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1 Mcpherson, Brian JamesOverpressures in the Uinta Basin, Utah: analysis using a three-dimensional basin evolution modelAbstract. High pore fluid pressures, approaching lithostatic, are observed in the deepest sections of the Uinta basin,Utah. Geologic observations and previous modeling studies suggest that the most likely cause of observed overpressure is hydrocarbon generation. We studied Uinta overpressure by dev...2001
2 Hoogenboom, Peter J.System performance advisor user guideThe usage of the System Performance Advisor (SPA) expert system is described. Documentation of SPA system commands, system variables, diagnostic rules is given. Information on how to run the SPA system is discussed. In addition, an overview of how SPA searches for problems is supplied. The purpose o...System Performance Advisor; SPA; User guide1991
3 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.Provenance for visualizations: reproducibility and beyondThe demand for the construction of complex visualizations is growing in many disciplines of science, as users are faced with ever increasing volumes of data to analyze. The authors present VisTrails, an open source provenance-management system that provides infrastructure for data exploration and ...Provenance management; Reproducibility; VisTrails; Pipelines2007-09
4 Freire, JulianaIntroducing the VisTrails Provenance Explorer Plugin for ParaViewIn order to analyze and validate various hypotheses, it is necessary to create insightful visualizations of both the simulated processes and observed phenomena, using powerful data analysis and visualization tools like ParaView. But to explore data through visualization, scientists need to go thro...VisTrails; Provenance; ParaView2009
5 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.Managing the evolution of dataflows with VisTrailsScientists are now faced with an incredible volume of data to analyze. To successfully analyze and validate various hypotheses, it is necessary to pose several queries, correlate disparate data, and create insightful visualizations of both the simulated processes and observed phenomena. Data explor...VisTrails; Dataflows; Provenance management2006
6 Furse, Cynthia M.A history & future of implantable antennasImplantable antennas have been used for communication with medical implants for decades. This paper traces their roots from early transcutaneous inductively coupled devices to the microstrip and wire antennas in use today. A suggestion for where this technology may go in the future as medical device...2014-01-01
7 Hansen, Charles D.Knowledge-based out-of-core algorithms for data management in visualizationData management is the very first issue in handling very large datasets. Many existing out-of-core algorithms used in visualization are closely coupled with application-specific logic. This paper presents two knowledgebased out-of-core prefetching algorithms that do not use hard-coded rendering-re...2006
8 Horch, Kenneth W.Ontogeny of diving and feeding behavior in juvenile seaturtles: Leatherback Seaturtles (Dermochelys coriacea L) and Green Seaturtles (Chelonia mydas L) in the Florida CurrentWe compared activity, diving behavior and response to prey by Dermochelys coriacea and Chelonia mydas during their first 8-10 weeks of development.We reared juveniles in the laboratory and, at two-week intervals, released them in the ocean for a brief trial. Each turtle towed a device used to measur...Hatchlings; Posthatchling; Habitats2004
9 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshA general compositional approach to verifying hierarchical cache coherence protocolsModern chip multiprocessor (CMP) cache coherence protocols are extremely complex and error prone to design. Modern symbolic methods are unable to provide much leverage for this class of examples. In [1], we presented a method to verify hierarchical and inclusive versions of these protocols using ...Hierarchical cache coherence protocols; Verification2006-11-26
10 Fujimoto, Richard M.; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDesign and evaluation of the rollback chip: special purpose hardware for time warpThe Time Warp mechanism offers an elegant approach to attacking difficult clock synchronization problems that arise in applications such as parallel discrete event simulation. However, because Time Warp relies on a lookahead and rollback mechanism to achieve widespread exploitation of parallelism, t...Rollback chip; Time Warp mechanism; Clock synchronization; Parallel discrete event simulation1988
11 Henderson, Thomas C.UPE: Utah prototyping environment for robot manipulatorsDeveloping an environment that enables optimal and flexible design of robot manipulators using reconfigurable links, joints, actuators, and sensors is an essential step for efficient robot design and prototyping. Such an environment should have the right "mix" of software and hardware components fo...prototyping environment; robot manipulators1994
12 Mcpherson, Brian JamesCO2 sequestration in deep aquifersDisposal and long-term sequestration of anthropogenic "greenhouse gases" such as CO2 is a proposed approach to reducing global warming. Deep, regional-scale aquifers in sedimentary basins are possible sites for sequestration, given their ubiquitous nature. We used a mathematical sedimentary basin m...2000
13 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.VisTrails: enabling interactive multiple-view visualizationsVisTrails is a new system that enables interactive multiple-view visualizations by simplifying the creation and maintenance of visualization pipelines, and by optimizing their execution. It provides a general infrastructure that can be combined with existing visualization systems and libraries. A ke...VisTrails; Dataflows; Pipelines; Provenance management; Interrogative visualization; Caching; Coordinated views2005
