finescale orographic precipitation variability and gap-filling radar potential in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah2014-01-01Textir_uspace
308 Finite difference time domain modeling of cross-hole electromagnetic survey data1997-06-04Textir_etd
309 The Flin Flon Open Cut Haulage1929Textir_etd
310 Flotation as applied to a partially oxidized ore, containing values of copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver1915-05Textir_etd
311 Flotation behavior of chromium and manganese minerals1986Textir_uspace
312 Flotation behavior of digested Asphalt Ridge tar sand1981Textir_uspace
313 Flotation chemistry and technology of nonsulfide minerals2007Textir_uspace
314 Flotation chemistry of nonsulfide minerals2002Textir_uspace
315 Flotation chemistry of soluble salt minerals: from ion hydration to colloid adsorption2014-01-01Textir_uspace
316 Flotation of boron minerals: discussion1994Textir_uspace
317 Flotation of halite and sylvite from carnallite with dodecyl morpholine2013-12Textir_etd
318 Flotation of jarosites1930Textir_etd
319 The flotation of marginal gibbsitic bauxite ores from Paragominas-Brazil2012-08Textir_etd
320 Flotation recovery of high-purity gibbsite concentrates from a Brazilian bauxite ore1990Textir_uspace
321 Flow phenomena and its impact on air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation of quartz1995Textir_uspace
322 Fluid bed thermal recovery of synthetic crude from bituminous sands of Utah1980-03Textir_etd
323 Fluoride activation in oleate flotation of collophanite1987Textir_uspace
324 Fluvial response to Great Salt Lake level changes: observations, mechanisms and implications2010-05Textir_etd
325 Fluvial stratigraphic architecture of the John Henry member of the Straight Cliffs Formation, Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah USA2010Textir_etd
326 Fluvial-lacustrine sequence stratigraphy, provenance, ichnology, and sandstone reservoir modeling of the tertiary Uinta and Duchesne River Formation, northern Uinta Basin, Utah2015-05Textir_etd
327 Focusing geophysical inversion images1999Textir_uspace
328 Formation and evaluation of protective layer over magnesium melt under various gaseous atmospheres2013-12Textir_etd
329 Formulation for the static permittivity of water and steam at temperatures from 238 K to 873 K at pressures up to 1200 MPa, including derivatives and Debye- Hückel coefficients1997Textir_uspace
330 Fossil resin, a value-added product from western coal1992Textir_uspace
331 Fracture analysis, hydrodynamic properties and mineral abundance in altered igneous wall rocks of the Mayflower Mine, Park City District, Utah1975Textir_etd
332 Fracture toughness of two Cr2Hf+Cr intermetallic composites as a function temperature1994Textir_uspace
333 Fractures and surface lineaments in northeastern Utah1975-12Textir_etd
334 Free and emulsified oil removal by bubble accelerated flotation (BAF)1999Textir_uspace
335 Frontal passage and cold pool detection using Oklahoma Mesonet observations2013-05Textir_etd
336 Functionalized titania nanotube arrays-based sensors for electrochemical detection of volatile organic biomarkers2016Textir_etd
337 Further considerations of magnetic deinking for wastepaper recycling mills1998Textir_uspace
338 Gains in economic energy efficiency as the impetus for increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide2007-12-17Textir_uspace
339 Gamma ray spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility of stratigraphic sequences in the Wheeler Formation, West Central Utah2008-09-29Textir_etd
340 GCIP water and energy budget synthesis (WEBS)2002Textir_uspace
341 GEMTIP modeling of heterogeneous rock samples using the genetic algorithms2017Textir_etd
342 General features of the Wasatch Mountains1906Textir_etd
343 General geology and sulfide mineralization of Dry Canyon and vicinity, Gunnison Plateau, Sanpete Co., Utah1967-06Textir_etd
344 Generalized diffraction-stack migration2012-12Textir_etd
345 Generation of low ?18O silicic magmas, Bruneau-Jarbidge Volcanic Center, Yellowstone hotspot: evidence from zircons, including oxygen isotopes, U-Th-Pb dating, and melt inclusions2012-05Textir_etd
346 Geochemical and mineralogical evaluation of CO2-brine-rock experiments: characterizing porosity and permeability variations in the Cambrian Mt. Simon sandstone2013-12Textir_etd
347 Geochemical exploration for Gilsonite1905-05-14Textir_etd
348 Geochemical results from wireline logs in the Celebes Sea, Sites 767 and 770 of Leg 1241991Textir_uspace
349 Geochemical study of the origin of debris bands at Storglaciaren, Sweden2008-12Textir_etd
350 Geochemical variations in an alpine lake and watershed underlain by siliciclastic bedrock, Uinta Mountains, Utah1998-01-01Textir_uspace
351 Geochemistry and paleoceanographic setting of Central Nevada bedded barites1991Textir_uspace
