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1 Hansen, Charles D.Graphics applications for grid computingThe first article, "Enabling View-Dependent Progressive Volume Visualization on the Grid" by Alan Norton and Alyn Rockwood describes and evaluates the communication in a progressive, visibility-driven compression scheme for distributing volumetric data from grid resources to volume-rendering clien...Grid computing2003-03
2 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realizations of the maximum likelihood processor for time delay estimationAbstract-This correspondence introduces an adaptive realization of the maximum likelihood (ML) processor for time delay estimation (TDE). Also presented is a modified ML processor, which requires less computations but still performs better than the other when implemented in an adaptive way. Widrow'...1984
3 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realizations of the phase transform for time delay estimationABSTRACT This paper introduces two recursive realizations of the Phase Transforn (PHAT) processor for tine delay estimation (TOE), using a simple one-pole lowpass filter and the least mean square (LMS) adaptive filter, respectively. It is shown that these adaptive methods are very effective in redu...1984
4 Fujimoto, Richard M.Performance measurements of distributed simulation strategiesA multiprocessor-based, distributed simulation testbed is described that facilitates controlled experimentation with distributed simulation algorithms. The performance of simulation strategies using deadlock avoidance and deadlock detection and recovery techniques are examined using various syntheti...Performance; Distributed simulation; Discrete simulation; Event-oriented; Queueing models1987
5 Creem-Regehr, Sarah Hope; Willemsen, Peter; Gooch, Amy A.; Thompson, William B.The influence of restricted viewing conditions on egocentric distance perception: implications for real and virtual environmentsThree experiments examined the influence of field of view and binocular viewing restrictions on absolute distance perception in the real world. Previous work has found that visually directed walking tasks reveal accurate distance estimations in full-cue, real world environments to distances of ab...Distance perception; Egocentric2003-08-29
6 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.Calculation of electric fields and currents induced in a millimeter-resolution human model at 60 Hz using the FDTD method with a novel time-to-frequency-domain conversionThe finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method has previously been used to calculate induced currents in anatomically based models of the human body at frequencies ranging from 20 to 915 MHz and resolutions down to 1.31 cm . Calculations at lower frequencies and higher resolutions have been preclu...Finite-difference time-domain method; FDTD; Induced currents; Human body model1996
7 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive phase transform processors for time delay estimationThis paper introduces two recursive realizations of the phase transform (PHAT) processor for time-delay estimation (TDE), using a simple one-pole low-pass filter and the least-mean-square (LMS) adaptive filter, respectively. It is shown that these adaptive methods are capable of tracking time-varyin...1993
8 Lindstrom, Gary E.Toward function-based distributed database systemsWe discuss the suitability of a function-based (or "applicative") approach to the construction of distributed database systems. Certain aspects of applicative systems are immediatley appealing for this purpose (e.g. data oriented toward conceptual objects rather than toward particular representation...Function-based; distributed database systems; applicative1982
9 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.Currents induced in the human body for exposure to ultrawideband electromagnetic pulsesThe frequency-dependent finite-difference time-domain [(FD)2TD] method is used to calculate internal electric fields and induced current densities in a 1.31-cm resolution anatomically-based model of the human body for exposure to ultrawideband vertically polarized electromagnetic pulses (EMP's). Fr...FDTD; Finite-difference time-domain; Ultrawideband electromagnetic pulses; Induced currents1997-01-01
10 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: May 1969Semi-Annual Technical Report 1 December 1968 - 30 May 19691969-05
11 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: November 1968Semi-Annual Technical Report 1 June - 30 November 19681968
12 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.A simple convolution procedure for calculating currents induced in the human body for exposure to electromagnetic pulsesAbstract-The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and frequency dependent finite difference time-domain (FD)2TD methods have been previously used to calculate internal electric (E) fields and induced currents for exposure of the anatomically based model of the human body to electromagnetic pulses (E...1994
13 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.Simple convolution procedure for calculating currents induced in the human body for exposure to electromagnetic pulsesThe finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and frequency dependent finite difference time-domain (FD)2TD methods have been previously used to calculate internal electric (E) fields and induced currents for exposure of the anatomically based model of the human body to electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) and...Frequency dependent finite difference time-domain; Finite-difference time-domain; FDTD; Electric fields; Induced current; Electromagnetic pulses; Continuous wave sinusoids1994-07
