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1 Zhdanov, Michael S.3-D magnetic inversion with data compression and image focusingWe develop a method of 3-D magnetic anomaly inversion based on traditional Tikhonov regularization theory. We use a minimum support stabilizing functional to generate a sharp, focused inverse image. An iterative inversion process is constructed in the space of weighted model parameters that acce...2002-01-01
2 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-Luh3D analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomographyIn general, x-ray computed tomographic (CT) techniques are able to provide 3D images of the internal structure of opaque materials in a nondestructive manner. The unique cone beam geometry allows acquisition of all 2D projections with only one rotation of the sample thus providing for fast data acqu...X-ray microtomography; Liberation; Heap leaching; Exposure analysis; Coal washability2003
3 Zhdanov, Michael3D inversion of airborne electromagnetic dataTime-domain airborne surveys gather hundreds of thousands of multichannel, multicomponent samples. The volume of data and other complications have made 1D inversions and transforms the only viable method to interpret these data, in spite of their limitations. We have developed a practical methodolog...2012-01-01
4 Miller, Jan D.A new cone beam X-ray microtomography facility for 3D analysis of multiphase materialsThree-dimensional x-ray microtomography offers a unique imaging capability. Spatial resolution on the order of ten microns can be achieved with the use of microfocus x-ray generators. Recently, a state-of-the-art, flexible cone beam x-ray microtomography system has been installed at the University o...2001-01-01
5 Brown, Francis HaroldA reappraisal of the geomagnetic polarity time scale to 4 MA using data from the turkana basin, East AfricaRecalibration of the Pliocene and early Pleistocene geomagnetic time scale using the K-Ar dated fluvial sequence of the Turkana Basin in East Africa agrees with calibrations based on astronomical calculations. Ages estimated here are: Olduvai Subchron, 1.78-1.96 Ma; Reunion Subchrons, 2.11-2.15 Ma ...2012
6 Reichler, Thomas J.A stratospheric connection to Atlantic climate variabilityIt is well recognized that the stratosphere is connected to tropospheric weather and climate. In particular, extreme stratospheric circulation events and their dynamical feedback on the troposphere are known to play a major role1. However, what is not known to date is whether the state of the strat...2012-01-01
7 Brown, Francis HaroldA summary of the geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Roosevelt Hot Springs thermal area, Utah1978
8 Miller, Jan D.Adsorption mechanisms in nonmetallic activation systemsAdsorption of lead and ferric iron on quurtz and alumina is presented as a function of pH. Only the hydrolyzed species of these metal ions, FeOHt+ and PbOH', adsorb significantly on each of these minerals. Zeta potentials of quartz were measured as a function of pH in the presence of various additio...Ferric iron; Quartz; Lead; Alumina; Adsorption; pH (Chemistry)1970
9 Miller, Jan D.Agglomeration and magnetic deinking for office paperMagnet deinking of office paper (OP) is a promising technology for the production of high quality secondary fiber. The technique is possible because a significant portion of the toner in OP furnish has a magnetic character. Toner magnetic susceptibility can vary from weakly paramagnetic to ferroma...Wastepaper; Magnetic deinking; Toner; Magnetic susceptibility2000
10 Miller, Jan D.; Niewiadomski, Marcin M.; Hupka, Jan; Nalaskowski, JakubAir bubble and oil droplet interactions in centrifugal fields during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotationThe interactions of air bubbles and oil droplets in centrifugal flotation have been considered with respect to process conditions present during Air-sparged Hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation. Encounter efficiency of oil droplets with air bubbles has been found to be significantly smaller when compared t...Centrifugal flotation; Froth flotation; Oil flotation; Dispersed oil; Air-sparged hydrocyclone; ASH2007
11 Miller, Jan D.Air sparged hydrocyclone for fine coal flotationThe cleaning of fine coal to achieve compliance specifications generally is a challenging problem for coal preparation engineers. Gravity separation techniques are limited with regard to capacity/ efficiency considerations, and the most promising process alternative seems to be flotation, the u...Microbubble; Compliance; Bituminous1988
12 Chapman, David S.Air, ground, and groundwater recharge temperatures in an alpine setting, Brighton Basin, UtahNoble gases are useful tracers for constraining groundwater recharge temperature and elevation, critical in determining source areas of groundwater recharge in mountainous terrain. A monitoring network in the alpine Brighton Basin in the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah, USA, was established to ex...2012-01-01
13 Miller, Jan D.Air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) technology for cyanide recoveryAn air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) mobile system was evaluated for continuous stripping and recovery of cyanide (the AVR process) from process water at a gold plant site. The ASH unit performed exceptionally well as an absorber. HCN was absorbed from the gas phase in a single pass with an efficiency...Cyanide recovery; Air-sparged hydrocyclone; Gold processing; Process water2005