352 Geochemistry of volcanic ash in the Salt Lake group, Bonneville Basin, Utah, Idaho, and Nevada1975-08Textir_etd
353 Geologic map and sections of the Cherry Creek District, Nevada1961ir_etd
354 Geologic setting and origin of the Grouse Creek pluton, Box Elder County, Utah1959-06Textir_etd
355 Geologic setting and origin of the Grouse Creek pluton, Box Elder County, Utah-Maps1959-06Imageir_etd
356 Geologic setting and origin of the Grouse Creek pluton, Box Elder County, Utah: Georeferenced map files1959-06Imageir_etd
357 Geological and geophysical studies of the Gilson Mountains and vicinity, Juab County, Utah1970-06Textir_etd
358 Geological development of the Omo-Turkana Basin during the pliocene and pleistocene epochs2004Textir_uspace
359 Geology and diatremes of Desert Mountain, Utah1971-06Textir_etd
360 The geology and erosional development Northern Bryce Canyon National Park1961Textir_etd
361 Geology and erosional development of Northern Bryce Canyon National Park1961-06Textir_etd
362 Geology and geochemistry of the colt mesa copper deposit, Circle Cliffs Area, Utah1975-08Textir_etd
363 Geology and geothermal potential North of Wells, Nevada1982-01-01Textir_uspace
364 Geology and geothermal potential of the Roosevelt Hot Springs area, Beaver County, Utah1975Textir_etd
365 The geology and geothermal setting of the Magic Reservoir Area, Blaine and Camas Counties, Idaho1982Textir_uspace
366 Geology and ground-water resources of Ogden Valley, Utah1972-06Text; Imageir_etd
367 Geology and mineral deposits of the western portion church hills, Millard County, Utah1971-06Textir_etd
368 Geology and mineralogy of the Milford Flat Quadrangle and the Old Moscow Mine Star District, Beaver County, Utah1968-08Textir_etd
369 Geology and ore deposits of the Lucin Mining District, Box Elder County, Utah and Elko County, Nevada: Georeferenced map files1960-08Imageir_etd
370 Geology and ore deposits of the lucin mining district, Box Elder County, Utah, and Elko County, Nevada1960-08Textir_etd
371 Geology and ore deposits of the lucin mining district, Box Elder County, Utah, and Elko County, Nevada-Maps1960-08Imageir_etd
372 Geology and ore deposits of the Rebel Mine area Beaver County, Utah1965-06Textir_etd
373 Geology and ore deposits of the Santaquin mining district1910Textir_etd
374 Geology and structure of Stansbury Island (Thesis and maps)1969-06Text; Imageir_etd
375 Geology and structure of Stansbury Island: Georeferenced map files1969-06Imageir_etd
376 Geology of a part of Northwestern Uinta County, Wyoming1961-06Textir_etd
377 The geology of Antimony Canyon area Garfield and Piute Counties, Utah2010Textir_etd
378 Geology of the Big Piney area, Summit County, Utah1953-06Text; Imageir_etd
379 Geology of the Big Piney area, Summit County, Utah: Georeferenced map files1953-06Imageir_etd
380 Geology of the Cedar Mountains Tooele County, Utah1970Textir_etd
381 Geology of the Cedar Mountains,Tooele County, Utah (Thesis and maps)1970-06Text; Imageir_etd
382 Geology of the Central and Southern Silver Island Mountains Tooele County, Utah and Elko County, Nevada1961-06Textir_etd
383 Geology of the Central and Southern silver Island Mountains Tooele County, Utah and Elko County, Nevada-Maps1961-06Imageir_etd
384 Geology of the Central and Southern Silver Island Mountains Tooele County, Utah and Elko County, Nevada: Georeferenced map files1961-06Imageir_etd
385 Geology of the Central Mineral Range, Beaver County, Utah1957-08Text; Imageir_etd
386 Geology of the Central Mineral Range, Beaver County, Utah1957-08Textir_etd
387 Geology of the Central Mineral Range, Beaver County, Utah (Google Earth map overlay KMZ file)1957-08Imageir_etd
388 Geology of the Central Mineral Range, Beaver County, Utah: Georeferenced map files1957-08Imageir_etd
389 Geology of the Cherry Creek Districk, Nevada1961Textir_etd
390 Geology of the Cove Creek area Millard County and Beaver County, Utah1961-06Text; Imageir_etd
391 Geology of the Davis Knolls and northern Big Davis Mountain area, Tooele County, Utah1962-08Text; Imageir_etd
392 Geology of the Davis Knolls and northern Big Davis Mountain area, Tooele County, Utah (Google Earth map overlay KMZ file)1962-08Imageir_etd
393 Geology of the Davis Knolls and northern Big Davis Mountain area, Tooele County, Utah: Georeferenced map files1962-08Imageir_etd
394 Geology of the Durst Mountain-Huntsville area Morgan and Weber Counties, Utah1957-08Textir_etd
395 Geology of the East Canyon area, Morgan County, Utah1954Text; Imageir_etd
396 Geology of the Keetley-Kamas volcanic area1951Text; Imageir_etd
397 Geology of the Keetley-Kamas volcanic area (Google Earth map overlay KMZ file)1951Imageir_etd
398 Geology of the Keetley-Kamas volcanic area: Georeferenced map files1951Imageir_etd
399 Geology of the Lost Creek-Echo Canyon Area, Morgan and Summit Counties, Utah1959-06Text; Imageir_etd
400 Geology of the Lothidok Range, Northern Kenya1988-08Textir_etd
201 - 400 of 1,054