601 - 625 of 2,125
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601 Miller, Jan D.Dispersed oil impact on froth stability in flotationFoam stability in flotation has been studied for more than half of the last century, however, the mechanisms responsible for the defoaming action of many presently used reagents are not completely understood. This research presents oil flotation data, which may be used in the evaluation of aqueous ...froth control; foam control; oil flotation; polyoxyethylene 10 lauryl ether (C12E 10); isobutylcarbinol (MIBC)2001
602 Christensen, Douglas A.Dispersion effects in fiber optic interferometryAn extended analysis of the effects of uncompensated fiber dispersion on the fringe visibility of a fiber optic interferometer is developed, with particular emphasis on stellar interferometry. Both material and waveguide dispersion for single-mode, polarization-preserving fibers are considered. It...Stellar interferometry; Fiber optics; Statistical optics1997
603 Evans, DavidDisplay of complex three dimensional finite element modelsComplex three dimensional models can be displayed after an automatic generation of a finite element (panel) mapping. although this automatic generation algorithm fails at certain levels of model complexity, the elimination of these failures can be accomplished through user interaction. This report p...Three dimensional models; Finite element models1978
604 Peterson, John W.Distributed computation for computer animationComputer animation is a very computationally intensive task. Recent developments in image synthesis, such as shadows, reflections and motion blur enhance the quality of computer animation, but also dramatically increase the amount of CPU time needed to do it. Fortunately, the computations involved w...Distributed computation1987
605 Parker, Steven G.; Hansen, Charles D.Distributed interactive ray tracing for large volume visualizationWe have constructed a distributed parallel ray tracing system that interactively produces isosurface renderings from large data sets on a cluster of commodity PCs. The program was derived from the SCI Institute's interactive ray tracer (*-Ray), which utilizes small to large shared memory platforms, ...Ray tracing; Volume rendering; Large data; Cluster computing; Distributed shared memory2003
606 Miller, Jan D.; Deo, Milind; Lin, Chen-LuhDistribution of multiphase fluids in porous media: comparison between lattice Boltzmann modeling and micro-x-ray tomographyA parallel implementation of the three-dimensional Shan-and-Chen multicomponent, multiphase lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was used to simulate the equilibrium distributions of two immiscible fluids in porous media. The simulations were successfully validated against cone-beam x-ray microtomographi...Multiphase fluid flow; porous media; X-ray microtomography2008-02
607 Thompson, William B.; Willemsen, Peter; Gooch, Amy A.; Creem-Regehr, Sarah HopeDoes the quality of the computer graphics matter when judging distances in visually immersive environments?In the real world, people are quite accurate judging distances to locations in the environment, at least for targets resting on the ground plane and distances out to about 20m. Distance judgments in visually immersive environments are much less accurate. Several studies have now shown that in vis...Visually immersive environments2002-12-05
608 Riloff, Ellen M.Domain-specific coreference resolution with lexicalized featuresMost coreference resolvers rely heavily on string matching, syntactic properties, and semantic attributes of words, but they lack the ability to make decisions based on individual words. In this paper, we explore the benefits of lexicalized features in the setting of domain-specific coreference reso...2014-01-01
609 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Doping studies of Ga0.5In0.5P organometallic vapor-phase epitaxyPresents doping studies of gallium[sub0.5] indium[sub0.5] phosphorus organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy. Distribution coefficient of indium; Description of growth conditions; Case of poor growth morphology for gallium[sub0.5] indium[sub0.5] phosphorus.Phosphorus; Gallium; Doping1986
610 Furse, Cynthia M.Down to the wireAs today's military and commercial aircraft age past their teen years, the many kilometers of wiring buried deep within their structures begin to crack and fray. Once thought to be rare and benign, such faults are found by the hundreds in a typical aircraft. Unlike obvious cracks in a wing or an e...Aging wiring; Wire fault location; Aging wire detection; Smart wire systems2001-01-01
611 Evans, JohnDPOS programming manualThis manual describes the basic concepts of the DPOS Metalanguage and the programming language DPOS Scheme.DPOS; Programming manual1990
612 Kessler, Robert R.DPOS: A metalanguage and programming environment for parallel processorsThe complexity and diversity of parallel programming languages and computer architectures hinders programmers in developing programs and greatly limits program portability. All MIMD parallel programming systems, however, address common requirements for process creation, process management, and inte...DPOS; MIMD parallel programming1990
613 Lepreau, JayDRAFT: work in progress - - - comments solicited evolving Mach 3.0 to use migrating threadsLike most operating systems, Mach 3.0 views threads as statically associated with a single task. An alternative model is that of migrating threads, in which a single thread abstraction moves between tasks with the logical flow of control, and "server" code is passively executed. We have compatibly r...DRAFT1993
