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1 DeHaan, MatthewCitizens West residential building energy modelingCitizens West is a newly-built development in Downtown Salt Lake City. This building was built by the Giv Group and is 100%. The Giv Group strives to build sustainable but affordable living. In order to determine ways to decrease prices, a digital twin of Citizens West was built, validated, and simu...2023
2 Flach, BrianExamining the effects of whisker trimming on mouse brain cell growthHoxb8 microglia are a particular breed of scavenger cells in the brain which have been related to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)-like behavior among other behavioral disorders. These cells have been found to reach full maturity during a period of neurological development known as the critical ...Obsessive-compulsive disorder - Research; Microglia - Research; Mice as laboratory animals - Research; Whiskers; Scavenger cells; Hoxb8 microglia2016-04
3 Zhang, ConanFund Raising Game Development Through CrowdfundingThis paper seeks to formally review and evaluate a Kickstarter campaign launched by a team of five students at the University of Utah. First, an introduction to the topic and its environment is outlined to clarify where the project came from. Next, an overview of the product's design and development...2017
4 Luchinovich, AleksandrImproving measurement techniques of thin film solar cellsNew, innovative solar cell technologies such as CZTS, CdTe, and hybrid perovskite solar cells are constantly being pursued in order to deliver better cost per Watt performance. Moreover, cost and long term reliability(25 years or more) are important factors that are currently considered. The Scarpu...Solar cells - Testing; Thin films - Research; Electric power - Research; Thermal admittance spectroscopy2016-05
5 Black, Taylor MadisonImpacts of Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Outlier Body Mass Indices on Pediatric Asthma OutcomesThere are seven million children in the United States impacted by asthma [1]. When assessing the severity of a child's asthma, it is important to take into account risk factors known to affect child hood asthma. Two such risk factors that are modifiable include parental tobacco smoke exposure (TSE)...Asthma - Child; Tobacco smoke - Health aspects - United States2015-05
6 Immonen, JacobIntegrating Smartphone Technology in Chemical Engineering Research, Education, and OutreachSince smartphones are such a widely used and popular technology in modern times it makes sense to integrate a technology that is easily accessible and incredibly useful into chemical engineering research, education and outreach. Upon completion of this project two Android applications (apps) have be...2014
7 Van der Merwe, MarkLearning 3D Reconstructions for Geometrically aware Robotic GraspingRobotic grasping is a crucial subtask of many important robotic applications, such as in-home robotic assistance, emergency responce robots, and industrial robotics. Deep learning has enabled remarkable improvements in robotic grasp synthesis for previously unseen objects from partial object views. ...2020
8 Potter, HannahLifting Coach: Using Machine Learning to Battle Musculoskeletal DamageMany manual laborers develop musculoskeletal disorders performing their work duties. The prevalence of these issues is concerning because of the negative effects on workers' health and well-being, the great cost to workers who are not able to work temporarily or permanently, and the great cost to co...2019
9 Uchida, Kimberly AkimiPost-translational regulation of the tumor suppressor PDCD4Expression of the tumor suppressor Programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) is correlated with better survival outcomes in several types of cancer. When PDCD4 is coexpressed with protein arginine methyltransferase 5, however, this trend does not hold true, suggesting that PDCD4 methylation is involved in the...Tumor suppressor proteins - Regulation2013-12
10 Beus, ZacharyPower system stabilizerThe goal of this project, part of the Power Industry Consortium, was to design a power system stabilizer for a small grid-connected three phase synchronous generator. Power System Stabilizers control the excitation of synchronous generators to reduce lowfrequency oscillations on the grid and increas...Voltage regulators; Power system stabilizers2015-05
11 Galvez, HeillyPorosity Control in Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Through Low Temperature Block Copolymer AnnealingPerovskite solar cells have gained popularity in recent years due to their simplicity in manufacturing. The aim of this work is to provide a direct means to increase perovskite solar cell efficiency by increasing the contact surface area between the perovskite and the electron-transfer material (ETM...2019
12 Chen, JiahuiPractical and Configurable Network Traffic Classification using Probabilistic Machine LearningNetwork traffic classification that is generally applicable and highly accurate is extremely valuable for many network security and management tasks. A flexible and easily configurable classification framework is ideal so it can be customized for use in many different networks. In this thesis we pro...2020
13 Newton, JamesSocial behaviors in the developing Danio Rerio larva and adult DanionellaLarval zebrafish (Danio rerio) in most respects excel as an animal model in the study of neural networks, due to their small size and optical transparency. These traits permit optogenetic manipulation and live neuronal imaging of the entire brain, which when paired with behavioral analysis, have pot...Zebrafish (Zebra danio) - behavior; Zebrafish - embryology; Zebrafish - physiology2016-04
14 Jacobson, Brady RyanLate City Riders: an Attempt to Create a Capstone Project that Best Retains a Player's FocusThe most important quality a video game can possess is the ability to maintain a player's attention. The thousands of games developed over three decades all differ in intensity and emotional impact. An action game can be exhilarating, a horror game terrifying, a story based game emotionally taxing, ...
