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1 Lobell, Steven E.Why Israel launched a preventive military strike on Iraq's nuclear weapons program (1981): the fungibility of power reourcesIn 1981, Israel launched a preventive military strike against a nuclear reactor that Iraq was constructing at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center. The low fungibility of Iraq's power resources, and especially its nuclear weapons program, shaped Israel's decision-making process. First, it motivated ...Reventive war; Osiraq granular; Theory of balancing; fungibility brittle; Israel power resources
2 Lobell, Steven E.Preventive military strike or preventive war? the fungibilty of power resourcesDifferential rates of growth explanations for preventive war assume that power resources are highly fungible. That is, they assume that a state's power resources are easily and quickly ‘moveable' into practical military capability. This ‘unidimensional and undifferentiated' baseline obscures an ...Neoclassical realism; preventive war; preventive strikes; fungibility power; resources aggregate; power realism; osiraq israel syria2021
3 Francis, LeslieEnsuring the privacy and confidentiality of electronic health recordsIn 2004, President Bush announced his plan to ensure that most Americans would have electronic health records within ten years. Although substantial progress has been made toward achieving that goal, this progress has primarily reflected institutional interests and priorities by focusing on system ...2007
4 Francis, LeslieAccommodating every bodyThis Article contends that workplace accommodations should be predicated on need or effectiveness instead of group-identity status. It proposes that, in principle, "accommodating every body" be achieved by extending Americans with Disabilities Act-type reasonable accommodation to all work-capable me...2014-01-01
5 Mallon, RonaldPolitical liberalism, cultural membership and the familyIn a recent article on developments in John Rawls's theory of justice, S.A. Lloyd notes a problem in Rawls's treatment of the family. In Political Liberalism (hereafter PL), Rawls concedes that his theory assumes that "in some form the family is just." And Lloyd takes this to mean that the principle...Theory of justice; Equality; Upbringing1999
6 Landesman, Bruce M.Violence, terrorism and justice (Book Review)Reviews the book `Violence, Terrorism and Justice,' edited by R.G. Frey and Christopher W. Morris.Books; Philosophy;; Terrorism; Justice; Violence1993-07
7 Gehl, Robert W.The politics of cultural programming in public spacesIn our digital media saturated lives, where we spend increasing amounts of time in "virtual worlds" such as Second Life or online on blogs and video sites, it can be easy to forget about public spaces. Unlike much content in virtual worlds, cultural programs in public spaces are events that are live...2007
8 Landesman, Bruce M.Violence, terrorism and justice eds. Frey, R. G., & Morris, C., Christopher W. (Review)Consider two views about terrorism. The first, the conventional view, is that terrorism is an outrage. It involves, typically, the kidnapping, killing, and intimidation of innocent people who simply happen to be in the wrong place. Terrorists are fanatics, thugs, criminals, deranged individuals, wh...Kill; Assault; terrorist1993
9 Millgram, ElijahLiberty, the higher pleasures, and Mill's missing science of ethnic jokesThe intended contribution to his moral theory of John Stuart Mill's famous distinction between higher and lower pleasures has occasioned long-standing puzzlement on the part of his more alert interpreters. I am going to explain how the distinction was meant, among other things, to allow Mill to demo...Higher pleasures; Lower pleasures; Ethnic jokes2009
10 Francis, LeslieEmployment and intellectual disabilityUnder recent decisions of the United States Supreme Court, people with disabilities alleging employment discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are caught in a vicious triangle. One vertex of the triangle is self-accommodation. Correcting for their impairments through effort,...Americans with Disabilities Act; ADA; Intellectual disability2004
11 Goldberg, Robert A.Kathryn S. Olmsted. Real enemies: conspiracy theories and American Democracy, World War I to 9/11In 1963, historian Richard Hofstadter donned the clinician's white coat to describe conspiracy theorists and a "paranoid style of American politics" given to exaggeration, distortion, and fantastical thinking. If still the favorite of journalists, Hofstadter's ideas have been significantly revised ...2010-04
12 Goldberg, Robert A.Zion in Utah: the Clarion colony and Jewish agrarianismThe history of the Jewish agricultural colony at Clarion, Utah, presented by Robert A. Goldberg is somewhat special, for western Jewish history has been notably small town and urban. In painstakingly reconstructing the story of those who organized, settled, and finally failed at Clarion, Goldberg ...1991
13 Holzner, Claudio A.; Jameson, Kenneth P.; Maloney, Thomas N.; Abebe, Berhanie; Lund, Matthew; Schaub, KristenEconomic impact of the Mexico-Utah relationshipThis study began during the Summer of 2005 and set out to examine the complexity of the globalized relation between Utah and Mexico, concentrating on broadly defined "economic linkages." It was designed to build upon earlier similar studies done in Arizona and in Texas on those states' relations wit...Economics, Utah; Migration; Immigration; Mexico; Undocumented immigrants2006-03-10
