651 - 675 of 1,978
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651 Simpson, Jamesina J.Electrokinetic effect of the loma prieta earthquake calculated by an entire-earth FDTD solution of Maxwell's equationsWe report what we believe to be the first three-dimensional computational solution of the full-vector Maxwell's equations for hypothesized pre-seismic electromagnetic phenomena propagated within the entire Earth-ionosphere cavity. Periodic boundary conditions are used in conjunction with a variable-...2005-01-01
652 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.; Lazzi, GianlucaElectromagnetic absorption in the human head and neck for mobile telephones at 835 and 1900 MHzWe have used the finite-difference time-domain method and a new millimeter-resolution anatomically based model of the human to study electromagnetic energy coupled to the head due to mobile telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz. Assuming reduced dimensions characteristic of today's mobile telephones, we h...Electromagnetic absorption; FDTD; Finite-difference time-domain; Specific absorption rates; SAR1996-01-01
653 Furse, Cynthia M.Electromagnetics education in North AmericaThis paper starts with a description of the activities of the education committees of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation, Microwave Theory and Techniques, and Electromagnetic Compatibility societies and the United States National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science (USNC/URSI).We t...2005
654 Scarpulla, MichaelElectron backscatter diffraction and photoluminescence of sputtered CdTe thin filmsElectron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) has been used to characterize the grain size, grain boundary structure, and texture of sputtered CdTe at varying deposition pressures before and after CdCl2 treatment in order to correlate performance with film microstructure. It is known that twin boundaries ...2011-01-01
655 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Electron mobility in AlxGa1-xAshe electron mobility in AlxGa1-xAs grown by several techniques has been studied to determine whether VPE layers are more highly compensated than comparable LPE layers. The techniques used to grow layers included (1) organometallic VPE using Al(CH3)3, AsH3, and Ga(C2H5)3 or Ga(CH3)3, (2) ''hybrid'' o...Alloys; Organometallics1979-06
656 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Electron mobility in compensated GaAs and AlGaAsThe dependence of electron mobility on temperature in GaAs and Al Ga As indicates that for cimpensated material a term having causes a significant reduction in the mobility measured at high temperatures. The magnitude of the term in mobility, denoted is found to be linearly proportional to the compe...Unspecified mobility; Reduced mobility; Space charge regions1980
657 Tiwari, AshutoshElectron tunneling experiments on La0.7A0.3MnO3 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba)Tunneling conductance measurements of the electronic density of states of perovskite manganates, La0.7A0.3MnO3 are reported. Tunneling data of all the samples show a zero-bias anomaly with a minimum in the density of states at the Fermi level. This behavior is interpreted as arising from strong elec...Perovskite manganates; Tunneling conductance1999-10
658 Liu, FengElectronic and elastic properties of edge dislocations in SiAb initio, tight-binding, and classical calculations have been done for (a/2)( 110) edge dislocation dipoles in Si at separations of 7.5-22.9 A in unit cells comprising 32-288 atoms. These calculations show states associated with the cores relatively deep in the band gap (~ 0.2 eV) despite the abse...Edge dislocations1995-06
659 Liu, FengElectronic strengthening of graphene by charge dopingGraphene is known as the strongest 2D material in nature, yet we show that moderate charge doping of either electrons or holes can further enhance its ideal strength by up to 17%, based on first-principles calculations. This unusual electronic enhancement, versus conventional structural enhancement,...2012-01-01
660 Ashton, Alan ConwayElectronics, music and computersElectronic and computer technology has had and will continue to have a marked effect in the field of music. Through the years scientists, engineers, and musicians have applied available technology to new musical instruments, innovative musical sound production, sound analysis, and musicology. At the...Computers; Music1971
661 Simpson, Jamesina J.ELF radar system proposed for localized D-region ionospheric anomaliesThis letter proposes a novel extremely low frequency (ELF) radar for localized D-region (altitude < 95 km) ionospheric anomalies that have been generated by natural geophysical processes. The proposed system would use the former U.S. Navy Wisconsin Transmitting Facility as a distant well-characteriz...2006-01-01
662 Regehr, JohnEliminating stack overflow by abstract interpretationAn important correctness criterion for software running on embedded microcontrollers is stack safety: a guarantee that the call stack does not overflow. Our first contribution is a method for statically guaranteeing stack safety of interrupt-driven embedded software using an approach based on contex...2005-01-01
663 Regehr, JohnEliminating the call stack to save RAMMost programming languages support a call stack in the programming model and also in the runtime system.We show that for applications targeting low-power embedded microcontrollers (MCUs), RAM usage can be significantly decreased by partially or completely eliminating the runtime callstack. We presen...2009-01-01
