1 - 25 of 382
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1 Effects of increased energy prices on U.S. agriculture: an econometric approach1981Textir_uspace
2 Triple top line based asset management analysis approach to enhance sustain ability of water distribution systems2019Textir_etd
3 Economic and environmental impacts of oil and gas development on the Uinta Basin2016Textir_etd
4 Thermoeconomic analysis of residential rooftop photovoltaic systems with integrated energy storage and resulting impacts on electrical distribution networks2018-07-07Textir_uspace
5 Evaluation of the economic feasability of heavy oil production processes for West Sak Field2012-05Textir_etd
6 Engineering investigation of the great Mormon tabernacle 11940Textir_etd
7 Engineering investigation of the great Mormon tabernacle 21940Textir_etd
8 Continuous-time optimization of power systems operation2019Textir_etd
9 Querying the web2000Textir_uspace
10 FLEX - A Flexible Extendable Language1968-06Textir_computersa
11 Constraint driven synthesis of hardware design1983-08Textir_computersa
12 Pilot-plant evaluation of a water insoluble hydroxamic acid collector for single stage flotation of Florida phosphate rock2006Textir_uspace
13 System scaling approach and thermoeconomic analysis of a pressure retarded osmosis system for power production with hypersaline draw solution: A Great Salt Lake study2017-06Textir_uspace
14 Recognition of 2-D occluded objects and their manipulation by PUMA 560 robot1985Textir_uspace
15 Fossil resin, a value-added product from western coal1992Textir_uspace
16 Nonsulfide flotation technology and plant practice2002Textir_uspace
17 A Framework for evaluating the potential of renewable power generation systems under techno-economic uncertainties2018Textir_etd
18 Design of an inexpensive take-home recorder for cardiac monitoring.1974-07Textir_etd
19 Making a world of difference recruitment of undergraduate students at USU1999Textir_uspace
20 Integrating structured data on the web2013-05Textir_etd
21 Incorporating performance-based global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis into LCOE calculations for emerging renewable energy technologies2018-02-14Textir_uspace
22 Residential Photovoltaic and Storage in Utah: an in-Depth Analysis into Policy and Infrastrature2017Textir_htoa
23 A study of enhanced energy capture by a vertical axis wind turbine in an urban/suburban environment2017Textir_etd
24 Development of Low-Cost system for Myoelectric Prosthesis Control2020Textir_htoa
25 Topics in reactive separation2018Textir_etd
1 - 25 of 382