76 - 100 of 782
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76 Study of ignition and combustion of coal and coal chars; using a special shock tube system1978-12Textir_etd
77 Thermal processing of Utah tar sands1984-06Textir_etd
78 Magnetic cluster phases of Mn-interstitial-free (Ga,Mn)As2007Textir_uspace
79 Impacts of Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Outlier Body Mass Indices on Pediatric Asthma Outcomes2015-05Textir_htoa
80 A DRAM backend for the impulse memory system1998-12-16Textir_uspace
81 Influence of hospital bed height on kinematic parameters associated with patient falls during egress2015-03Textir_etd
82 Simulation of the thermal-acoustic coupling inside an industrial hazardous waste incineratorTextir_eua
83 Provenance in scientific workflow systems2007Textir_uspace
84 Scientific exploration in the era of ocean observatories2008-05Textir_uspace
85 A computational framework to characterize the fast neural coding dynamics during eye movements2020Textir_etd
86 Dataflow computers: a tutorial and survey1980Textir_uspace
87 Gait modifications on challenging terrain: a study of persons with parkinson disease2014-12Textir_etd
88 Semiannual technical report transformation of ADA programs into silicon (1 Sept. 1981- 28 Feb. 1982)1982Textir_uspace
89 My lung health: shared decision making for lung cancer screening2023Textir_htoa
90 Energy efficient radio tomographic imaging2014-01-01Textir_uspace
91 Agile in the Wild - An in-Depth look into EAE Student Development Practice2019Textir_htoa
92 MEMS testing: transition from millions to billions to trillions2012-01-01Textir_uspace
93 Prof. James R. wait and mining production technology--an appreciation2000-09Textir_uspace
94 Temperature dependent shear viscosity coefficient of octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX ): a molecular dynamics simulation study2000Textir_uspace
95 Fracture toughness of two Cr2Hf+Cr intermetallic composites as a function temperature1994Textir_uspace
96 Semantics of parallel program graphs1977Textir_uspace
97 Design a DRAM backend for the impulse memory system2000Textir_uspace
98 Expanded polystyrene geofoam embankment for support of railways and bridges2015-08Textir_etd
99 Inflammatory biomarkers and functional biomechanics of older adults with osteoartheritis before and after total knee arhroplasty2013-12Textir_etd
100 Mapping the probability and uncertainty of liquefaction-induced ground failure2012-12Textir_etd
76 - 100 of 782