476 - 500 of 2,125
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476 Cohen, ElaineConstant scallop height tool path generationAn approach for the automatic generation of constant scallop height tool paths is presented. An example is shown generated from a B-spline model, although it can be used with many types of sculptured surfaces. The approach utilizes surface subdivision techniques and a new algorithm for tool path gen...Scallop height; Tool path generation; B-spline model1989
477 Hansen, Charles D.Constrained inverse volume rendering for planetary nebulaeDetermining the three-dimensional structure of distant astronomical objects is a challenging task, given that terrestrial observations provide only one viewpoint. For this task, bipolar planetary nebulae are interesting objects of study because of their pronounced axial symmetry due to fundamental p...Volume rendering; Axial symmetry2004
478 Nelson, DonaldConstraint Jacobians for constant-time inverse kinematics and assembly optimizationAn algorithm for the constant-time solution of systems of geometric constraint equations is presented in this work. constraint equations and their Jacobians may be used in conjunction with other numerical methods to solve for a variety of kinematics, dynamics, and assembly optimization problems. The...Constant-time; Inverse kinematics; Constraint Jacobians1998
479 Bruderlin, BeatConstraint objects - integrating constraint definition and interactionThis paper describes the implementation of a new constraint-based technique for direct manipulation in interactive CAD, which will simplify the design process, especially in the early stages. We introduce so called Constraint Objects and Parameter Objects which constitute an object-oriented view on ...Constraint objects; Parameter objects1992
480 Bruderlin, BeatConstraint objects - integrating constraint definition and interactionThis paper describes the implementation of a new constraint-based technique for direct manipulation in interactive CAD. We introduce so called Constraint Objects and Parameter Objects which constitute an object-oriented view on constraints. A graph algorithm is employed to analyze the relative degr...Constraint objects1993
481 Bruderlin, BeatConstraint objects ? integrating constraint definition and graphical interactionThis paper describes the implementation of a new constraint??based tech?? nique for direct manipulation in interactive CAD which will simplify the design process especially in the early stages We introduce so called Constraint Objects and Parameter Objects which constitute an object??oriented ...Constraint objects1992
482 Hansen, Charles D.; Johnson, Christopher R.Constraint-based technique for haptic volume explorationWe present a haptic rendering technique that uses directional constraints to facilitate enhanced exploration modes for volumetric datasets. The algorithm restricts user motion in certain directions by incrementally moving a proxy point along the axes of a local reference frame. Reaction forces are g...Haptic rendering; Immersive visualization; Human-computer interaction2003
483 Johnson, Christopher R.Construction of a human torso model from magnetic resonance images for problems in computational electrocardiographyApplying mathematical models to real situations often requires the use of discrete geometrical models of the solution domain. In some cases destructive measurement of the objects under examination is acceptable, but in biomedical applications the measurements come from imaging techniques such as X-r...Human torso model; MRI1994
484 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Control and characterization of ordering in GaInPGae,,In,,P layers have been grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy on GaAs substrates with [llO]-oriented grooves on the surface that have an important effect on the formation of Cu-Pt ordered structures during growth. In this work, the groove shape is demonstrated to be critically important...Vapor phase epitaxy; Ordered structure; Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy1993-06-28
485 Horch, Kenneth W.Control of ankle position using neural feedbackThis paper describes a closed loop control system that uses afferent neural activity from muscle spindle fibers as feedback for controlling ankle position. The gastrocnemius muscle was stimulated through a dual channel intrafascicular electrode implanted in a fascicle of the tibial nerve. Dual cha...Neuromuscular stimulation; Peripheral nerve; Joint angle1994
486 Pershing, David W.Control of NOx and particulate emissions from spreader-stokers fired with hogged woodThe formation and emission of nitrogen oxides and particulate carry-over were studied from spreader-stoker combustion of hogged Douglas-fir, with a focus on optimizing the combustion conditions in each of the two distinct combustion zones, the bed phase and the suspension phase local oxygen availabi...Chemical analysis; Combustion; Emission; Engineering; Environmental control; Fuels; Nitrogen compounds; Particulates; NOx; Hogged wood1987
487 Pershing, David W.Control of NOx emissionsNITROGEN OXIDES (NOX) are produced in combustion from molecular nitrogen (thermal NOx) or from oxidation of nitrogen contained in the fuel (fuel NOx). Production of NOx in a turbulent diffusion flame is largely dependent upon fuel composition and fuel/air contacting, which for liquid fuels is determ...Staged heat release; Tunnel furnace; Boiler simulator; Staged combustion1980