14 Miller, Jan D.Analysis of the surface potential developed by non-reactive ionic solidsThe sign of the surface potential for complex non-reactive ionic solids cannot be predicted solely from consideration of the hydration energy of gaseous ions which constitute the ionic lattice. Accurate analysis of these systems must involve the hydration energy of surface ions, which requires knowl...Lattice; dipole; Madelung Constants1976
15 Miller, Jan D.Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulationsA study of the interfacial properties of the basal plane and the edge surfaces of talc is described in this paper. The isoelectric-point measured at the two different crystallographic planes by the streaming potential method was found to be similar and exists at about pH 3.0. In the case of the edg...Streaming potential; Scanning electron microscope; Atomic force microscope2006
16 Miller, Jan D.Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, molecular dynamics simulations and contact angle measurementsA study of the interfacial properties of the basal plane and the edge surfaces of talc is described in this paper. The isoelectric points measured at two different crystallographic surfaces by the streaming potential method were found to be similar and exist at about pH 3.0. In the case of the edge...Talc; Interfacial properties; Hydration; Atomic force microscopy; Molecular dynamics simulations; Edge surface; Basal plane2007
17 Miller, Jan D.Applications of X-ray computed tomography in particulate systemsX-ray computed tomography (CT) is an ideal technique for investigating the internal structure of multiphase materials in a noninvasive and nondestructive manner. CT technology used in conjunction with specialized algorithms and advanced computer facilities can be used to provide quantitative informa...Algorithms; Beam; Intensity1992
18 Garrett, Timothy J.Are there basic physical constraints on future anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide?Global Circulation Models (GCMs) provide projections for future climate warming using a wide variety of highly sophisticated anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios as input, each based on the evolution of four emissions "drivers": population p, standard of living g, energy productivity (or efficiency...Global circulation models; Anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions2009
19 Miller, Jan D.Arsenic removal from contaminated watersArsenic is a contaminant at 781 of 1,430 sites identified on the National Priorities List and in mining and mineral processing wastewaters, smelter wastes, and sites for manufacture of semiconductors, petroleum products, wood preservatives, animal feed additives, and herbicides. Arsenic affects abo...Arsenic; Arsenate; Arsenite; Microbial; Activated carbon; Magnetic activated carbon; Biomac2005
20 Miller, Jan D.Atomic force microscopy investigation of interaction forces between polyethylene and asphaltene surfacesMany petroleum-derived asphalts used for road construction exhibit poor rheological properties. These properties of asphalt can be improved by addition of various polymer fillers to the asphalt blend. Recycled polyolefines, especially polyethylene and polypropylene have been used as the asphalt mo...Asphalt; Rheology; Polyolefins2006
21 Miller, Jan D.Axial flow reversal and its significance in air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotationIn recent years the potential of air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation for fine coal cleaning has been demonstrated both in pilot plant testing and in a plant-site demonstration program. Further improvements in the ASH technology will depend, to some extent, on improved understanding of the co...Flotation; zero axial velocity; computational fluid dynamics1995
22 Solomon, Douglas KipBayesian evaluation of groundwater age distribution using radioactive tracers and anthropogenic chemicalsThe development of a Bayesian modeling approach for estimation of the age distribution of groundwater using radioactive isotopes and anthropogenic chemicals is described. The model considers the uncertainties associated with the measured tracer concentrations as well as the parameters affecting the ...2012-01-01
23 Miller, Jan D.The behavior of arsenic trioxide in non-ferrous extractive metallurgical processingStudy of the acid bake-leach process has shown potential advantages for the treatment of enargite (Cu3AsS4) concentrates. Among the most important advantages of the process is the transformation of enargite to water-soluble copper sulfate and highly soluble arsenic trioxide (arsenolite). Because ars...2014-01-01
24 Miller, Jan D.Bench scale flotation of alunite ore with oleic acidAlunite [KA13(SO4)2(OH)6] is a promising non-bauxitic aluminum resource, the domestic reserves of which are estimated to be 800 x 106 tons at 35 percent alunite. The major gangue mineral associated with alunite is quartz. The thermochemical process that has been developed for treatment of this ore...Mesh; Separation; Liberation1980
25 Miller, Jan D.Bench scale flotation of sedimentary phosphate rock with hydroxamic acid collectorsIt has been discovered that water insoluble alcoholic solutions of alkyl hydroxamic acids serve as selective collectors for the flotation of phosphate mineral resources. The effectiveness of the new collector chemistry has been demonstrated by the results from single stage bench scale flotation exp...Flotation; Insoluble collectors; Hydroxamic acid; Alcohol; Phosphate rock; High solids conditioning; Particle size2002
