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1 Myers, SidneeAn integral member of an African refugee's healthcare team: the community health workerAll patients should be seen through a cultural lens however, refugees require this perspective as their past and journey have greater effects on their health. Meaningful evidence has been published regarding refugee patients and their unique circumstances in healthcare. To address these complexities...2023
2 Lami, MorganSubverting the Stereotype: Sherman Alexie's an Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian as a crucial Intervention in Today;s Language Arts ClassroomsSherman Alexie is known as the contemporary voice for the modern American Indian because of his deep and wide popularity amongst many different ethnic and racial groups. His novels and short stories have become very popular in classrooms and libraries across the nation. By being the voice of a whole...2016
3 Edson, ShaunaWriting center programming inside outWriting Center programs serving refugee, sexual minority and other underserved populations are expanding but there is little evidence to support their effectiveness. The purpose of this research is to examine the effectiveness of writing center programs and determine the populations utilizing writin...Writing centers - United States - Research - Methodology2014-08
4 Hermansen, HillaryMediating silence: translation in Clarice Lispector's The Hour of the StarIn Clarice Lispector's The Hour of the Star, a male narrator, Rodrigo, mediates a feminine and impoverished subject, Macabéa, for a middle class audience. Likewise, two male translators, Giovanni Pontiero and Benjamin Moser, mediate the original Brazilian work for their English-speaking audience. I...Lispector, Clarice. Hora de estrela. English2016-04
5 Hansen, James ChristianVisionary Minds, Visionary Worlds: Analyzing Three Video Games from Fumito Ueda, Hidetaka Miyazaki, and Jenova ChenThe objective of this thesis is to analyze Fumito Ueda's Shadow of the Colossus, Hidetaka Miyazaki's Dark Souls, and Jenova Chen's Journey in order to see how together they represent the storytelling potential of video games. Each embody in their work the notion that games as a medium can convey and...2018
6 Robinson, TianAn initial examination of themes surrounding english writing education at an international branch campusThe research question this paper aims to answer is, how and to what effect do internationalizing American universities and IBCs help their L2 English-speaking students transition from high school writing to standard American college writing, and what challenges still remain? To answer this question,...University of Utah; campus (UAC)2020
7 Larsen, CJGlory-bound: A a speculative account of the battle at tollenseThis thesis is a work of speculative historical fiction that seeks to provide a narrative explanation for the presence of Nordic Bronze Age artifacts and human remains buried under the banks of the Tollense River in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. The story is told through the eyes of Urik, a well-...Nordic Bronze; Tollense River2022
8 Heman, ClaireIntersectionsThis creative thesis explores the intersections of identity, gender, and sexuality, relevant topics in our times of binary gender roles and pervasive heteronormative social structures. This thesis is divided into two parts: 1) an introductory essay to place the creative work in an existing conversat...Gender identity in literature; Sexual orientation in literature2015-08
9 Payne, ChristopherLooping as a Foundational Mechanic of Video GamesThe past five decades have witnessed the dramatic birth and growth of the video game medium into an essential facet of popular culture. Since then, innumerable games have been created across every conceivable genre and technological platform, each relying on some unique blend of mechanics, dynamics,...2020
10 Heiner, CatherineMan up: Sexual Violence, Masculinity, and RhetoricIn discussion of sexual violence, very specific rhetoric is used. Discussions on the topic include questions of "what was she wearing? How much did she drink? Don't you think she was asking for it?" This language creates a situation where this action is perceived as an abnormal act of violence, rath...2017
11 Steadham, AngelaHuman trafficking in Utah, America and the worldTo define human trafficking is to describe one of the most inhumane crimes in daily practice. It is modern day slavery. Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring, and receipt of persons by coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or force to exploit them. The ...Human trafficking - United States2014-07
12 Ehmann, KyleeJane Austen's realism revisited: Pride & Prejudice, Emma and Sanditon in the digital ageThere are hundreds of film, television and book adaptations of Jane Austen's novels in the world, all different retellings and interpretations of the original source texts. And while these adaptations' quality is typically judged based on its fidelity to the original novels, this value judgement on...Austen, Jane, 1775-1817 - Criticism and interpretation2014-12
13 Silianoff, CaitlinObjectified: Bodily Fragmentation in the Metaphysical ConceitThis Honors thesis investigates bodily fragmentation and metaphoric direction in seventeenth-century poetry. I focus in particular on John Donne and Richard Crashaw, two contemporaneous metaphysical poets who are often regarded as critical opposites. Close analysis of their use of bodily imagery wit...2020