488 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Control of ordering in Ga0.5In0.5P using growth temperatureThe kinetic processes leading to ordering in Gas,, In o.4P8 have been studied by observing the effects of substrate misorientation (O-9), growth rate (0.1-0.5), and substrate temperature (570- 670 "C) during growth. The ordered structure and degree of ordering are determined using transmission elec...Ordering Structure; Growth Temprature; Growth Rate1994
489 Riloff, Ellen M.Conundrums in noun phrase coreference resolution: making sense of the state-of-the-artWe aim to shed light on the state-of-the-art in NP coreference resolution by teasing apart the differences in the MUC and ACE task definitions, the assumptions made in evaluation methodologies, and inherent differences in text corpora. First, we examine three subproblems that play a role in coref...Noun phrase; Coreference resolution; MUC; ACE2009
490 Tiwari, AshutoshCopper diffusion characteristics in single crystal and polycrystalline TaNTaN has become a very promising diffusion barrier material for Cu interconnections, due to the high thermal stability requirement and thickness limitation for next generation ULSI devices. TaN has a variety of phases and Cu diffusion characteristics vary with different phases and microstructures. We...Diffusion barriers; Copper diffusion; Tantalum nitride2003
491 Tiwari, AshutoshCopper diffusion characteristics in single-crystal and polycrystalline TaNWe have investigated the diffusivity of copper in single-crystal (NaCl-structured) and polycrystalline TaN thin films grown by pulsed-laser deposition. Polycrystalline TaN films were grown directly on Si(100), while single-crystal films were grown with TiN buffer layers. Both poly- and single-crysta...Diffusion barriers; Copper diffusion; Tantalum nitride2002
492 Ikits, MilanCoregistration of pose measurement devices using nonlinear least squares parameter estimationMultimodal visual haptic user interfaces can be made more effective by accurately colocating the workspaces of their components. We have developed a coregistration technique for pose measurement devices based on nonlinear least squares parameter estimation. A reduced quaternion parameterization is u...Coregistration; Pose measurement; Haptic interfaces2000
493 Riloff, Ellen M.Corpus-based approach for building semantic lexiconsSemantic knowledge can be a great asset to natural language processing systems, but it is usually hand-coded for each application. Although some semantic information is available in general-purpose knowledge bases such as Word Net and Cyc, many applications require domain-specific lexicons that repr...Corpus-based method; Semantic lexicons1997
494 Riloff, Ellen M.Corpus-based bootstrapping algorithm for semi-automated semantic lexicon constructionMany applications need a lexicon that represents semantic information but acquiring lexical information is time consuming. We present a corpus-based bootstrapping algorithm that assists users in creating domain-specifi c semantic lexicons quickly. Our algorithm uses a representative text corpus for ...Bootstrapping algorithm; Lexicon construction1999-06
495 Riloff, Ellen M.Corpus-based identification of non-anaphoric noun phrasesCoreference resolution involves finding antecedents for anaphoric discourse entities, such as definite noun phrases. But many definite noun phrases are not anaphoric because their meaning can be understood from general world knowledge (e.g., "the White House" or "the news media"). We have develope...Corpus-based identification; Non-anaphoric noun phrases; Coreference resolution; MUC-4; Discourse entity; DE1999
496 Riloff, Ellen M.Corpus-based semantic lexicon induction with web-based corroborationVarious techniques have been developed to automatically induce semantic dictionaries from text corpora and from the Web. Our research combines corpus-based semantic lexicon induction with statistics acquired from the Web to improve the accuracy of automatically acquired domain-specific dictionari...Corpus-based; Text corpora; Domain-specific dictionaries; Bootstrapping algorithm2009
497 Regehr, JohnCorrectness proofs for device drivers in embedded systemsComputer systems do not exist in isolation: they must interact with the world through I/O devices. Our work, which focuses on constrained embedded systems, provides a framework for verifying device driver software at the machine code level. We created an abstract device model that can be plugged...2010
498 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Correlation between surface structure and ordering in GaInPGa and In atoms in Ga0.52In0.48P layers spontaneously segregate to form alternating In- and Ga-rich {111} monolayers during organometallic vapor phase epitaxial (OMVPE) growth on (001) oriented GaAs substrates, thus forming the CuPt ordered structure. This ordering phenomenon is believed to be drive...Transformations; Absorbtion spectra; Surface Properties1996
499 Hansen, Charles D.Cost-effective data-parallel load balancingLoad balancing algorithms improve a program's performance on unbalanced datasets, but can degrade performance on balanced datasets, because unnecessary load redistributions occur. This paper presents a cost-effective data-parallel load balancing algorithm which performs load redistributions only...Load balancing1995
500 Liu, FengCoulomb sink: a novel Coulomb effect on coarsening of metal nanoclusters on semiconductor surfacesWe propose the concept of a ‘‘Coulomb sink'' to elucidate the effect of Coulomb charging on coarsening of metal mesas grown on semiconductor surfaces.We show that a charged mesa, due to its reduced chemical potential, acts as a Coulomb sink and grows at the expense of neighboring neutral mesas. ...Coulomb sink; Coulomb effect; Metal nanoclusters; Semiconductor surface; Pb mesas2004-09
476 - 500 of 2,125