614 Eckhoff, David W.Drought happens: get used to it! Will technology help us to survive?Drought is not the most popular subject in the world. Actually, as opposed to death, I think there are some bright spots in the drought mitigation future. I will review some of these in this lecture, but I'm also going to discuss some of the downsides of drought, because you can't have one without t...Wastewater reclamation; Tiered water rates2002-09-10
615 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Ingram, Jennifer A.; Kelly, Paul J.; Grentzmann, GuidoDual-luciferase reporter system for studying recoding signalsA new reporter system has been developed for measuring translation coupling efficiency of recoding mechanisms such as frameshifting or readthrough. A recoding test sequence is cloned in between the renilla and firefly luciferase reporter genes and the two luciferase activities are subsequently measu...Amino Acid Sequence; Genes, Reporter; HIV; Antizyme; Translation1998
616 Stringfellow, Gerald B.; Zhu, Jing Yi; Liu, FengDual-surfactant effect to enhance p-type doping in III-V semiconductor thin filmsSurfactant effects are usually achieved by the addition of a single surface element. We demonstrate by first-principles calculations a dual-surfactant effect of Sb and H on enhancing Zn doping in organometallic vapor phase epitaxially grown GaP thin films. The combined effects of Sb and H lower sig...Surfactants; p-type doping2008-11
617 Eide, Eric Norman; Regehr, John; Lepreau, JayDynamic CPU management for real-time, middleware-based systemsMany real-world distributed, real-time, embedded (DRE) systems, such as multi-agent military applications, are built using commercially available operating systems, middleware, and collections of pre-existing software. The complexity of these systems makes it difficult to ensure that they maintai...CPU management2004-01-30
618 Regehr, JohnDynamic CPU management for real-time, middleware-based systemsMany real-world distributed, real-time, embedded (DRE) systems, such as multi-agent military applications, are built using commercially available operating systems, middleware, and collections of pre-existing software. The complexity of these systems makes it difficult to ensure that they maintain h...2004-01-01
619 Stevens, KennethDynamic gates with hysteresis and configurable noise toleranceDynamic logic can provide significant performance and power benefit compared to implementations using static gates. Unfortunately dynamic gates have traditionally suffered from low noise margins, which limits their reliability. A new logic family, called complementary dynamic logic (CDL), is prese...2007
620 Balasubramonian, RajeevDynamic hardware-assisted software-controlled page placement to manage capacity allocation and sharing within large cachesIn future multi-cores, large amounts of delay and power will be spent accessing data in large L2/L3 caches. It has been recently shown that OS-based page coloring allows a non-uniform cache architecture (NUCA) to provide low latencies and not be hindered by complex data search mechanisms. In this ...Page coloring; Shadow-memory addresses; Cache capacity allocation; Data/page migration; Last level caches; Non-uniform cache architectures (NUCA)2009-02
621 Balasubramonian, RajeevDynamic memory hierarchy performance optimizationAlthough microprocessor performance continues to increase at a rapid pace, the growing processor-memory speed gap threatens to limit future performance gains. In this paper, we propose a novel configurable cache and TLB as an alternative to conventional two-level hierarchies. This organization le...Microprocessor performance; Processor-memory speed gap2000
622 Zhou, XuesongDynamic origin-destination demand estimation using automatic vehicle identification dataAbstract-This paper proposes a dynamic origin-destination (OD) estimation method to extract valuable point-to-point splitfraction information from automatic vehicle identification (AVI) counts without estimating market-penetration rates and identification rates of AVI tags. A nonlinear ordinary leas...2006
623 Orr, Douglas B.; Mecklenburg, Robert; Hoogenboom, Peter J.; Lepreau, JayDynamic program monitoring and transformation using the OMOS object serverIn traditional monolithic operating systems the con?? straints of working within the kernel have limited the sophistication of the schemes used to manage exe?? cutable program images By implementing an exe?? cutable image loader as a persistent user??space pro?? gram we can extend system prog...Program monitoring; OMOS object server1992
624 Orr, Douglas B.Dynamic program monitoring and transformation using the OMOS object serverIn traditional monolithic operating systems the constraints of working within the kernel have limited the sophistication of the schemes used to manage executable program images. By implementing an executable image loader as a persistent user-space program, we can extend system program loading capabi...Program monitoring; Object/Meta-Object Server; OMOS1992
625 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDynamic reordering of high latency transactions in time-warp simulation using a modified micropipelineTime warp based simulation of discrete-event systems is an efficient way to overcome the synchronization overhead during distributed simulation. As computations may proceed beyond synchronization barriers in time warp, multiple checkpoints of state need to be maintained to be able to rollback inva...Asynchronous design; Micropipelines; Dynamic instruction reordering; Time warp simulations1992
601 - 625 of 2,125