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1 Plutynski, AnyaEthical issues in cancer screening and preventionNovember 2009's announcement of the USPSTF's recommendations for screening for breast cancer raised a firestorm of objections, Chief among them that the Panel bad insufficiently valued patients' lives or allowed cost considerations to influence recommendations. The publicity about the recommendation...2012-01-01
2 Francis, LeslieLegitimate expectations, unreasonable beliefs, and legally mandated coverage of experimental therapyPhotographs of patients seeking contributions for expensive bone marrow transplants are an everyday image on supermarket checkout stands. Benefit concerts, newspaper stories, and community fundraisers pitch in to help patients who cannot otherwise afford expensive medical interventions. Patients wit...Experimental therapy; Mandated coverage; Off-label drug uses2004
3 Battin, Margaret P.What are the potential cost savings from legalizing physician-assisted suicide?Quill decisions rejecting a constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Supreme Court allowed each state to decide whether to legalize the intervention. In state legislatures rather than courtrooms, factual claims about the probable extent and implications of permitting physician-assi...Managed Care Programs; Cost of Illness; Home Care Services1998
4 Battin, Margaret P.What are the potential cost savings from legalizing physician-assisted suicide?IN the Washington v. Glucksberg and Vacco v. Quill decisions rejecting a constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Supreme Court allowed each state to decide whether to legalize the intervention.1 In state legislatures rather than courtrooms, factual claims about the probable extent ...1998
5 Battin, Margaret P.Case comment: the case of Nicole: suicide and terminal illnessWhat shall one say about Nicole? My immediate answer is an easy one-liner: if there ever were a case in which a choice of suicide appears both rational and rationally made, this seems to be it.1933
6 Battin, Margaret P.Nicole: suicide and terminal illnessThe terminally ill person who plans suicide poses a clinical dilemma in suicidology. Issues of rational suicide are complicated. Although experts (Battin, 1991; Hoff, 1989; Motto, 1972; Pretzel, 1984; Saunders & Valente, 1988) recognize rational suicide, the prevailing paradigm of suicide preventio...Terminal illness; Suicidology1993
7 Battin, Margaret P.Review of euthanasia and law in EuropeEuthanasia and Law in Europe is an examination of physician-assisted dying or physician performed euthanasia and the laws concerning these practices in European jurisdictions where the issue has been most visible. The Author's focus primarily on the Netherlands, where the practice has been open si...2009
8 Landesman, Bruce M.Violence, terrorism and justice eds. Frey, R. G., & Morris, C., Christopher W. (Review)Consider two views about terrorism. The first, the conventional view, is that terrorism is an outrage. It involves, typically, the kidnapping, killing, and intimidation of innocent people who simply happen to be in the wrong place. Terrorists are fanatics, thugs, criminals, deranged individuals, wh...Kill; Assault; terrorist1993
9 Battin, Margaret P.Least worst death: selective refusal of treatmentIn recent years "right-to-die" movements have brought into the public consciousness something most physicians have long known: that in some hopeless medical conditions, heroic efforts to extend life may no longer be humane, and the physician must be prepared to allow the patient to die. Physician re...Death; Dying; Right to die; Natural death1983
10 Battin, Margaret P.Report of the committee on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasiaIn 1994 the Board of the American Association of Suicidology selected a Committee on Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. It was asked to review the issues emerging in the growing controversy concerning euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, palliative care, and the medical treatment of dyin...Suicidology; Palliative care1996
11 Battin, Margaret P.Terminal sedation: pulling the sheet over our eyesTerminal sedation-also called "palliative sedation," "continuous deep sedation," or "primary deep continuous sedation"-has become a new favorite in end-of-life care, a seeming compromise in the debate over physician-assisted dying. Like all compromises, it offers something to each side of a dispu...Terminal sedation; Palliative sedation2008
12 Battin, Margaret P.July 4, 1826: explaining the same-day deaths of John Adams and Thomas JeffersonJohn Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day, July 4, 1826. Both were old men--Adams was 90, and Jefferson was 83--and both were ill, though Adams had been in comparatively robust health until just a few months earlier and Jefferson had been ill for an extended period. They had been rivals,...Coincidence; Synchrony; Bioethics; Euthanasia; Suicide2005
