401 - 600 of 492
Number of results to display per page
401 The relationship between adiponectin to leptin ratio, metabolic dysfunction, and diet in the pediatric obese2013-08Textir_etd
402 Relationship between after-school physical activity and dietary habits with cardio-metabolic risk in low-income children2017-05Textir_etd
403 The relationship between social psychological climate and psychological well-being in late adolescent dancers2012-08Textir_etd
404 Relationship of docosahexaenoic acid (dha) intake to concussion incidence and recovery in the adolescent athlete population2016Textir_etd
405 The relationship of fathers with sons who have Tourette Syndrome and the impact on the family2012-08Textir_etd
406 Relationship of task and ego orientation to performance: cognitive content, affect, and attributions in bowling1993Textir_uspace
407 Relationships among physique, body composition and performance characteristics of preprofessional, collegiate ballet dancers1987-03Textir_etd
408 Relationships among the physical education climate and physical activity in Junior High school physical education: a mediational analysis2011-12Textir_etd
409 Relative fundamental frequency in the assessment of primary muscle tension dysphonia2015-08Textir_etd
410 Reliability and validity of a breastfeeding knowledge survey in allied health students2010Textir_etd
411 Reliability and validity of the Just Jump® mat countermovement push-up height as a measure of upper-body power2011-08Textir_etd
412 Rescue victim risk factors and solo wilderness travel2014-08Textir_etd
413 Restorative environments' influence on cognitive flexibility in developing adults2011-05Textir_etd
414 Rhetorical theory and practice of Adam S. Bennion1971Textir_etd
415 River Nymph, Earth Goddess: a Female Narrative on the Power of Outdoor Adventure Experiences2018Textir_htoa
416 The role of mixed dominance in bilingual assessment2015-08Textir_etd
417 Rotational velocities, pelvic: torso separation, and spiked ball velocity in female collegiate volleyball athletes2011Textir_etd
418 Semantic feature analysis: Application to confrontation naming of actions in aphasia2014-01-01Textir_uspace
419 Senior olympians' achievement goals and motivational responses1998-07Textir_uspace
420 Sense of community: predictors, experience, and outcomes in adult recreational sports2015-08Textir_etd
421 Serum and macular responses to antioxidant supplementation verus a carotenoid-rich dietary intervention in the elderly.2006-02-01Textir_uspace
422 Sex as a Potential Source of Bias in Adult Judgments of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorder2017Textir_htoa
423 Sex-divergent impact of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on the lung of postnatal growth restricted rats2018Textir_etd
424 Shifting physical activity patterns among women: The historical and potential future impacts on pelvic floor and skeletal health2016-04Textir_htoa
425 Shortening outdoor adventure education courses: instructor rerceptions from the Colorado outward bound school2019Textir_etd
426 Simultaneous measurement to human auditory nerve and brainstem potentials: efects of upward spread of excitation2022Textir_htoa
427 Single-leg cycling, an evaluation of pedal powers2011-05Textir_etd
428 Single-leg emphasis cycling for speed skating: a Novel training strategy to improve on-ice time-trial performance2018Textir_etd
429 Skeletal muscle fatigue in health and disease: the role of active muscle mass, afferent feedback and oxidative stress2012-08Textir_etd
430 The social benefits of nature-based recreation for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder2019Textir_etd
431 Social cognitive predictors of rehabilitation outcomes in individuals with parkinson's disease2018Textir_etd
432 Social support and rare disease: innovations in health promotion and education technology2015-08Textir_etd
433 Social-Emotional Problems in Toddlers: Relationship with Language Development and Autism Risk2016-08Textir_htoa
434 Sound production treatment: application with severe apraxia of speech2010-01-01Textir_uspace
435 Speech language pathologists' practice with young children who require augmentative and alternative communication: a focus on social communication and peer intervention2010-08Textir_etd
436 Speed resiliency and attentional focus in the basketball jump shot2018Textir_etd
437 State the obvious2008-01-01Textir_uspace
438 Step counts, cardiorespiratory fitness, and goal setting in elementary school physical education2018Textir_etd
439 Strawberry supplementation lessens vascular inflammation and dysfunction displayed by db/db mice2017Textir_etd
440 Stress mindset, cognitive appraisals, and sport injury: a test of the stress-injury model2015-08Textir_etd
441 Stress-related growth in division I athletes: A mixed methods investigation2009-08Textir_etd
442 Structured versus unstructured day: physical activity among adolescents during covid-192022Textir_htoa
443 Studying family leisure from a systems perspective2011-08Textir_etd
444 Stuttering treatment outcomes measurement: assessing above and below the surface2007-11-01Textir_uspace
445 Survey of pediatric audiologist on their use of loudness perception measures2021Textir_htoa