14 Parker, Steven G.; Hansen, Charles D.; Johnson, Christopher R.Computational steering and the SCIRun integrated problem solving environmentSCIRun is a problem solving environment that allows the interactive construction, debugging, and steering of large-scale scientific computations. We review related systems and introduce a taxonomy that explores different computational steering solutions. Considering these approaches, we discuss why ...Computational steering; Problem solving environment; SCIRun; Volume rendering1997
15 Hansen, Charles D.; Parker, Steven G.; Johnson, Christopher R.Integrated problem solving environment: the SCIRun computational steering systemSCIRun is a scientific programming environment that allows the interactive construction, debugging, and steering of large-scale scientific computations. We review related systems and introduce a taxonomy that explores different computational steering solutions, Considering these approaches, we discu...SCIRun; Computational steering; Problem solving environment; Distributed computing1998
16 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: February 1968Technical report No. RADC - TR - 68 - 90 for the period ending 30 November, 1967. Two classes of research activities are being conducted. One is research in information processsing system technology. The other is researach in application of interactive computing technology to the solution of severa...Fluid flow problems1968-02
17 Fujimoto, Richard M.The roll back chip: hardware support for distributed simulation using time warpDistributed simulation offers an attractive means of meeting the high computational demands of discrete event simulation programs. The Time Warp mechanism has been proposed to ensure correct sequencing of events in distributed simulation programs without blocking processes unnecessarily. However, th...Roll back chip; Distributed simulation; Discrete event; Simulation programs; Time Warp mechanism1987
18 Horch, Kenneth W.Information contrained in sensory nerve recordings made with intrafascicular electrodesMultiunit recordings were made in anesthetized cats with chronically implanted intrafascicular electrodes over a period of six months. Neural signals recorded with these electrodes consisted of activity in sensory fibers innervating a variety of cutaneous mechanoreceptors. Mechanical stimuli wer...Intrafascicular electrodes; Functional electrical stimulation (FES); Closed-loop control1991
19 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.Use of the frequency-dependent finite-difference time-domain method for induced current and SAR calculations for a heterogeneous model of the human bodyThis paper describes the use of the previously for mutated Frequency-Dependent Finite-Difference Time-Domain ((FD)2TD) method for analysis of an anatomically based heterogeneous man model exposed to ultra-wide-band electromagnetic pulse sources. The human tissues' electrical permittivities, ε*(ω),...Finite-difference time-domain; FDTD; Ultrawideband electromagnetic pulses; Induced currents; Mass-normalized; Energy distribution; Specific absorption rates; SAR1994-01-01
20 Berzins, MartinDAG-based software frameworks for PDEsThe task-based approach to software and parallelism is well-known and has been proposed as a potential candidate, named the silver model, for exas-cale software. This approach is not yet widely used in the large-scale multi-core parallel computing of complex systems of partial differential equations...2012-01-01
21 Pershing, David W.Bench and pilot scale process evaluation of reburning for in-furnace NOx reductionThis paper describes a combined experimental and theoretical study which was undertaken to quantify the impact of fuel and process parameters on reburning effectiveness and provide the scaling information required for commercial application of reburning under highly varied industrial conditions. Ini...Reburning; Nitrogen oxides reduction; Staged fuel injection1986
22 Fujimoto, Richard M.Optimal performance of distributed simulation programsThis paper describes a technique to analyze the potential speedup of distributed simulation programs. A distributed simulation strategy is proposed which minimizes execution time through the use of an oracle to control the simulation. Because the strategy relies on an oracle, it cannot be used for ...Distributed simulation programs1987
23 Fujimoto, Richard M.; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDesign and evaluation of the rollback chip: special purpose hardware for time warpThe Time Warp mechanism offers an elegant approach to attacking difficult clock synchronization problems that arise in applications such as parallel discrete event simulation. However, because Time Warp relies on a lookahead and rollback mechanism to achieve widespread exploitation of parallelism, t...Rollback chip; Time Warp mechanism; Clock synchronization; Parallel discrete event simulation1988
24 Horch, Kenneth W.Separation of action potentials in multiunit intrafascicular recordingsClassification of action potentials in multiunit recordings was based on the use of various types of features to uniquely characterize action potentials from different cells. We compared classification results obtained using three types of descriptive features: digitized data points, amplitude and ...Long-term implantable intrafascicular electrodes; Nerve recordings; Simulated neural data1992
25 Balasubramonian, RajeevUnderstanding the impact of 3D stacked layouts on ILP3D die-stacked chips can alleviate the penalties imposed by long wires within micro-processor circuits. Many recent studies have attempted to partition each microprocessor structure across three dimensions to reduce their access times. In this paper, we implement each microprocessor structure on a s...2007-01-01
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