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1 Liu, FengMagnetism and local order: ab initio tight-binding theoryThe effects of the local environment on the electronic structure and magnetic moments of Fe, Co, and Ni have been studied by confining these atoms to assume various structural forms such as chains, surfaces, layers, and crystals. The coordination number of the atoms can thus be changed over a wide r...Local order; Ab-initio tight-binding theory; Magnetic moment; Electronic structure; Fe; Co; Ni1989-04
2 Harrison, Reid R.Wireless neural/EMG telemetry system for freely moving insectsWe have developed a miniature telemetry system that captures neural, EMG, and acceleration signals from a freely moving insect and transmits the data wirelessly to a remote digital receiver. The system is based on a custom low-power integrated circuit that amplifies and digitizes four biopotential s...2010-05
3 Gesteland, Raymond F.Characterization of lysozyme messenger and lysozyme synthesized in vitroIn vitro systems for protein systhesis have been in wide use for about 10 years. In most of the early work protein synthesis was measured by following the incorporation of radioactive amino acids into acid precipitable material. This test cannot distinguish between the synthesis of complete, activ...Lysozyme Messenger; Lysozyme Synthesized; Protein Synthesis1969
4 Gesteland, Raymond F.Simian virus 40-specific polypeptides in Ad2+ND4- infected cellsA comparison of the proteins synthesized in human cells at late times after infection with adenovirus (Ad2) and with the adeno-simian virus 40 (SV40) hybrid viruses revealed polypeptides of 30,000 and 92,000 molecular weight specific for the hybrid viruses Ad2+ND1 and Ad2+ND4, respectively. Cell-fre...Molecular Weight; Peptide Biosynthesis; RNA, Messenger; Viral Proteins1976
5 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Krapcho, Karen J.; Talbot, Phil; Thulin, CraigCrystallization of the MS2 translational repressor alone and complexed to bromouridineThe coat protein from the MS2 bacteriophage plays a dual role by encapsidating viral RNA and also by binding RNA as a translational repressor. In order to study the isolated dimer in a conformation not influenced by capsid interactions, a mutant molecule was crystallized that is defective in capsid ...Crystallization; RNA Bacteriophage; RNA Hairpin; Translational Repressor1995
6 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Modulated contrast and associated diffracted intensity of GaPySb1-y layers grown using organometallic vapor phase epitaxyWe have investigated the modulated structures and its associated diffracted diff_x000B_use intensity, of organometallic vapor phase epitaxially grown GaPSb (001) layers by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and transmission electron diff_x000B_raction (TED). The TEM results reveal the co-e...Organometallic vapor phase epitaxy; GaPySb1-y layers; Modulated contrast; Diffracted intensity2008
7 Chaudhuri, Reaz A.Three-dimensional singular stress field at the front of a crack and lattice crack deviation (LCD) in a cubic single crystal plateA novel eigenfunction expansion technique, based in part on separation of the thickness variable, is developed to derive three-dimensional asymptotic stress fields in the vicinity of the front of a semi-infinite through-crack weakening an infinite plate made of a homogeneous cubic single crystal. C...2010-05-12
8 Dintelman, Sue Marie ThompsonDesign and implementation of a relational data base system for a minicomputerA data base system provides the advantages of centralized control of data including increased data independence. Design specifications for a low level relational data base interface are given in the form of a formal description which separates the implementation details from the description of the ...Data base system1977
9 Bhanu, BirSegmentation of images having unimodal distributionsA gradient relaxation method based on maximizing a criterion function is studied and compared to the nonlinear probabilistic relaxation method for the purpose of segmentation of images having unimodal distributions. Although both methods provide comparable segmentation results, the gradient method h...Gradient relaxation method; Image segmentation; Segmentation algorithm1982
10 Smith, Philip J.Reduced-order PCA models for chemical reacting flowsOne of the most challenging aspects of turbulent combustion research is the development of reduced-order combustion models which can accurately reproduce the physics of the real system. The identification and utilization of the low dimensional manifolds in these system is paramount to understand and...2014-01-01
11 Evans, DavidDisplay of complex three dimensional finite element modelsComplex three dimensional models can be displayed after an automatic generation of a finite element (panel) mapping. although this automatic generation algorithm fails at certain levels of model complexity, the elimination of these failures can be accomplished through user interaction. This report p...Three dimensional models; Finite element models1978
12 Henderson, Thomas C.Multisensor knowledge systemsWe describe an approach which facilitates and makes explicit the organization of the knowledge necessary to map multisensor system requirements onto an appropriate assembly of algorithms, processors, sensors, and actuators. We have previously introduced the Multisensor Kernel System and Logical Sen...Multisensors; Multisensor Kernel System; Multisensor systems1986
