Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
101 |
 | Hansen, Charles D. | A practical workflow for making anatomical atlases for biological research | An anatomical atlas provides a detailed map for medical and biological studies of anatomy. These atlases are important for understanding normal anatomy and the development and function of structures, and for determining the etiology of congenital abnormalities. Unfortunately, for biologists, generat... | | 2012-01-01 |
102 |
 | Gouraud, Henri | A programmer's guide to PDP-10 euler | This manual describes the EULER language as implemented on the DEC PDP-10 computer. EULER is a block-structured language, similar to Algol-60 but simplified by omitting type declarations and by altering the way procedures are defined and called. PDP-10 EULER includes features for list-and array-mani... | EULER language | 1970 |
103 |
 | Whitty, Kevin J. | A pulse-width modulation controlled wire-mesh heater apparatus for investigation of solid fuel pyrolysis | A novel wire mesh heater apparatus has been developed to study the devolatilization of solid fuels under pressurized conditions at well-controlled heating rates on the order of 1000 K/s. The apparatus combines direct current and pulse-width modulation with a fast-acting and high current-capacity re... | | 2012-01-01 |
104 |
 | Watkins, Gary Scott | A real time visible surface algorithm | With the increasing use of computer graphics, a need is growing for a processor capable of displaying solid objects. Environmental simulation and architectural modeling are only two areas that would benefit from such a diplay processor. This dissertation describes an algorithm designed for such a ... | Surface algorithm | 1970 |
105 |
 | Simpson, Jamesina J. | A review of progress in FDTD Maxwell's equations modeling of impulsive subionospheric propagation below 300 kHz | Wave propagation at the bottom of the electromagnetic spectrum (below300 kHz) in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide system has been an interesting and important area of investigation for the last four decades. Such wave propagation is characterized by complex phenomena involving nonhomogeneous and aniso... | | 2007-01-01 |
106 |
 | Lawton, Evert C. | A review of shear stress sign convention in interpreting Mohrs circle | The pole of planes method is a popular technique for interpreting Mohr's circle to determine the stresses (normal and shear) on planes of differing rotations in 2-D space. A survey of undergraduate textbooks on soil mechanics shows differing viewpoints on the sign convention for interpreting the she... | | 2012-01-01 |
107 |
 | Kirby, Robert Michael | A scalable, efficient scheme for evaluation of stencil computations over unstructured meshes | Stencil computations are a common class of operations that appear in many computational scientific and engineering applications. Stencil computations often benefit from compile-time analysis, exploiting data-locality, and parallelism. Post-processing of discontinuous Galerkin (dG) simulation solutio... | | 2013-01-01 |
108 |
 | George, Lal | A scheduling strategy for shared memory multiprocessors | An efficient scheduling strategy for shared memory multiprocessors is described. The rapid dissemination of tasks to available procesors and ready queues is crucial to the performance of any parallel system. Such overheads determine the attainable speedup and performance of the system. Poor techniq... | Shared memory multiprocessors | 1990 |
109 |
 | Fujimoto, Richard M. | A shared memory algorithm and proof for the alternative construct in CSP | Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a paradigm for communication and synchronization among distributed processes. The alternative construct is a key feature of CSP that allows nondeterministic selection of one among several possible communicants. Previous algorithms for this construct assume... | Shared memory algorithm; Communicating Sequential Processes; CSP | 1987 |
110 |
 | Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P. | A simple convolution procedure for calculating currents induced in the human body for exposure to electromagnetic pulses | Abstract-The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and frequency dependent finite difference time-domain (FD)2TD methods have been previously used to calculate internal electric (E) fields and induced currents for exposure of the anatomically based model of the human body to electromagnetic pulses (E... | | 1994 |
111 |
 | Stevens, Kenneth | A single chip low power asynchronous implementation of an FFT algorithm for space applications | A fully asynchronous _x000C_fixed point FFT processor is introduced for low power space applications. The architecture is based on an algorithm developed by Suter and Stevens specifi_x000C_cally for a low power implementation. The novelty of this architecture lies in its high localization of compo... | | 1998 |
112 |
 | Mathews, V. John | A stability condition for certain bilinear systems | Abstract-This correspondence derives a simple sufficient condition for the output of a discrete-time, time-invariant bilinear system to be bounded whenever the input signal to the system is bounded by a finite constant. | | 1994 |