26 Miller, Jan D.Bismuth dissolution from smelter flue dust residuesEffective bismuth removal from flue dust residues has been accomplished for flue dusts from both zinc and copper smelters. Selective dissolution of bismuth, with respect to silver and lead, can be achieved by the proper manipulation of temperature, sulfuric acid addition and sodium chloride addition...Technique; Distribution; Chloride1976
27 Chapman, David S.Borehole temperatures and climate change: ground temperature change in south India over the past two centuriesVariations in surface g round temperature (SGT) at the Earth's surface diffuse downward in a predictable way causing systematic perturbations to the subsurface temperature field. The pioneering study of Lachenbruch and Marsh all [1986] in Alaska demonstrated that present-day borehole temperature-dep...2012-01-01
28 Reichler, Thomas J.Breaking down the tropospheric circulation response by forcingThis study describes simulated changes in the general circulation during the twentieth and twenty -first centuries due to a number of individual direct radiat ive forcings and warming sea surface temperatures, by examining very long time-slice simulations created with an enhanced version of the Geop...2012-01-01
29 Miller, Jan D.Bubble attachment time and FTIR analysis of water structure in the flotation of sylvite, bischofite and carnalliteWater structure is a most important parameter that influences the flotation of soluble salts. In this paper bubble attachment time measurements and FTIR analyses were performed to investigate the effect of water structure on the flotation behavior of sylvite (KCl), bischofite (MgCl2•6H2O) and carn...2010-01-01
30 Miller, Jan D.Bubble generation in swirl flow during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotationAir-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation is a new, promising technology, and, since its conception, numerous applications have been successfully tested. Nevertheless, research and development efforts have continued to improve the technology with respect to operating conditions and design considerati...Air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation; Bubble size; Process variables1996
31 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-LuhCapillary network model for filter cake based on pore structure analysisDewatering of fine coal by continuous filtration involves filter cake formation and removal of surface moisture by drawing air through the capillaries of the cake. In order to gain a better (understanding of the complex transport phenomena that occur in the filter cake, analysis of the effect of t...Pore geometry; Transport properties; Microtomography1996
32 Miller, Jan D.Characterization of interfacial water at hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces by in situ FTIR/internal reflection spectroscopyIn-situ FTIR/internal reflection spectroscopy (FTIR/IRS) has been used to spectroscopically characterize interfacial water near hydrophilic (silicon single crystal) and hydrophobic (polymer-coated germanium single crystal) surfaces. Interfacial water was examined spectroscopically over certain dista...Interfacial water; hydrophilic surfaces; Hydrophobic surfaces; Internal reflection spectroscopy; Silicon crystals; Germanium crystals1995
33 Miller, Jan D.; Fang, Zhigang Zak; Lin, Chen-LuhCharacterization of powder injection molded components using X-ray CTA good understanding of the microstructure of powder injection molded (PIM) components during debinding and sintering is essential in designing and optimizing PIM processes and properties. So far we have been limited in our ability to "see" what is going on. Microstructural characterization has cla...Powder injection molding2003
34 Miller, Jan D.Characterization of spherical alumina particles obtained by melting in a hydrogen-oxygen flameSpherical oxide particles can be used as mineral fillers, paint pigments, polishing materials and catalysts. They can be prepared using various techniques involving precipitation and spray drying. Melting of particles in a high-temperature flame is a simple technique which produces particles with ...Alumina; Oxides; Hydrogen-oxygen flame2003
35 Miller, Jan D.Chemical utilization of sequestered carbon dioxide as a booster of hydrogen economyFor many, hydrogen in a pure hydrogen economy would be like natural gas in today's energy economy. Unfortunately, hydrogen's physical properties are unsuited to the energy market's requirements in terms of packaging, storage, transfer, and delivery. In this paper, a hybrid energy economy that packag...2008-01-01
36 Brown, Francis HaroldChronologyThe boundaries of the Lower Omo Basin have been mapped by Fuchs (1939) and by Butzer (1970, 1971) in a general way. The structural features and physiography of the eastern and central part of the Lower Omo Basin are best expressed on the maps of Davidson et al. (1973). Walsh and Dodson (1969) have m...1983
37 Miller, Jan D.Chrysocolla flotation by the formation of insoluble surface chelatesPure chrysocolla is floated with chelating agents that form insoluble complexes with copper at ambient temperature. Complete flotation is obtained with potassium octyl hydroxamate as collector at pH 6. Flotation response is enhanced with increased temperature when low additions of h ydroxamate are ...Chrysocolla; Copper chelating compounds; Flotation systems1965
38 Jewell, PaulCirculation, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the Cretaceous North American seawayCritical paleoceanographic problems regarding the maximum transgressive phase of the Cretaceous North American seaway have been studied with a three-dimensional ocean circulation model. Four simulations employing minimum and maximum solar insolation winds from the Cretaceous and a wide range of pre...Cretaceous North American Seaway1996