14 Prince, Stephen TannerSuper Mario Maker and Dashiegames a Youtube, Folk PalimpsestFolklore is traditional, informal, unofficial culture. And right now, on the internet, it's changing everything you know about entertainment. In this thesis, I look at the gaming tradition, past and present, and at the major game developer Nintendo. I present Nintendo's fascinating history, and an a...2019
15 Breiholz, CamilleNot there yet: The effect of persistent grief on an immigrant's ability to assimilateGrief is a component of immigration present no matter the time period or mode of migration. In the Distance by Hernan Diaz tells the story of a young Swedish immigrant to America during the 1800s gold rush as he traverses the country in search of his brother while Go, Went, Gone by Jenny Erpenbeck r...2023
16 Najarian, Anastasia S.I Choose Life Project : Resolving the Disparity of Political and Human Rights Interventions a Strategic Communication Plan to Implement Treatment for Trauma and Suicide Prevention and Reduce Global Conflict VIA Digital DiplomacyIf one is faced with the daunting challenge of climbing Mount Everest or entering a battlefield, the best option is to follow the lead of someone who has done it before, rather than someone who has only read about it. Such is the case with current trends in addressing human rights interventions for ...2018
17 Johnson, Valerie E.Spiritualism in Salt Lake City newspapers from 1920 to 1930After World War I, a religious fervor known as Spiritualism spread across Europe and America. Spiritualism was characterized by the use of seances, psychics, automatic writing, mediums, and spirit photographs to prove the existence of spirits and the afterlife. It was especially popular with soldier...Communication2013-05
18 Lanier, DeandraI am: the wake of postpostmodernismThe goal of this "essay," a compilation of the genres of fiction, poetry, and literary criticism, is to figure out where contemporary fiction is headed and what postmodernism might be leaving in its wake. This essay is an attempt to push critique through the lens of fiction. It seems that the progre...2011
19 Hannon, JacksonNational strategy and military doctrine in Afghanistan and Iraq and the creation of the office of foreign affairs and reconstructionThe 9/11 terror attacks in New York by al Qaeda have largely been considered a landmark moment in American hist ory, and in the path of the Bush presidency. While the Bush administration had something of a general foreign policy and guiding strategy, the attacks on 9/11 were a seminal moment for the...United States -- Foreign relations -- 21st century; United States -- Military policy; United States -- Military relations -- Afghanistan; United States -- Military relations -- Iraq; United States -- Foreign relations -- Afghanistan; United States -- Foreign relations -- Iraq2015-08
20 Colby, NatalieIn depth: a collection of short stories on Queer AdolescenceThis thesis is a collection of fiction short stories written over the course of my undergrad degree, with some produced particularly for this project. In these stories, I explore themes that are of particular interest to me, including, queer adolescence and the intersections between queerness and re...2023
21 Avondet, CallieCurriculum as resistance: social studies at the Hampton institute in the late nineteenth centuryAs the Civil War concluded, freed people claimed their freedom to literacy. Schools teaching both basic literacy and offering higher education for Black people were quickly established throughout the South, supported by missionary associations, the Freedmen's Bureau, and Black communities. In 1868 t...freedom; freedmen's bureau2022
22 Mortenson, AlexandraNo Longer a Guest: Christianity's Role in Hwang Sok-Yong's Metaphorical ExorcismThe title of Hwang Sŏk-Yŏng's historical fiction The Guest refers in part to two foreign ideologies that were introduced to Korea in the modern era-Christianity and Communism. The Guest explores the suffering caused by the arrival of these two foreign ideologies. The purpose of this thesis is to a...2016
23 Olschewski, ErinC is for carrots, community gardens, and co-ops: A thematic analysis of the ways in which Sesame Street tackles nutrition, sustainability, and social justiceIn the realm of entertainment education and media studies, there is a sizable amount of research linking children's nutrition and early educational television shows. However, there is a paucity of work that attempts to connect nutrition with sustainability and/or social justice in the context of chi...Children's television programs; social aspects; nutrition in mass media; Sesame Street (Television program); social justice in mass media; sustainability in mass media2014-12
24 Chinburg, Mitchell A.Dissolving the public Sphere: the rise of micro publics in politcal discourse circulationThe relationship between news media institutions and the voting public in democratic societies has long been evaluated using Habermas' theories of the public sphere and deliberative politics. A qualitative study-survey and interview-conducted with University of Utah students, explored the relationsh...micro publics2024
25 Hall, AdamMy story is an ode to black thought
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