446 Targeting anabolic impairment in response to resistance exercise in older adults with mobility impairments: potential mechanisms and rehabilitation approaches2012-01-01Textir_uspace
447 Teacher awareness and implementation of food and physical activity policies in Utah Elementary Schools, 20102011-01-01Textir_uspace
448 Teachers' perceived and desired role in childhood obesity prevention2014-08Textir_etd
449 The team approach in cleft palate habilitation1972-12Textir_htca
450 Test-retest stability of discourse measures in individuals with aphasia2016Textir_etd
451 Testing a conceptual model of vocal tremor: respiratory and laryngeal contributions to acoustic modulation2016Textir_etd
452 Thermoregulatory, cardiovascular, and metabolic dynamics during prolonged cycling in normoconvective and hyperconvective environments1993Textir_etd
453 Thermus aquaticus and you: biodiversity, human health, and the interpretive challenge2010Textir_uspace
454 They bring their memories with them: Somali Bantu resettlement in a globalized world2010Textir_uspace
455 Time course of learning to produce maximum cycling power2000Textir_uspace
456 Torso stabilization reduces the metabolic cost of producing cycling power2005Textir_uspace
457 Toward a better understanding of intrinsic motivation among adolescent males on outdoor trips within a residential treatment program2010Textir_etd
458 Toward the development of an inventory of daily widowed life (IDWL): guided by the duel process model of coping with bereavement2007-07Textir_uspace
459 Toward validation of an acoustic index of dysphonia severity2012-08Textir_etd
460 Towards year-round participation: three investigations into the relationships between weather and outdoor recreation2019Textir_etd
461 Training with power measurement: a new era in cycling training2003Textir_uspace
462 Transformational leadership: behaviors, outcomes, and predictors2015-05Textir_etd
463 Travelers' philanthropy: understanding tourists' motivations to financially donate at Sweetwater Chimpanzee Sanctuary2013-12Textir_etd
464 Understanding adolescent perceptions and practices of diabetes prevention through qualitative methods2019Textir_etd
465 Understanding sprint-cycling performance: the integration of muscle power, resistance, and modeling2007-01-01Textir_uspace
466 Understanding subsistence use and identity construction in communities surrounding Denali National Park and Preserve2014-12Textir_etd
467 The use of a modular titanium baseplate with a press-fit keel implanted with a surface cementing technique for primary total knee arthroplasty2014-01-01Textir_uspace
468 Uteroplacental insufficiency causes sex-divergent changes in the placental PPARγ-Setd8 axis in the rat2018Textir_etd
469 Validation of a mathematical model for road cycling power1998Textir_uspace
470 Validation of force pedals for bilateral strength asymmetry testing2014-12Textir_htoa
471 Validity of a self-reported "vital sign" for physical activity in adults of primary healthcare2014-12Textir_etd
472 Validity of the Actigraph GT3X+ in children When Worn at the Wrist2019Textir_htoa
473 Validity of the vestibular/ocular motor screening assessment with regard to acute suspected concussion in high school football2017Textir_etd
474 Validity testing of the functional movement screen in adolescent athletes2018Textir_etd
475 The value of infusing self-efficacy theory with smartphone technology to sustain walking for exercise in a worksite population2013-12Textir_etd
476 Vascular function with healthy aging and heart failure with a left ventricular assist device: honing assessment techniques and developing restorative interventions2020Textir_etd
477 Vascular function, exercise-induced hyperemia, and antioxidant supplementation in chronic heart failure patients and heart transplant recipients2011-12Textir_etd
478 Vascular mitochondrial respiratory and vasodilatory function: understanding the changes and interactions with advancing age2018Textir_etd
479 Victor Jory on Stage1961Textir_etd
480 Visitor responses to the possible recession of exit glacier at Kenai Fjords National Park2016Textir_etd
481 Weight gain, dietary intake, and body composition in patients with Type 2 and Type 3 SMA2015-08Textir_etd
482 Weight pressure in sport-females (WPS-F) scoring information2010-05-25Textir_uspace
483 Weight pressures in sport-males (WPS-M) scoring information2010-06-02Textir_uspace
484 What drives transformational learning and identity formation for youth enrolled in immersion semesters2019Textir_etd
485 Will matching occlusion time for continuous and intermittent restricted-blood-flow exercise result in similar muscle hypertrophy and strength adaptations?2018Textir_etd
486 Women confronting the reality of multiple sclerosis: a qualitative model of self-healing2010-08Textir_etd
487 Word of the wild2014-12Textir_htoa
488 Word retrieval practice effects and working memory in aphasia2019Textir_etd
489 Young females: Human potential lost because of low self-esteem1988-06Textir_htca
490 Youth development in community recreation programs: leveraging context to promote self-regulation2012-08Textir_etd
491 Youth development through organized camping: three interrelated studies on long-term learning and mechanisms at camp2018Textir_etd
492 Youth perceptions of a caring climate, emotional regulation and psychological well-being2009Textir_uspace
401 - 600 of 492