39 Chapman, David S.; Harris, Robert N.Climate change in India inferred from geothermal observationsTemporal variations in surface ground temperature impart a signal to the subsurface thermal regime that is captured in borehole temperature-depth profiles. Seventy temperature-depth profiles in India, located between 12o and 28oN, are analyzed to infer past changes in ground temperature.Climate change; Borehole temperatures; Surface ground temperature; Surface air temperature; Geothermal observations; India2002
40 Miller, Jan D.Comparison of process alternatives for gold recovery from cyanide leach solutionsBoth conventional and nonconventional process alternatives for gold recovery from cyanide heap leach solutions are discussed in terms of possible flowsheets. Conventional process alternatives include carbon adsorption and zinc dust precipitation, while nonconventional process alternatives include re...Conventional; Exchange; Flowsheet1984
41 Miller, Jan D.ConcentrationThe most startling development in concentration processes this past year would have to be the results obtained after magnetic treatment of aqueous systems. Beneficial effects were reported in both flotation and thickening on an industrial scale following the application of a magnetic field to ...Concentration; Aqueous systems; Pulp; Magnetic treatment1969
42 Miller, Jan D.Cone beam X-ray microtomography - a new facility for three-dimensional analysis of multiphase materialsAs the techniques and resolution for three-dimensional spatial analysis have advanced in the last decade, it is now possible to map in detail the micro structure of multiphase materials in three-dimensional digital space. In this regard, three-dimensional X-ray microtomography offers a unique imagin...Cone beam X-ray microtomography; Three-dimensional analysis; Material characterization2002
43 Miller, Jan D.Conformation of chemisorbed oleate at a calcite surfaceThe surface chemistry of the calcite/oleate flotation system was examined by in situ FT-NIR/IRS. Spectra of combination and overtone bands of aliphatic stretching vibrations revealed gauche/trans conformational changes that occurred solely as a function of temperature. The conformational changes wer...Chemisorption; Oleate; Calcite; Gauche/trans conformation; Rotational isomerism2001
44 Dong, JiaweiConsolidation and permeability of flocculated kaolinite sedimentVast oil sand resources are located in the province of Alberta, Canada, where water-based oil sands extraction operations are found including extraction and separation of the bitumen from the clay, sand, and water. The production of each barrel of synthetic crude oil (SCO) requires 2 m3 of processe...Consolidation; Flocculation; Kaolinite; Permeability2017
45 Zhdanov, MichaelContraction integral equation method in three-dimensional electromagnetic modelingThe integral equation method has been proven to be an efficient tool to model threedimensional electromagnetic problems . Owing to the full linear system to be solved, the method has been considered effective only in the case of models consisting of a strongly limited number of cells. However, recen...2002-01-01
46 Jewell, PaulControls of tufa development in Pleistocene Lake Bonneville, UtahProminent tufa localities along the Provo level (∼14,000 14C yr B.P.) shoreline in Pleistocene Lake Bonneville have been characterized in detail. Three types of tufa are recognized: capping tufa, beachrock, and capping tufa over beachrock. Capping tufa and beachrock are end members of a continuum ...Tufa; Pleistocene; Pluvial lakes2006
47 Brown, Francis HaroldCorrelation of tephra layers from the Western Rift Valley (Uganda) to the Turkana Basin (Ethiopia/Kenya) and the Gulf of AdenFour volcanic ashes have been mapped in Albertine Group strata (Warwire, Kaiso Village and Nyabusosi Formations) Western Rift Valley, Uganda. Three of these tuffs have geochemical fingerprints similar to tuffs in the Turkana Basin (Ethiopia, Kenya), in Afar (Ethiopia) and the Gulf of Aden, permitti...1991
48 Miller, Jan D.Critical review of wetting and adhesion phenomena in the preparation of polymer-mineral compositesThe wetting behavior of liquid polymers at solid surfaces and the adhesion forces involved at polymer-filler interfaces should always be considered in the preparation of high-quality polymer composites, including those made with mineral fillers. Spontaneous polymer spreading over the filler surface...Polymer-minerals; Composites; Wetting; Adhesion1995
49 Zhdanov, MichaelCross-well electromagnetic imaging in three dimensionsIn this paper, we develop a new technique for 3D cross-well electromagnetic tomography, based on an EM borehole survey consisting of a moving vertical magnetic dipole transmitter, located in one or several boreholes, and a tri-axial induction receiver, located in the other boreholes. The method is b...2003
50 Jarrard, Richard D.Data report: high-resolution mineralogy for leg 199 based on reflectance spectroscopy and physical propertiesDuring Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 in the equatorial Pacific, visible and near-infrared spectroscopy (VNIS) was used to measure the reflectance spectra (350?2500 nm) of 1343 sediment samples. Reflectance spectra were also measured for a suite of 60 samples of known mineralogy, thereby providing a...2004