14 Landesman, Bruce M.Health care in a national health program: a fundamental rightDo or should Americans have a right to health care or some appropriate level of it? To explore this difficult and complex question, we must say something about rights and ways to justify them; about considerations which favor a right to health care; about what level and kind of care the right may in...Health care; Rights; Americans1992
15 Francis, LeslieJustice through trust: disability and the Outlier problem in Social Contract TheoryThe article focuses on the flaws of the social contract theory. It explores how hostile the social contract as a bargaining process has been thought to distance disabled people from contract-based justice. It analyzes the argument that the history of social contract theory exclude the people with di...Consensus, social sciences; Discrimination; Social contract; Social ethics; Sociology of disability2005-10
16 Battin, Margaret P.Seven (more) caveats concerning the discussion of euthanasia in the NetherlandsDiscussion in the U.S. about euthanasia in the Netherlands is characterized by profound disagreement, both about what the practice actually is and what risks it involves. Some time ago, I put together a little list1 of seven warnings for bioethicists embroiled in this discussion-things one ought to...1993
17 Francis, LeslieLegitimate expectations, unreasonable beliefs, and legally mandated coverage of experimental therapyPhotographs of patients seeking contributions for expensive bone marrow transplants are an everyday image on supermarket checkout stands. Benefit concerts, newspaper stories, and community fundraisers pitch in to help patients who cannot otherwise afford expensive medical interventions. Patients wit...Experimental therapy; Mandated coverage; Off-label drug uses2004
18 Goldberg, Robert A.Esther Rosenblatt Landa: her price is far above rubiesDr. Robert Goldberg has been a professor of history at the University of Utah since 1980. His teaching and research field is twentieth-century America with a focus on the American West, social, and political history. He has won five teaching awards and is the author of four books: Hooded Empire: Th...Landa, Esther Rosenblatt1996
19 Morrow, CarolynBreaking the rules: transgression and carnival in Ultimas tardes con TeresaRituals and celebrations emerge as a central structuring device in the love story that forms the center of Ultimas tardes con Teresa, Juan Marse's prize-winning novel of 1965. The narrative begins with a couple, Manolo and Teresa, strolling through the center of Barcelona during Fiesta Mayor, one o...Rituals; Society; Culture1991
20 Battin, Margaret P.Coping with methuselah the impact of molecular biology on medicine and societyThe prospect of extra-long life spawns a bloom of ethical issues, among them how to achieve intergenerational equity; how to balance health care entitlements with rising costs for the elderly; how to divide years of life between work and retirement; how to assign the responsibilities of young family...2004
21 Battin, Margaret P.What are the potential cost savings from legalizing physician-assisted suicide?Quill decisions rejecting a constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Supreme Court allowed each state to decide whether to legalize the intervention. In state legislatures rather than courtrooms, factual claims about the probable extent and implications of permitting physician-assi...Managed Care Programs; Cost of Illness; Home Care Services1998
22 Battin, Margaret P.What are the potential cost savings from legalizing physician-assisted suicide?IN the Washington v. Glucksberg and Vacco v. Quill decisions rejecting a constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Supreme Court allowed each state to decide whether to legalize the intervention.1 In state legislatures rather than courtrooms, factual claims about the probable extent ...1998
23 Crowe, Benjamin D.Heidegger and the prospect of a phenomenology of prayerAn attempt to contribute to a "phenomenology of prayer" ought to begin with the recognition that the word "phenomenology" means many different things to many different people. Moreover, it must be recognized that none of these usages has any obvious claim to being the normative one. Given these ines...2005
24 Francis, LeslieEminent domain compensation in the Western states: a critique of the fair market value modelBoth the United States Constitution and the constitutions of the states of the intermountain west and the Pacific Coast prohibit the state from taking property without paying just compensation. Thus, there are two basic issues in any eminent domain case. First, has governmental interference with pro...Eminent domain; Compensation; Governmental interference; Fair Market Value2006-06-16
25 Goldberg, Robert A.Beneath the hood and robe: a socioeconomic analysis of Ku Klux Klan membership in Denver, Colorado, 1921-1925The Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was in numbers and political influence the most powerful social movement of the 1920s and probably the most significant crusade of the American right-wing. Unlike its predecessor of the Reconstruction period or its descendant of today, this Kla...1980
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