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1 Goldberg, Robert A.Don't know much about historyMost of us have heard of the "Greatest Generation," those who weathered the storms of the Great Depression and World War II. Many of us are Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1965. Other are part of the cynical and worldly Generation X-arriving between the mid '60s and the early '80s-raised in the ...2003
2 Tuttle, Howard N.Negation of historyHistory is inevitably involved in our philosophical reflections about human nature and destiny. Yet in the past, Philosophy; has had an uneasy and questionable relationship to history. In this paper I would like to examine seven paradigmatic cases which hopefully will illustrate some crucial aspects...1982
3 Tuttle, Howard N.Some questions in R. G. Collingwood's theory of historical understandingIn this essay I would like to examine some problems that are suggested to me by R. G. Collingwood's Philosophy; of historical understanding. My method of examination will be as follows: (1) to show that Collingwood's struggle to maintain his thesis that "history is the re-thinking of past thoughts"...History; Philosophy;; Collingwood, R. G. (Robin George), 1889-19431977
4 Goldberg, Robert A.Jewish perspectiveOUR TOPIC POSES two key questions. First, what are the pitfalls of writing from within our own religious tradition? Second, what are the advantages? In thinking about the Jewish tradition, my mind conjures up and fixes upon a quotation from Sheriff Wyatt Earp, upholder of law and order in Dodge City...2002
5 Tuttle, Howard N.Some issues in Ortega y Gasset's critique of Heidegger's doctrine of SeinThe purpose of this paper is to propose a hypothesis to illuminate Ortega's critical response to Heidegger's question of being (Seinsfrage). While Ortega integrated the classical requirements for the idea of Being into his idea of human life as radical reality, Heidegger's delineation of human life...1991
6 Kukathas, ChandranHistory of political theory and other essays (Book Review)Reviews the book `The History of Political Theory and Other Essays,' by John Dunn.Books; Political Theory2001-09-17
7 Goldberg, Robert A.Zion in Utah: the Clarion colony and Jewish agrarianismThe history of the Jewish agricultural colony at Clarion, Utah, presented by Robert A. Goldberg is somewhat special, for western Jewish history has been notably small town and urban. In painstakingly reconstructing the story of those who organized, settled, and finally failed at Clarion, Goldberg ...1991
8 Downes, Stephen M.Review of Jarrett Leplin, Novel Defense of Scientific RealismMany historians of science may hope that philosophers will one day stop arguing about scientific realism and come and join in the hard business of achieving a historically informed understanding of science. But Jarrett Leplin's book guarantees that there will be more arguing about scientific realism...Concept of novelty; Uniqueness; Logical relations1999
9 Francis, LeslieKnittingMy grandmother had long silver hair, high blood pressure, and congestive heart failure. She wore the silver hair in a bun during the day and in a braid at night. I remember her sitting in the day parlor of my grandparents? southern Illinois bungalow, telling the same stories of their small town, ove...2008
10 Downes, Stephen M.Can scientific development and children's cognitive development be the same process?Assesses the value of the developmental psychology of science proposed by Alison Gopnik and Andrew Meltzoff to the understanding of scientific development. Role of distinctions between ontogeny and phylogeny when appealing to biology for theoretical support; Conception of cognition as a set of verid...Cognition; Developmental psychology; Ontogeny; Phylogeny; Science, Philosophy2001-09-11
11 Thalos, Mariam G.Truth deserves to be believedScience seems generally to aim at truth. And governmental support of science is often premised on the instrumental value of truth in service of advancing our practical objectives, both as individuals and as communities, large and small. While there is some political expediency to this view, it is no...2013-01-01
12 Tuttle, Howard N.Philosophical genesis of ideal typesThe conception of ideal types as a method of the synthesis of sociohistorical phenomena was introduced by the German philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey (1883-1911). However, this fact has been largely ignored in the literature. That he was the originator of this notion is, I suppose, of only historical in...Philosophy;; Social Sciences1980