51 Brown, Francis HaroldDatingThere are basically three lines of investigation that are involved in geochronology ? the dating of rocks and other earth materials. First, there are the physical and chemical dating methods which give us numerical estimates of age. Second, there is the reconstruction of the order of events in sec...1984
52 Fernandez, Diego P.Deep-sea scleractinian coral age and depth distributions in the Northwest Atlantic over the last 225,000 yearsDeep-sea corals have grown for over 200,000 yrs on the New England Seamounts in the northwest Atlantic, and this paper describes their distribution both with respect to depth and time. Many thousands of fossil scleractinian corals were collected on a series o f cruises from 2003- 2005; by contrast,...Desmophyllum dianthus; Scleractinian coral; Seamounts; Northwest Atlantic2007
53 Miller, Jan D.Determination of Madelung constants for infinite and semi-infinite lattices by direct summationLattice sums for the electrostatic interactions in ionic crystals, first evaluated by Madelung, are now known to high degrees of accuracy. The problem of conditional convergence has been solved either by manipulations of a mathematical model of the lattice, or by directly summing over neutral group...Lattices; Madelung constants1976
54 Reichler, Thomas J.Determining the tropopause height from gridded dataA method is presented to determine tropopause height from gridded temperature data with coarse vertical resolution. The algorithm uses a thermal definition of the tropopause, which is based on the concept of a threshold lapse-rate. Interpolation is performed to identify the pressure at which this th...Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Stratosphere/troposphere interactions; Numerical modeling and data assimilation; Meteorology; Atmospheric Dynamics: General circulation2003
55 Miller, Jan D.Development and application of centrifugal flotation systems in wastewater treatmentFlotation as a wastewater treatment technique is designed to remove all particles generally encountered as very fine emulsions, suspended solids, and colloids from wastewater. Historically, Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) has been used to achieve this removal. More recently, other flotation techniques...Wastewater treatment; Centrifugal flotation; Liquid cyclone mixing; Hybrid centrifugal dissolved-air flotation; ASH; BAF; GEM; FF2007
56 Miller, Jan D.; Herbst, John A.; Lin, Chen-LuhDevelopment of a multicomponent-multisize liberation modelThis paper is concerned with the development of a kinetic model for mineral liberation by grinding. Existing population balance size reduction models are extended to include two minerals with an arbitrary number of locked particle fractions. The validity of this approach to liberation modelling is d...Population balance; size reduction; liberation; grinding model1985
57 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-LuhDevelopment of a PC, image-based, on-line particle size analyzerA PC, image-based, on-line instrument for measuring coarse particle size on a conveyor belt is under development. The hardware and software required to implement such a system are discussed, including the interface for the special image-acquisition hardware. The system concept is given with exampl...1993
58 Miller, Jan D.Development of the air-sparged hydrocyclone - a swirl-flow flotation columnFrom laboratory research activities during the past five years, it is now evident that effective flotation separations can be achieved with the high-capacity air-sparged hydrocyclone.Air-sparged hydrocyclone; Froth core1988
59 Miller, Jan D.Dimethyl ether - a new synthetic fuel commodity and chemical building blockDimethyl ether (DME) is recognized as a potential next-generation, environmentally benign commodity for energy storage and distribution, as well as a momentous chemical building block. DME can be produced at a competitive price from synthesis gas conveniently generated from a variety of carbon-cont...Dimethyl ether; DME; Energy carrier; Energy commodity; Diesel fuel2005
60 Miller, Jan D.Direct three-dimensional liberation analysis by cone beam x-ray microtomographyLiberation of valuable minerals during size reduction is an important aspect of mineral processing technology. In practice, most quantitative information on liberation is based on the application of stereological theorems for the analysis of image data from two-dimensional polished sections. On th...Mineral processing; Cone beam x-ray; Microtomography1997
61 Zhdanov, MichaelDiscussion and reply: comments on "electromagnetic geophysics: notes from the past and the road ahead"The direct current and electromagnetic methods have been around for almost 180 years and have been applied successfully in mining, petroleum, geotechnical, engineering, environmental, groundwater, and tectonic studies. Over such a long period of time, it is possible to lose track of who the pioneers...2012-01-01
62 Miller, Jan D.Dispersed oil impact on froth stability in flotationFoam stability in flotation has been studied for more than half of the last century, however, the mechanisms responsible for the defoaming action of many presently used reagents are not completely understood. This research presents oil flotation data, which may be used in the evaluation of aqueous ...Particles; Defoaming; Surfactants2001
63 Miller, Jan D.; Deo, Milind; Lin, Chen-LuhDistribution of multiphase fluids in porous media: comparison between lattice Boltzmann modeling and micro-x-ray tomographyA parallel implementation of the three-dimensional Shan-and-Chen multicomponent, multiphase lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was used to simulate the equilibrium distributions of two immiscible fluids in porous media. The simulations were successfully validated against cone-beam x-ray microtomographi...Multiphase fluid flow; Porous media; X-ray microtomography2008-02
