276 - 300 of 782
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276 Thermal solvent extraction of a sunbury oil shale kerogen1987-08Textir_etd
277 A generic operational memory model specification framework for multithreaded program verification2003Textir_uspace
278 Accelerating DNA Sequence Alignment2018Textir_htoa
279 Detecting potential lensed galaxies behind foreground Galaxy targets using machine learning techniques2018Textir_etd
280 Detecting secrets in source code: using machine learning to reduce false positives2019Textir_etd
281 Development of non-toxic, inexpensive DNA Gel electrophoresis kit for CH EN K-12 outreach2022Textir_htoa
282 Enzymatic biofuel cell device development with an emphasis on electrode structure2016Textir_etd
283 Formalizing the Java Memory Model for multithreaded program correctness and optimization2002-04-02Textir_uspace
284 Incorporating performance-based global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis into LCOE calculations for emerging renewable energy technologies2018-02-14Textir_uspace
285 Debugging with Domain-specific Events via Macros2017Textir_etd
286 The effect of interconnect design on the performance of large L2 caches2006Textir_uspace
287 End-to-end eScience: integrating workflow, query, visualization, and provenance at an ocean observatory2008-12Textir_uspace
288 Exact field solution to guided wave progagation in lossy thin films2011Textir_uspace
289 Microarchitectural techniques to reduce interconnect power in clustered processors2004Textir_uspace
290 Microbial production of methane and carbon dioxide from lignite, bituminous coal, and coal waste materials2012-01-01Textir_uspace
291 Non-photorealistic volume rendering using stippling techniques2002Textir_uspace
292 Soot in combustion simulations2005Textir_uspace
293 Switching cells and their implications for power electronic circuits2009-05Textir_uspace
294 Thermodynamic, transport and viscoelastic properties of PBX-9501 binder: a molecular dynamics simulation study2008-04-04Textir_uspace
295 The use of an intravaginal pressure transducer in women: a study of the relationship between intra-abdominal pressure and accelerometry2017Textir_etd
296 Effects of low temperature preheating on the pyrolysis products from blocks of oil shale1905-05-31Textir_etd
297 Chemical sensing with nanogap and chemi mechanical devices2019Textir_etd
298 The effect of neck muscle activation and head posture on head kinematics following acoustic warnings and safe head impacts2021Textir_etd
299 Semantics and applications of function graphs1980Textir_uspace
300 Topics in reactive separation2018Textir_etd
276 - 300 of 782