13 Downes, Stephen M.Disunity of science (book review)Review of the book `The Disunity of Science: Boundaries, Contexts, and Power,' edited by Peter Galison and David J. StumpBooks; Science; Disunity2001-09-24
14 Battin, Margaret P.Review of angels of death: exploring the euthanasia undergroundRoger Magnusson's angels of death describes the practice of extralegal assisted suicide and euthanasia by physicians, nurses, technicians, and other health care professionals who provide care to seriously ill patients and patients with AIDS who are dying. It is based on a snowball sample of 49 detai...2003
15 Thalos, Mariam G.On planning: toward a natural history of goal attainmentThe goal of the essay is to articulate some beginnings for an empirical approach to the study of agency, in the firm conviction that agency is subject to scientific scrutiny, and is not to be abandoned to high-brow aprioristic Philosophy;. Drawing on insights from decision analysis, game theory, gen...2008
16 Hanna, Patricia LeeEducation, society, and human nature: an introduction to the Philosophy; of education (book review)A review of the book "Education, society, and human nature: an introduction to the Philosophy; of education" by Anthony O'Hear.Books, reviews; Education, Philosophy1982-07
17 Landesman, Bruce M.Marxism and philosophy in the twentieth century: a defense of vulgar Marxism (Book Review)A review of "Marxism and philosophy in the twentieth century: a defense of vulgar Marxism" by Richard Hudelson.Books; Marxism; Philosophy1991-10
18 Goldberg, Robert A.Esther Rosenblatt Landa: her price is far above rubiesDr. Robert Goldberg has been a professor of history at the University of Utah since 1980. His teaching and research field is twentieth-century America with a focus on the American West, social, and political history. He has won five teaching awards and is the author of four books: Hooded Empire: Th...Landa, Esther Rosenblatt1996
19 Tuttle, Howard N.Ortega's vitalism in relation to aspects of Lebensphilosophie and phenomenologyJose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) claimed that since 1914, with the publication of his Meditations on Quixote, the basis of all his thinking had been the phenomenon of human life.' Both Ortega and his commentators have noted the similarity of his idea of human life to certain aspects of recent German...1981
20 Downes, Stephen M.Review of Michael Gorman, Simulating ScienceMichael Gorman has several projects in Simulating Science. First, he presents a reaearch program of psychological experiments on scientific reasoning. Second, he defends an interdisciplinary approach to science studies. Third, he critically examines recent computer models of scientific theorizing an...Psychological experiments; Reasoning in psychology; Psychological literature1994
21 Crowe, Benjamin D.Heidegger and the prospect of a phenomenology of prayerAn attempt to contribute to a "phenomenology of prayer" ought to begin with the recognition that the word "phenomenology" means many different things to many different people. Moreover, it must be recognized that none of these usages has any obvious claim to being the normative one. Given these ines...2005
22 Downes, Stephen M.Review of Kim Sterelny, Evolution of Agency and Other EssaysReviews the book 'The Evolution of Agency and Other Essays,' by Kim Sterelny.Books; Agent; Non-fiction2002-09
23 Gehl, Robert W.The politics of cultural programming in public spacesIn our digital media saturated lives, where we spend increasing amounts of time in "virtual worlds" such as Second Life or online on blogs and video sites, it can be easy to forget about public spaces. Unlike much content in virtual worlds, cultural programs in public spaces are events that are live...2007
24 Crowe, Benjamin D.Religion and the 'sensitive branch' of human natureAbstract: While the theses that (1) human beings are primarily passional creatures and that (2) religion is fundamentally a product of our sensible nature are both closely linked to David Hume, Hume's contemporary Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696-1782), also defended them and explored their implication...2010-06
25 Thalos, Mariam G.Molecule-for-molecule duplicationIs a molecule-for-molecule duplicate D of some entity always a perfect duplicate of it? And in particular: is D a being with consciousness if its original is? These questions summarize a certain diagnostic tool used by metaphysicians, and prominently used in service of a form of dualism that is supp...Molecule-for-molecule duplication; MFM2008
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