64 Miller, Jan D.Effect of feed source in the hot water processing of Utah tar sandThe processing strategy for the effective separation of bitumen from low grade (K.10 weight percent bitumen) Utah tar sands by a hot water process differs significantly from that used for the processing of high grade (> 10 weight percent bitumen) Utah tar sands. Excellent separations (coefficient o...Tar sand; Utah; Bitumen; Hot water separation; Froth flotation1980
65 Miller, Jan D.Effect of ink types and printing processes on flotation deinkingExamination of ink types reveals that newsprint oil-based offset-cold and offset-heat inks contain substantial oil (45 to 60%) and resin (5 to 35%), water-based ink contains water (40%) and resin (polystyrene, 30%). These inks are liquids with densities around 1 g/cm3, having various viscosities...Toners; Inks; Photocopying; Laser printing; Flotation; Deinking; Recycling; Office waste; Hyrdophobicity1997
66 Miller, Jan D.Effect of pH on pulping and flotation of mixed office wastepaperThe effect of pulping reagents on the deinking flotation of laser-printed wastepaper was investigated with regard to the removal efficiency of toner and mineral filler particles at different pH values. These results show that caustic pulping causes the toner to be released from the fibres as larger...Wastepaper; Deinking; pH values; Pulp production processes1999
67 Miller, Jan D.Effect of surface oxidation on interfacial water structure at the pyrite (100) surface as studied by MDSFlotation provides a number of alternatives for the processing of gold ores containing sulfide minerals. e.g. flotation of free gold and gold-bearing sulfides to produce a gold-rich concentrate for regrinding, oxidative pretreatment and cyanidation.2014-01-01
68 Jarrard, Richard D.Electrical properties of basalts from Sites 768 and 770Conductivity of 54 basalt samples from ODP Sites 768 and 770 was measured as a function of temperature and fluid salinity. Porosity was also measured for all samples, and cation exchange capacity was measured for 46 of the samples. Porosity measurements indicated that porosity is underestimated fo...1991
69 Miller, Jan D.Electrochemistry in silver catalysed ferric sulfate leaching of chalcopyritePrevious investigations have demonstrated the catalytic effect of silver additions in the ferric sulfate leaching of chalcopyrite. CuFeS2 + 4Fe+3 > Cu++ + 5Fe++ + 2S° The enhanced rate of leaching was found to be due to the formation of an intermediate Ag2S film which forms on the CuFeS2 surf...Reaction; Sulfur; Elemental1981
70 Zhdanov, Michael S.Electromagnetic inversion using quasi-linear approximationThree-dimensional electromagnetic inversion continues to be a challenging problem in electrical exploration. We have recently developed a new approach to the solution of this problem based on quasi-linear approximation of a forward modeling operator. It generates a linear equation with respect to ...Quasi-linear approximation; Electromagnetic inversion2000
71 Miller, Jan D.; Wan, Rong YuEnhanced ferric sulphate leaching of copper from CuFeS2 and C particulate aggregatesSignificantly faster leaching kinetics for ferric sulphate are achieved for particulate aggregates of CuFeS2 and C than for CuFeS2 itself. The effect of carbon particles upon the rate of dissolution of chalcopyrite has been increased by a factor of 4 (after 10 hours' leaching), depending upon the ...Reaction; Chalcopyrite; Electrochemical1984
72 Steenburgh, William JamesEpisodic dust events of Utahs Wasatch Front and adjoining regionEpisodic dust events cause hazardous air quality along Utah's Wasatch Front and dust loading of the snowpack in the adjacentWasatch Mountains. This paper presents a climatology of episodic dust events of the Wasatch Front and adjoining region that is based on surface weather observations from the Sa...2012-01-01
73 Miller, Jan D.Equilibrium and kinetics of copper extraction from ammoniacal solutions by hydroxoximes with particular emphasis on transport phenomenaThe chemistry of copper extraction from ammoniacal solutions by hydroxyoxime extractants was studied. Equilibrium measurements were made by shakeout experiments with subsequent analyasis of the aqueous and/or organic phases. The kinetic experiments were carried out in a single drop reaction cell in ...Reactant; Concentration; Dispersed1981
74 Miller, Jan D.Erratum to Evaluation of stucco binder for agglomeration in the heap leaching of copper oreFigure 8 top legend is mentioned incorrectly. The legend "With ferric sulfate: column leaching of agglomerates (stucco) should be red in color and column leaching of agglomerates (no stucco) should be blue in color. The correct Fig. 8 is shown below. The authors would like to apologize for the incon...2011-01-01
75 Solomon, Douglas KipEvaluating the use of strontium isotopes in tree rings to record the isotopic signal of dust deposited on the Wasatch MountainsDust cycling from the Great Basin to the Rocky Mountains is an important component of ecological and hydrological processes. We investigated the use of strontium (Sr) concentrations and isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) in tree rings as a proxy for dust deposition. We report Sr concentrations and isotope r...2014-01-01