13 Battin, Margaret P.On the relationship between suicide-prevention and suicide-advocacy groupsLargely in response to contemporary medicine's advancing technological capacities to extend the process of dying to extraordinary lengths, recent years have seen the emergence of numerous advocacy groups concerned with what is often called "death with dignity." For instance, the New York-based group...Suicide prevention; Suicide advocacy; Death with dignity; Suicidology1982
14 Battin, Margaret P.Legal physician-assisted dying in Oregon and the Netherlands: evidence concerning the impact on patients in "vulnerable" groupsIf physician-assisted suicide (PAS) and/or voluntary active euthanasia were legalised, would this disproportionately affect people in ‘‘vulnerable'' groups? Although principles of patient autonomy and the right to avoid suffering and pain may offer support for these practices, concerns about the...Vulnerable groups; Oregon; Netherlands2007-10-01
15 Battin, Margaret P.Excellent palliative care as the standard, physician-assisted dying as a last resortTo understand the role of physician-assisted death as a last-resort option restricted to dying patients for whom palliative care or hospice has become ineffective or unacceptable, one must understand how frequently and under what circumstances that occurs. If all such cases are the result of inadequ...2004
16 Landesman, Bruce M.Violence, terrorism and justice (Book Review)Reviews the book `Violence, Terrorism and Justice,' edited by R.G. Frey and Christopher W. Morris.Books; Philosophy;; Terrorism; Justice; Violence1993-07
17 Nichols, ShaunNormativity and epistemic intuitionsIn this paper we propose to argue for two claims. The first is that a sizable group of epistemological projects -- a group which includes much of what has been done in epistemology in the analytic tradition -- would be seriously undermined if one or more of a cluster of empirical hypotheses about ep...Epistemology; Intuition; Empirical hypotheses2001
18 Francis, LeslieEnd of life decision-making for patients with dementiaIn decision-making for patients with dementia, law and bioethics recognize two central goals: protecting the patient's autonomy and protecting the patient's best interests. These two objectives are not always consistent, however, nor easily applied over the long, downhill course experienced by mos...2001
19 Battin, Margaret P.Seven (more) caveats concerning the discussion of euthanasia in the NetherlandsDiscussion in the U.S. about euthanasia in the Netherlands is characterized by profound disagreement, both about what the practice actually is and what risks it involves. Some time ago, I put together a little list1 of seven warnings for bioethicists embroiled in this discussion-things one ought to...1993
20 Battin, Margaret P.Coping with methuselah the impact of molecular biology on medicine and societyThe prospect of extra-long life spawns a bloom of ethical issues, among them how to achieve intergenerational equity; how to balance health care entitlements with rising costs for the elderly; how to divide years of life between work and retirement; how to assign the responsibilities of young family...2004
21 Battin, Margaret P.On the relationship between suicide-prevention and suicide-advocacy groupsLargely in response to contemporary medicine's advancing technological capacities to extend the process of dying to extraordinary lengths, recent years have seen the emergence of numerous advocacy groups concerned with what is often called "death with dignity.1982
22 Battin, Margaret P.Suicidology and the right to dieAs suicidology reflects on the issue of the right to die, it can make no bigger mistake than by seeing suicide and suicidal behavior in short-sighted isolation, without reference to the cultural context within which it occurs. Two kinds of myopia currently afflict us in particularly constricting way...1993
23 Battin, Margaret P.Review of angels of death: exploring the euthanasia undergroundRoger Magnusson's angels of death describes the practice of extralegal assisted suicide and euthanasia by physicians, nurses, technicians, and other health care professionals who provide care to seriously ill patients and patients with AIDS who are dying. It is based on a snowball sample of 49 detai...2003
24 Haber, MatthewIn defense of the organism: Thomas Pradeu (Elizabeth Vitanza, trans.): The limits of the self: immunology and biological identity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, ix+302 pp, ISBN: 978-0-19-977528-6, $65 HB.Thomas Pradeu's The Limits of the Self provides a precise account of biological identity developed from the central concepts of immunology. Yet the central concepts most relevant to this task (self and nonself ) are themselves deemed inadequate, suffering from ambiguity and imprecision. Pradeu seeks...2014-01-01
25 Battin, Margaret P.On the structure of the euthanasia debate: observations provoked by a near-perfect for-and-against book. Review symposium on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicideSomething is amiss with the euthanasia debate, and I want to use a smart new book to try to show what it is. The book is Euthanasia and Physician- Assisted Suicide: For and Against, an eagerly awaited volume by three well-known philosophers, Gerald Dworkin, R. G. Frey, and Sissela Bok. Dworkin a...Physician assisted suicide; Killing and letting die; medical profession2000
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