14 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.Towards enabling social analysis of scientific dataFlickr, Facebook, Yahoo! Pipes), which facilitate collaboration and sharing between users, are becoming increasingly popular. An important benefit of these sites is that they enable users to leverage the wisdom of the crowds. For example, in Flickr, users, in a mass collaboration approach, tag ...Social data analysis; Scientific data; Workflows; Provenance; Pipelines; VisTrails2008
15 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.Simplifying the design of workflows for large-scale data exploration and visualizationWorkflows and Computational Processes. Workflows are emerging as a paradigm for representing and managing complex computations - Simulations, data analysis, visualization, data integration.2008
16 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.Robotic prototyping environment (Progress report)Prototyping is an important activity in engineering. Prototype development is a good test for checking the viability of a proposed system. Prototypes can also help in determining system parameters, ranges, or in designing better systems. The interaction between several modules (e.g., S/W, VLSI, CAD,...Prototyping; Prototyping environment; Robotic prototyping1994
17 Freire, JulianaIntegrated scientific workflow management for the Emulab network testbedThe main forces that shaped current network testbeds were the needs for realism and scale. Now that several testbeds support large and complex experiments, management of experimentation processes and results has become more difficult and a barrier to high-quality systems research. The popularity o...Workflow management; Data exploration; Emulab; Network testbeds2006
18 Lindstrom, Gary E.Modules as values in a persistent object storeWe report on an object manager (OM) providing persistent implementations for C ++ classes. Our OM generalizes this problem to that of managing persistent modules, where the module concept is an abstract data type (ADT). This approach permits a powerful suite of module manipulation operations to be ...Object manager; OM; Persistent object store1993
19 Logan, Nelson StanleyMaster schedule building and the flexibly scheduled schoolThis paper contains a model of a technique for increasing the quality of educational and instructional opportunity for all students. This model is developed around the flexible or modularly scheduled secondary school. Also included is a procedure containing a computer program, with which the adminis...Flexible scheduling; Flexibly scheduled school; Modularly scheduled school1970
20 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.Prototyping environment for robot manipulatorsDeveloping an environment that enables optimal and flexible design of robot manipulators using reconfigurable links, joints, actuators, and sensors is an essential step for efficient robot design and prototyping. Such an environment should have the right "mix" of software and hardware components for...Prototyping; Robot manipulators1994
21 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.Querying and creating visualizations by analogyWhile there have been advances in visualization systems, particularly in multi-view visualizations and visual exploration, the process of building visualizations remains a major bottleneck in data exploration. We show that provenance metadata collected during the creation of pipelines can be reused ...Provenance; VisTrails; Pipelines; Query-by-example2007-11
22 Mcpherson, Brian James; Chapman, David S.Thermal analysis of the southern Powder River Basin, WyomingTemperature and geologic data from over 3000 oil and gas wells within a 180 km x 30 km area that transect across the southern Powder River Basin in Wyoming, U.S.A., were used to determine the present thermal regime of the basin. Three-dimensional temperature fields within the transect, based on...1996
23 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.Why the DFT is faster than the FFT for FDTD time-to-frequency domain conversionsAlthough it is a time-domain method, the finite difference time-domain (FDTD) method has been used extensively for calculating frequency domain parameters such as specific absorption rate, radar cross-section, and S-parameters. When a broad frequency band is of interest, using a broad-band pulsed ...Discrete Fourier transform; DFT; Fast Fourier transform; FFT; Finite-difference time-domain; FDTD; Frequency domain parameters1995-10
24 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDesign and verification of the rollback chip using HOP: a case study of formal methods applied to hardware designThe use of formal methods in hardware design improves the quality of designs in many ways: it promotes better understanding of the design; it permits systematic design refinement through the discovery of invariants; and it allows design verification (informal or formal). In this paper we illustrate ...Rollback chip; Verification; HOP; Hardware design; RBC1990
25 Scarpulla, MichaelMagnetic cluster phases of Mn-interstitial-free (Ga,Mn)AsWe report an investigation of magnetic cluster phases of (Ga,Mn)As of varying dosages formed by Mn ion implantation followed by pulsed-laser melting (II-PLM). A systematic study of zero-field-cooled and field-cooled magnetization along several high-symmetry crystallographic directions reveals the ...Magnetic cluster phases; Gallium Arsenide; Ferromagnetic semiconductors; Interstitials2007
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