76 Miller, Jan D.Evaluation of a CT-based coal washability analysis system under simulated on-line conditionsThe appropriate software and hardware necessary to adapt an X-ray CTanalyzerfor the determination of coal washability was developed and successfully tested for well-characterized samples under laboratory conditions. Evaluation of the CT-based analyzer under simulated on-line conditions is also prese...Coal washability; Computer simulation; X-ray CT analysis2002
77 Miller, Jan D.Evaluation of a PC image-based on-line coarse particle size analyzerA PC image-based, on-line coarse particle size analysis system is being developed for the control of crushing and grinding circuits. Initial results had indicated that the system is accurate when tested with irregularly shaped particles which are stationary and do not overlap with each other. Now th...Sampling; Measurements; Analysis1993
78 Miller, Jan D.Evaluation of plantwide control strategies for coal preparation plantsThe quality of cleaned products from coal preparation plants is often variable due to natural fluctuations in the washability characteristics of the plant feed. To combat this problem, many modern plants have installed on-line analyzers that provide feedback for the real-time control of product q...Circuit; Yield; Optimization2000
79 Miller, Jan D.Evaluation of stucco binder for agglomeration in the heap leaching of copper oreIt is known that the presence of excess fines in heap leaching operations may cause low recovery due to reduced heap permeability and/or channeling of lixiviant flow. These problems are mitigated to some extent by agglomeration pretreatment prior to heap leaching. Sulfuric acid leach solution is the...2011-01-01
80 Chandran, RaviEvolution of microstructure and phases in in-situ processed Ti-TiB composites containing high volume fractions of TiB whiskersA series of titanium composites, with varying volume fractions of titanium monoboride (TiB) whiskers, were made by mixing various proportions of titanium (Ti) and titanium diboride (TiB2) powders followed by hot pressing. The phases present were identified by x-ray diffraction.Morphology; diffraction; relative intensity1999
81 Brown, Francis HaroldThe evolution of neogene terrestrial ecosystems in EuropeThe Pliocene-Pleistocene chronology of hominid and other vertebrate evolution in East Africa is largely constrained by isotopic dating and regional intercorrelation of volcanic ash layers. Some eruptions were of sufficient magnitude or duration that their widespread tephra dispersal defines a serie...1999
82 Jarrard, Richard D.Exceptionally preserved jellyfishes from the Middle CambrianCnidarians represent an early diverging animal group and thus insight into their origin and diversification is key to understanding metazoan evolution. Further, cnidarian jellyfish comprise an important component of modern marine planktonic ecosystems. Here we report on exceptionally preserved cnida...Jellyfishes; Metazoan evolution; Jellyfish fossils; Marjum Formation; Utah; Middle Cambrian2007-10-31
83 Chapman, David S.Exhumation of the central Wasatch Mountains, Utah: 1, Patterns and timing of exhumation deduced from low-temperature thermochronology dataThe Wasatch Mountains are often cited as an example of normal fault growth and footwall flexure. They represent a tilted footwall at the edge of the Basin and Range extensional province, a major rift basin. Thus understanding the detailed spatial and elevation changes in coupled thermochronometer da...Uplift; Exhumation; Wasatch Fault; Wasatch Mountains; Utah; Helium dating; Fission track; Tectonophysics; Extensional tectonics; Geothermal observations2002
84 Chapman, David S.Exhumation of the central Wasatch Mountains, Utah: 2, thermokinematic model of exhumation, erosion, and thermochronometer interpretationThe Wasatch fault is a ~370 km long normal fault in Utah that marks the boundary between the stable Colorado Plateau to the east and the extending Basin and Range to the west. Understanding the thermokinematic evolution of this fault can provide insights into intracontinental extensional tectonics a...Uplift; Exhumation; Wasatch Fault; Wasatch Mountains; Utah; Helium dating; Fission track; Tectonophysics; Extensional tectonics; Geothermal observations2002
85 Reichler, Thomas J.Expansion of the Hadley cell under global warmingA consistent weakening and poleward expansion of the Hadley circulation is diagnosed in the climate change simulations of the IPCC AR4 project. Associated with this widening is a poleward expansion of the subtropical dry zone. Simple scaling analysis supports the notion that the poleward extent of ...Hadley cell; Climate change; Subtropical dry zone2007
86 Miller, Jan D.Experimental evaluation of a mineral exposure model for crushed copper oresCopper mineral inclusions dispersed in crushed ore particles have a certain size distribution (grain-size distribution). For efficient heap leaching processes, the crushing plant should be designed and operated to crush the ore to an appropriate particle-size distribution so that copper mineral grai...Grains; Particles; Distribution2006
87 Miller, Jan D.; Herbst, John A.Factors affecting droplet size distributions produced in dispersed phase mixersDroplet size distributions were determined by stabilizing in gelatin and measurement of the distributions by means of computerized image analysis. Several variables that affect droplet sizes were studied and the resulting size distributions were modeled via a population balance equation. Key paramet...Gelatin; Phases; Agitating1981
88 Garrett, Timothy J.Fall speed measurement and high-resolution multi-angle photography of hydrometeors in free fallWe describe here a new instrument for imaging hydrometeors in free fall. The Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera (MASC) captures high-resolution photographs of hydrometeors from three angles while simultaneously measuring their fall speed. Based on the stereoscopic photographs captured over the two months ...2012-01-01