15 Yehle, TobinMemoized parsing with derivativesDue to the computational complexity of parsing, constituent parsing is not preferred for tasks involving large corpora. However, the high similarity between sentences in natural language suggests that it is not necessary to pay the full computational price for each new sentence. In this work we p...Parsing (Computer grammar)2016-04
16 Nelson, JenniferPartial-Order Ambiguous Observations of Fluents and Actions for Goal Recognition as PlanningThis work readies goal recognition for real-world scenarios by adapting a foundational compilation by Ram´ırez and Geffner to work with partial-order, ambiguous observations of both facts and actions. We first redefine what observations can be and what it means to satisfy them. We provide a compil...2020
17 Anderson, SheyneSinap types a run-time language for data-descriptionSinap IDE is an editor for graph-based programming languages (as distinct from textbased). To facilitate versatility in Sinap IDE it was necessary to design a language (Sinap's Type System) to generically describe families of well-formed cyclic data structures. This language can be used to maintain ...2017
18 Singh, AnandPolyurethane molecular weight determination in catheters via gel permeation chromatographyAntimicrobial catheter extrusions are loaded with an antiseptic drug in order to help prevent catheter-related infections. Previous research has shown that polymer molecular weight (Mw) can be used to control drug loading levels. Polyurethane based resin and catheter shaft extrusion samples were cho...Catheters - Research; Bacterial diseases - Prevention; Drug loading levels; Gel permeation chromatography; Diffusion distance; Antimicrobial catheter extrustions; Catheter shaft extrusions; Bacterial Infections; MATLAB2016-05
19 Kodele, ChristianMultivalent Human Serum Albumin - Rituximab Fab' Conjugates Induce Apoptosis in Lymphoma CellsNon-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is an immune disease, mostly of B-cell origin (85%), as well as the ninth leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Although treatments for NHLs greatly improved following the FDA approval of Rituximab (RTX), refractive malignancies still occur that are nonrespon...2018
20 Avery, RebeccaMultipurpose control system for thermal energy scavenging applicationsThermoelectric generators, known as TEGs, can be used to generate electricity from a temperature differential. This project, undertaken by the author and senior project partner Derek Jones, characterizes the SP1848 TEG module and demonstrates its use. Expected output and optimal impedance matching a...2018
21 Tripathy, AnuragNickel-Functionalized Solid-State Titania Nanotube Array for the Electrochemical Detection of Breath-Based Biomarkers in Colorectal CancerColorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cancer in the United States with approximately 137,000 new cases each year, 50,000 of which are fatal due to belated screenings [1]. The gold-standard detection method is colonoscopy, a direct visualization tool that facilitates the removal of minor ...2019
22 Khoury, MarkMuscle activity changes due to immobilization and partial weight bearing of the lower legTibial fractures account for half a million hospitalizations per year. Although clinical treatment of tibial fractures requires immobilization of the affected limb and partial weight bearing (PWB) prescriptions, the effects of this treatment protocol on gait and muscle activity have not been studied...Muscles -- Physiology; Tibia -- Wounds and injuries; Muscle activity; Partial weight bearing2015-05
23 Kapetanovic, StefanNon-Anthropomorhic Deep Learning: Developing the "Eyes for the Internet of Things"Deep Learning (DL) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been established as a powerful class of models for image recognition problems. Encouraged by this, we implemented a system that can accurately predict handwritten numbers from a raw CMOS machine image. Current forms of deep learning do...2017
24 Harding, Anna NeiblingLow-Cost Surface Electromyogtraphy Sleeve for Quick and Repeatable Decoding of Motor IntentSurface electromyography (sEMG) is a noninvasive way to decode motor intent for applications such as prosthesis control, virtual reality, and stroke or spinal cord rehabilitation. State-of-the-art methods of decoding motor intent used in myoelectric prostheses have limited capabilities, partially du...2019
25 Frederiksen, HunterPharmacokinetics of Locally Delivered Vancomycin as a Powder & in a HydrogelOrthopedic surgeons currently administer powder vancomycin directly over surgical sites in order to mitigate infections. Local antibiotic administration has been effective at reducing infections; however, there have been few preliminary studies investigating the pharmacokinetics of locally delivered...2018
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