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1 Porras, Adrian M.Acoustic emission monitoring on reinforced concrete frames with improved seismic resilienceIn modern structural engineering, reinforced concrete (RC) structures are wildly adopted due to their strength in resisting compressional and flexural loads. Moreover, RC structures can be precast or cast-in-place and have been used for many applications, such as footings, beams, and columns. Howeve...damage; structure; Moreover2020
2 Matheson, KristofferDesign of a novel x-ray CT in situ experiment for imaging 3D deformation of aluminum foam materialsOpen-cell metallic foams show excellent potential for lightweight load-bearing structural applications, electrodes in energy-storage devices, biomedical implants, and heat exchangers, to name a few. A key aspect in efficient and streamlined deployment of aluminum foams for these applications lie...Foamed materials - Testing; Tomography - Research; Lightweight materials - Research; X-ray computed tomography; Aluminum foam materials; Load frame2016-04
3 Armstrong, Blair P.Lower critical solution temperature behavior of elastin-coiled-coil polymer, a potential platform for treatment of non-hodgkin's lymphomaNon-Hodgkin's lymphoma takes the lives of 20,000 Americans each year. When traditional therapies fail, clinicians have turned to a drug, rituximab, for treatment. However, rituximab is now curative for less than 50% of patients and new treatments are needed. Drug-free macromolecular therapeutics (DF...2021
4 Sivo, JacobAgile in the Wild - An in-Depth look into EAE Student Development PracticeThere have been works produced on Agile techniques and their e#11;ectiveness in terms of both actual project progress as well as human factors, especially in industry. There are many training programs that companies enroll their employees in, such as ASPE. In these training programs, individuals are...2019
5 Feliciano, Jeppesen GarciaDevelopment of Computational Strategies for Improved Environmental Simulations of Water Energy Balances, Air Quality, and Energy UseIn the last decade, there has been more focus on urban microclimate due to concerns for inhabitants' health, water and energy resource consumption, and air quality. The Green Environmental Urban Simulations for Sustainability (GEnUSiS) project uses large computational platforms including the Quick U...2017
6 Immonen, JacobIntegrating Smartphone Technology in Chemical Engineering Research, Education, and OutreachSince smartphones are such a widely used and popular technology in modern times it makes sense to integrate a technology that is easily accessible and incredibly useful into chemical engineering research, education and outreach. Upon completion of this project two Android applications (apps) have be...2014
7 Machado, LiamExtending Support for Floating-Points in the Boogie and Smack Software VerifiersSoftware verification, which aims to prove critical properties about programs using rigorous formal methods based on logic, is an active area of research in the field of computer science. In particular, the veri#12;cation of floating-points is a topic of paramount importance, given their ubiquity ac...Boogie's; verification; floating- point2019
8 Dibble, Alicia G.Computer Simulation-Aided Design of Single-Ion Conducting Structures for Solid Polymer Electrolytes in Lithium0ion BatteriesLithium-ion batteries are commonplace in consumer devices, but the volatility of the liquid electrolyte used in those batteries poses an innate safety risk that must be combated if the batteries are to maintain their preferential status in modern technology. One alternative to liquid electrolytes is...2019
9 Robinson, Daniel GlennScopocket: A simple, low-Cost oscilloscope for educationThis thesis outlines the development, manufacturing, and testing of the Scopocket: a combined oscilloscope, ohmmeter, waveform generator, and power supply in a small and portable form-factor. The Scopocket is a low-cost and easy to use alternative to traditional lab bench tools, with strong potentia...generator2024
10 Gesteland, Chase HansEquity, diversity, and inclusion in engineering education: the need for progressive pedagogical frameworks and social justice perspectivesRacism is one of the defining characteristics of the history of the United States, and historical racism pervades many of its institutions to this day. Addressing the issue of systemic racism is a colossal task, and requires constant scrutiny of existing policy as well as dedicated efforts to produc...2022
11 Nielson, ClarkGel-Cast fluorapatite scaffolding for bone repairCalcium-phosphate bioceramics have long been attempted as replacement bone substitutes due to their resemblance to the mineral component of natural bone tissue, and because their dissolution byproducts can elicit new bone growth. Many studies have demonstrated that fluoridated hydroxyapatite, or flu...2021
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