89 Miller, Jan D.Fast flotation with an air-sparged hydrocycloneThe status of the research programme on air-sparged hydrocyclones at the University of Utah is presented. Fast flotation of coal, oil shale, and copper porphyry ore has been demonstrated with capacities far exceeding those of conventional flotation cells. In addition to the performance characteris...Cells; Capacity; Froth1984
90 Zhdanov, Michael S.Fast numerical modeling of multitransmitter electromagnetic data using multigrid quasi-linear approximationMultitransmitter electromagnetic (EM) surveys are widely used in remote-sensing and geophysical exploration. The interpretation of the multitransmitter geophysical data requires numerous three-dimensional (3-D) modelings of the responses of the receivers for different geoelectrical models of comple...Multitransmitter electromagnetic data; Numerical modeling; Multigrid quasi-linear approximation; Quasilinear approximation; geophysical exploration; 3-D modeling2006-06
91 Miller, Jan D.Fine coal flotation in a centrifugal field with an air sparged hydrocyclonePreliminary results are reported regarding the design and development of a pilot scale air sparged hydrocyclone for cleaning fine coal 590 \xm ("28 mesh) containing 24% ash and 1.6% sulfur. The principle of separation is the flotation of hydrophobic coal particles in the centrifugal field generated...rocyclones; Coal; Separation technology1982
92 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-LuhFine coal washability-liberation analysis by cone-beam X-Ray microtomographyA new method based on cone-beam x-ray microtomography is described for direct determination of the three-dimensional liberation spectrum of multiphase particles 100 microns in size or less. Such a technique may provide the basis for more detailed and accurate washability analysis in fine coal chara...Spectrum; Sink-float; Density1996
93 Steenburgh, William JamesFinescale orographic precipitation variability and gap-filling radar potential in Little Cottonwood Canyon, UtahFinescale variations in orographic precipitation pose a major challenge for weather prediction, winter road maintenance, and avalanche forecasting and mitigation in mountainous regions. In this investigation, ground based X-band radar observations collected during intensive observing period 6 (IOP6)...2014-01-01
94 Miller, Jan D.Flotation behavior of chromium and manganese mineralsFlotation behavior of chromite and manganese-bearing minerals has been reviewed. Flotation of these minerals and ores with fatty acids, amines, sulfates, sulfonates and hydroxamates has been presented and is discussed in terms of surface charge and chemical interaction between the mineral surface ...Concentration; Chromite; Deposits1986
95 Miller, Jan D.Flotation behavior of digested Asphalt Ridge tar sandThe hot water process for Utah tar sands differs significantly from that used for Canadian tar sands due to inherent differences in respective bitumen viscosities and the nature of bitumen-sand association. These differences have led to the identification of certain design criteria necessary to ac...Tar sand; Utah; Bitumen; Hot water separation; Froth flotation1981
96 Miller, Jan D.; Nalaskowski, JakubFlotation chemistry and technology of nonsulfide mineralsThe dimensions of nonsulfide flotation technology extend in many directions, as might be expected from the diversity of the mineral classes, which include soluble salt minerals (potash, borax, and trona), semisoluble salt minerals (phosphate minerals, fluorite, calcite, and barite), and insoluble ox...Flotation; Insoluble collectors; Salt minerals; Nonsulfide minerals2007
97 Miller, Jan D.Flotation chemistry of nonsulfide mineralsThe dimensions of nonsulfide flotation technology extend in many different directions, as might be expected from the diversity of t he mineral classes, which include soluble salt minerals (potash, borax, and trona), semi-soluble salt minerals (phosphate minerals, fluorite, calcite, and barite), ins...Nonsulfide minerals; Hydrophobic surface state; Oleate adsorption2002
98 Miller, Jan D.Flotation chemistry of soluble salt minerals: from ion hydration to colloid adsorptionIn this paper, recent progress with respect to the flotation chemistry of soluble salt minerals is reviewed, and some of the more relevant issues including the hydration states of ions, the interfacial phenomena of salt surfaces and the flotation behavior of selected soluble salts are discussed. Due...2014-01-01
99 Miller, Jan D.Flotation of boron minerals: discussionExperimental flotation/bubble attachment results for 21 different alkali halides (Yalamanchili et al., 1993; Yalamanchili and Miller, 1994b) confirmed that the flotation response of soluble salt minerals with weak electrolyte collectors can best be explained by the adsorption of oppositely charged ...Flotation; Boron minerals; Salts; Adsorption1994
100 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-LuhFlotation recovery of high-purity gibbsite concentrates from a Brazilian bauxite oreRecently research efforts have been made to obtain a high-purity gibbsite concentrate, suitable for first-class alumina refractories, from a Brazilian bauxite ore containing gibbsite (50%), quartz (35%),and kaolinite (15%). Detailed polished-section microprobe analysis was used to describe the ...Gibbsite; Alumina1990
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