664 Kirby, Robert Michael IIElVis: A system for the accurate and interactive visualization of high-order finite element solutionsThis paper presents the Element Visualizer (ElVis), a new, open-source scientific visualization system for use with high order finite element solutions to PDEs in three dimensions. This system is designed to minimize visualization errors of these types of fields by querying the underlying finite ele...2012-01-01
665 Slind, Konrad LeeEmerging trends proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: TPHOLs 2004This volume constitutes the proceedings of the Emerging Trends track of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2004) held September 14-17, 2004 in Park City, Utah, USA. The TPHOLs conference covers all aspects of theorem proving in higher order logics ...Theorem proving; Higher order logics2004-08
666 Riloff, Ellen M.Empirical approach to conceptual case frame acquisitionConceptual natural language processing systems usually rely on case frame instantiation to recognize events and role objects in text. But generating a good set of case frames for a domain is time-consuming, tedious, and prone to errors of omission. We have developed a corpus-based algorithm for a...Conceptual case frame acquisition; Case frame instantiation; Corpus-based algorithm1998
667 Riloff, Ellen M.Empirical study of automated dictionary construction for information extraction in three domainsA primary goal of natural language processing researchers is to develop a knowledge-based natural language processing (NLP) system that is portable across domains. However, most knowledge-based NLP systems rely on a domain-specific dictionary of concepts, which represents a substantial knowledge-en...Information extraction; AutoSlog; Across domains1996
668 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.Enabling advanced visualization tools in a web-based simulation monitoring systemSimulations that require massive amounts of computing power and generate tens of terabytes of data are now part of the daily lives of scientists. Analyzing and visualizing the results of these simulations as they are computed can lead not only to early insights but also to useful knowledge that ca...Isosurfaces; Contour tree; Turbulent combustion; eSimMon2009-12
669 Furse, Cynthia M.Enabling wireless communication in aircraft using multipe antenna systemsSensor technology is advancing to provide the robust, miniaturized sensors needed for aircraft prognostics health management (PHM). Aircraft maintainers would like to add numerous pressure, temperature, vibration, fuel quantity, moisture/chemical sensors, but a major challenge of retrofitting old ai...2009-01-01
670 Normann, Richard A.; Shoham, ShyEncoding mechanisms for sensory neurons studied with a multielectrode array in the cat dorsal root ganglionRecent advances in microelectrode array technology now permit a direct examination of the way populations of sensory neurons encode information about a limb's position in space. To address this issue, we recorded nerve impulses from about 100 single units simultaneously in the L6 and L7 dorsal root ...Sensory; Encoding; Multielectrode; Dorsal Root Ganglion; Cutaneour; Muscle2004
671 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.End-to-end eScience: integrating workflow, query, visualization, and provenance at an ocean observatoryData analysis tasks at an Ocean Observatory require integrative and and domain-specialized use of database, workflow, visualization systems. We describe a platform to support these tasks developed as part of the cyberinfrastructure at the NSF Science and Technology Center for Coastal Margin Obser...Coastal margins; Ocean observatories; Workflow systems; VisTrails2008-12
672 Stevens, KennethEnergy and performance models for clocked and asynchronous communicationParameterized first-order models for throughput, energy, and bandwidth are presented in this paper. Models are developed for many common pipeline methodologies, including clocked flopped, clocked time-borrowing latch protocols, asynchronous two-cycle, four-cycle, delay-insensitive, and source synch...2003
673 Stevens, KennethEnergy and performance models for synchronous and asynchronous communicationCommunication costs, which have the potential to throttle design performance as scaling continues, are mathematically modeled and compared for various pipeline methodologies. First-order models are created for common pipeline protocols, including clocked flopped, clocked time-borrowing latch, async...2010
674 Bianchi, CarloEnergy demands for commercial buildings with climate variability based on emission scenariosThe impacts of a changing climate are wide-ranging in both impact and scope. This paper investigates the effect that realistic climate variability would have on building energy demands in Salt Lake City, UT to inform planning for air quality impacts. Energy demand scenarios were derived using climat...BEM; EnergyPlus; Emissions; Climate; Energy2017
675 Kasera, Sneha K.Energy efficient radio tomographic imagingIn this paper, our goal is to develop approaches to reduce the energy consumption in Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI)-based methods for device free localization without giving up localization accuracy. Our key idea is to only measure those links that are near the current location of the moving object...2014-01-01
651 - 675 of 1,978