201 - 225 of 382
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201 Development of flexure testing fixtures and methods for thin-walled composite tubesir_etd
202 Hybrid electric vehicle power management solutions based on isolated and nonisolated configurations of multilevel modular capacitor-clamped converter2009Textir_uspace
203 Precise garbage collection for C2009-01-01Textir_uspace
204 Use of waste glass as a supplementary cementitious material2015Textir_etd
205 Data scalable approach for identifying correlation in large and multidimensional data2017Textir_etd
206 Radio frequency sensing networks for localization, synchronization, and health monitoring2017Textir_etd
207 An introduction to asynchronous circuit design1997Textir_uspace
208 Design, modeling, and gait control of a rolling quadruped (Roll-U-Ped)2018Textir_etd
209 Evaluation of mechanical and transport properties of in situ processed oil shale in Green River Formation2018Textir_etd
210 Ultrasound alignment of a high weight fraction of carbon nanotubes in a polymer matrix2017Textir_etd
211 A tour of the worm1989Textir_uspace
212 EGOR: design, development, implementation an entry in the 1994 AAAI robot competition1994Textir_uspace
213 ISP: An optimal out-of-core image-set processing streaming architecture for parallel heterogeneous systems2012-01-01Textir_uspace
214 Conduit based drug delivery device for peripheral nerve regeneration2017Textir_etd
215 Design and optimization of hardware accelerators for deep learning2018Textir_etd
216 Computer display of curved surfaces1971Textir_uspace
217 Flow charts: visualization of vector fields on arbitrary surfaces2008-09Textir_uspace
218 Health monitoring of precast bridge deck panels reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer bars2011-05Textir_etd
219 Investigation of surface phase formation during Sn-rich growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 polycrystalline thin films for solar cells2012-12Textir_etd
220 Leveraging heterogeneity in DRAM main memories to accelerate critical word access2012-01-01Textir_uspace
221 Microkernels meet recursive virtual machines (draft. May 10, 1996))1996Textir_uspace
222 Affective polarity recognition and human needs categorization for affective events2018Textir_etd
223 Molecular dynamics simulation study of cyanobiphenyl-based liquid crystals2016Textir_etd
224 Using remote sensing to evaluate historical trends and contributing factors to algal bloom dynamics and forecasting future conditions in the Great Salt Lake System2018Textir_etd
225 Adaptive polynomial filters1991Textir_uspace
201 - 225 of 382