13 Liu, FengMagnetism in small vanadium clustersUsing the self-consistent-field molecular-orbital theory and the density-functional approximation, we show that vanadium could become magnetic if its size and dimension were constrained. This is illustrated for vanadium forming clusters with body-centered-cubic (bcc) geometry as well as for linear c...Vanadium clusters; Molecular-orbital theory; Density-functional approximation; Stoner criterion1991-04
14 Angelucci, Alessandra; Lund, Jennifer S.Circuits for local and global signal integration in primary visual cortexContrast-dependent changes in spatial summation and contextual modulation of primary visual cortex (V1) neuron responses to stimulation of their receptive field reveal long-distance integration of visual signals within V1, well beyond the classical receptive field (cRF) of single neurons. To identif...Primary Visual Cortex; Extrastriate Cortex; Feed-back Connections; Lateral Connections; SUrround Modulation; Macaque2002-10-01
15 Riloff, Ellen M.Toward completeness in concept extraction and classificationMany algorithms extract terms from text together with some kind of taxonomic classification (is-a) link. However, the general approaches used today, and specifically the methods of evaluating results, exhibit serious shortcomings. Harvesting without focusing on a specific conceptual area may deliv...Concept extraction; Concept classification2009
16 Gouraud, HenriComputer display of curved surfacesThis research describes a method for producing shaped pictures of curved surfaces. It uses a small polygon approximation of the surface to solve efficiently the nidden parts detection, and then computes the shading on each polygon in such a way that visual discontinuities between adjacent polygons d...Curved surfaces; Computer display1971
17 Khan, Faisal HabibPV faults: Overview, modeling, prevention and detection techniquesRecent PV faults and subsequent fire-hazards on April 5, 2009, in Bakersfield, California, and April 16, 2011, in Mount Holly, North Carolina provide evidence of a lack of knowledge among PV system manufacturers and installers about different PV faults. The conducted survey within the scope of this ...2013-01-01
18 Balasubramonian, RajeevRe-visiting the performance impact of microarchitectural floorplanningThe placement of microarchitectural blocks on a die can significantly impact operating temperature. A floorplan that is optimized for low temperature can negatively impact performance by introducing wire delays between critical pipeline stages. In this paper, we identify subsets of wire delays tha...Microarchitectural floorplanning; Wire delays; Floorplanning algorithms; Microprocessor operating temperature; Critical loops; Pipelines2006
19 Bhanu, BirShape matching of two-dimensional objectsIn this paper we present results in the areas of shape matching of nonoccluded and occluded two-dimensional objects. Shape matching is viewed as a "segment matching" problem. Unlike the previous work, the technique is based on a stochastic labeling procedure which explicitly maximizes a criterion ...Shape matching; Two-dimensional objects; Segment matching1984
20 Lindstrom, Gary E.The design of object-oriented meta-architectures for programming languagesThis paper is a survey of the design of four object-oriented meta-level architectures for programming languages. We present overviews and compare the salient features of the meta-architectures of Smalltalk, Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), a Scheme Compiler, and Etyma, our framework for modular sy...Meta-level architectures; Design1994
21 Stevens, KennethLazy transition systems and asynchronous circuit synthesis with relative timing assumptionsThis paper presents a design flow for timed asynchronous circuits. It introduces lazy transitions systems as a new computational model to represent the timing information required for synthesis. The notion of laziness explicitly distinguishes between the enabling and the firing of an event in a tr...2002
22 Lindstrom, Gary E.A framework for module-based language processorsA system composed of interconnected modules is a module-based system. We present an object-oriented (0-0) framework for the development of processors for module-based systems, such as compilers for 0-0 languages, linkers/loaders, and tools for user/system libraries. We claim t h a t this framework,...Language processors; Jigsaw; Module-based1993
23 Mathews, V. JohnBlind identification of bilinear systemsAbstract-This paper is concerned with the blind identification of a class of bilinear systems excited by non-Gaussian higher order white noise. The matrix of coefficients of mixed input-output terms of the bilinear system model is assumed to be triangular in this work. Under the additional assumptio...2003
24 Pascucci, ValerioCombining in-situ and in-transit processing to enable extreme-scale scientific analysisWith the onset of extreme-scale computing, I/O constraints make it increasingly difficult for scientists to save a sufficient amount of raw simulation data to persistent storage. One potential solution is to change the data analysis pipeline from a post-process centric to a concurrent approach based...2012-01-01
25 Bedrov, Dmitro; Smith, Grant D.Molecular dynamics simulation study of elastic properties of HMXAtomistic simulations were used to calculate the isothermal elastic properties for b-, a-, and d-octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX). The room-temperature isotherm for each polymorph was computed in the pressure interval 0≤p≤10.6 GPa and was used to extract the initial isot...HMX; Elastic tensors; Isotropic moduli; Polymorphs; Isothermal compression; Lattice parameters2003
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