113 |
 | Mathews, V. John | A stability result for RLS adaptive bilinear filters | Abstract- This letter considers recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive nonlinear filtering using bilinear system models. It is shown that the extended RLS adaptive bilinear filter, as well as the equation-error RLS adaptive bilinear filter, are guaranteed to be stable in the sense that the time aver... | | 1994 |
114 |
 | Mathews, V. John; Dubow, Joel | A stable adaptive Hammerstein filter employing partial orthogonalization of the input signals | Abstract This paper presents an algorithm that adapts the parameters of a Hammerstein system model. Hammerstein systems are nonlinear systems that contain a static nonlinearity cascaded with a linear system. In this work, the static nonlinearity is modeled using a polynomial system and the linear f... | | 2002 |
115 |
 | Mathews, V. John | A stable adaptive Hammerstein filter employing partial orthogonalization of the input signals | Abstract-This paper presents an algorithm that adapts the parameters of a Hammerstein system model. Hammerstein systems are nonlinear systems that contain a static nonlinearity cascaded with a linear system. In this paper, the static nonlinearity is modeled using a polynomial system, and the linear ... | | 2006 |
116 |
 | Baxter, Brent S. | A standard magnetic tape format for digital image exchange | This proposal describes a simple yet flexible magnetic tape format for exchanging digital image information. Multi-dimensional arrays of raster scan data are stored as sequential files, with descriptive information related to the sefiles stored in an initial directory file. Directory information is ... | Raster scan data | 1981 |
117 |
 | Myers, Chris J. | A standard-cell self-timed multiplier for energy and area critical synchronous systems | This paper describes the design of a standard-cell self-timed multiplier for use in energy and area critical synchronous systems. The area of this multiplier is bounded by N rather than N2 as seen in more traditional combinational parallel array designs, where N is the word size. Energy has a polyn... | | 2001 |
118 |
 | Furse, Cynthia M. | A stochastic FDTD method for statistically varying biological tissues | THE analysis of radio wave absorption is a continuing concern for the cell phone industry due to health effects (and associated regulations) of the person using the cell phone [1,2]. The amount of allowable power absorbed has a strong impact on the design of the phone (antenna, electromagnetic inte... | | 2011 |
119 |
 | Simpson, Jamesina J. | A stochastic FDTD model of electromagnetic wave propagation in magnetized ionospheric plasma | Communications, surveillance, and navigation capabilities rely heavily on accurate knowledge of electromagnetic (EM) signal propagation characteristics through and reflected by the Earth's ionosphere. Satellite communications, over-the-horizon radar, and target direction finding are a few example ap... | | 2013-01-01 |
120 |
 | Mathews, V. John | A stochastic gradient adaptive filter with gradient adaptive step size | Abstract-This paper presents an adaptive step-size gradient adaptive filter. The step size of the adaptive filter is changed according to a gradient descent algorithm designed to reduce the squared estimation error during each iteration. An approximate analysis of the performance of the adaptive fil... | | 1993 |
121 |
 | Henderson, Thomas C. | A study of Pierce's group generator | Pierce describes an approach to map learning with uninterpreted sensors and effectors. As part of that, he describes a sensor grouping generator operator that attempts to arrange similar sensors into groups. Here we review that work and place it in a more strenuous statistical validation framewor... | Pierce's group; Map learning; Sensor grouping generator | 2010 |
122 |
 | Furse, Cynthia M. | A study on the efficiency of transparent patch antennas designed from conductive oxide films | Abstract? A study on the efficiency of transparent patch antennas designed from indium tin oxide (ITO) films is presented to provide design guidelines for patch type transparent antennas. The trade-offs between optical transparency and antenna efficiency is analyzed by considering typical materia... | | 2011 |
123 |
 | Ricci, Robert | A survey of computing migration | | | 2010-02-26 |
124 |
 | Henderson, Thomas C. | A survey of dextrous manipulation | The development of mechanical end effectors capable of dextrous manipulation is a rapidly growing and quite successful field of research. It has in some sense put the focus on control issues, in particular, how to control these remarkably humanlike manipulators to perform the deft movement that we t... | Dextrous manipulation | 1986 |
125 |
 | Berzins, Martin | A survey of high level frameworks in block-structured adaptive mesh refinement packages | Over the last decade block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (SAMR) has found increasing use in large, publicly available codes and frameworks. SAMR frameworks have evolved along different paths. Some have stayed focused on specific domain areas, others have pursued a more general functionality, p... | | 2014-01-01 |