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1 Jacobson, Brady RyanLate City Riders: an Attempt to Create a Capstone Project that Best Retains a Player's FocusThe most important quality a video game can possess is the ability to maintain a player's attention. The thousands of games developed over three decades all differ in intensity and emotional impact. An action game can be exhilarating, a horror game terrifying, a story based game emotionally taxing, ...
2 Lillquist, JohnActive Cadence Braking (ACB) for Safer Recreational RehabilitationRecreational rehabilitation is a proven way to provide a therapeutic experience and enhancement of quality of life for individuals with disabilities. The Mountain Chair is a device developed for individuals with high level traumatic spinal cord injuries (HL-SCI) to provide them with a system compara...
3 Jackson, Dale JayAerodynamic mixing losses and discharge coefficients due to film cooling from a symmetric turbine airfoil in transonic flowAerodynamic losses and discharge coefficients are obtained for two different Pratt and Whitney axisymetric turbine airfoils with film cooling holes. Blade 3 results are given for the blowing ratios, of 0.42, 0.73, and 1.28. The pressure ratios are 1.18, 1.45, and 2.07 for the "ambient" tests and 1.1...Mechanical Engineering1998-12
4 Traction estimation and control for mobil robots using wheel slip velocityMobile robots are used to venture through types of environments, at low wheel speeds, where wheel slip is a threat. Wheel slip is a hazard to mobile robots in that it introduces error in dead reckoning measurement and in some instances causes the robot to halt its forward progress. To compensate ...Robots; Motion;Traction2008-12
5 Meier, John E.An evaluation of the quality of contemporary ray tracing methods on architectural materialsPredictive computer graphics can be used to visualize the appearance of an object or scene from a virtual design. A seminal experiment in that field was performed in 1984 to evaluate the perceptual quality of computer graphics images with a physical model of the scene. The original study was limited...Ray tracing algorithms2009-05
6 Loftus, Patrick D.Agonist binding of herg K+ channels inhibits epithelial cell extrusion but not apoptosis in MDCK monolayers; providing possibilities to cancer metastasis regulationMetastasis is commonly referred to as cancerous cell movement from an original site to one or more sites elsewhere in the body. When these moving cancerous cells are malignant, an individual's chance of survival is decreased. In order for epithelial cells to move they are detached from the epitheliu...Biomedical Engineering2012-01
7 Marler, TylerThe role of gangliar plexi in the treatment of atrial fibrillationIntroduction: Gangliar plexi (GP) are bundles of interconnected neurons found embedded in FPs (FPs) surrounding the atria of the heart. The function of these neurons is controversial but they may form a localized control system for the heart and play a role in the induction of atrial fibrillation (A...Atrial fibrillation Treatment; Gangliar plexi2012-05
8 Johnson, RhiannonThermal modulation of the semicircular canal afferent response in the oyster toadfish, opsanus tauCurrent cochlear implant devices provide limited hearing ability to the deaf through electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. Recent studies have shown that pulsed infrared (IR) radiation can also be used to stimulate the inner ear neurons and has the potential to be used in prostheses to help ...Biomedical Engineering2012-05
9 Downs, MelindaModeling conductivity as a function of temperature for CZTS and CZTSe thin film solar cell absorber layersThe goat of this project was to develop an accurate model for the temperature dependent conductivity of CU2ZnSnS4 (elTS) and CU2ZnSnSe4 {ClTSe} thin film solar cell absorber layers. Mathematical models of conductivity and resistivity were derived from both parallel and series combinations of tempera...Solar cells; Thin films2013
10 Lei, Jeffrey KaChonIncreased gluti expression in mouse cardiomyocytes preserves mitochondrial function but is insufficient to attenuate pressure overload-induced contractile dysfunctionLifelong over-expression of GLUT1 transporter in the heart has been shown to preserve contractile function after aortic constriction. However it is unclear whether this protective effect is due to GLUT1 overexpression itself or due to reprogramming of heart metabolism as a result of long-term increa...Bioengineering2013-04
11 Abraham, Jacob Isaac KalunakaaheleOptimization of hydraylic fracturing of tight gas formations in horizontal wellsThe discoveries of significant resources of oil and gas in the Barnett, Bakken, Marcellus, and other shale formations have presented an opportunity for national petroleum independence and possible export in the relatively near future. These formations are considered to be "unconventional" resources ...Hydraulic fracturing2013-04
12 Santos, Jean Paul DytiocoFlight control systems with optimal effector allocation accounting for load constraintsThis paper describes the development of quadratic optimization algorithms to be used in flight control systems; such optimization algorithms aid in distributing control efforts among available actuators to produce forces to keep aircraft stable and in flight. With the advancement of computing power,...Flight control; Algorithms2013-05
13 Ardovino, AnthonyHeroes of rock: A design post mortem exploring the video game design process as it relates to player satisfactionThe player experience is the heart of a video game and it is the core concept behind what makes a video game engaging and fun. For my senior capstone project I designed, produced, and managed a video game titled Heroes of Rock. I lead an 11 person team over the duration of my senior year to create a...Video games production; Psychological theory2013-05
14 Uchida, Kimberly AkimiPost-translational regulation of the tumor suppressor PDCD4Expression of the tumor suppressor Programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) is correlated with better survival outcomes in several types of cancer. When PDCD4 is coexpressed with protein arginine methyltransferase 5, however, this trend does not hold true, suggesting that PDCD4 methylation is involved in the...Tumor suppressor proteins - Regulation2013-12
15 Immonen, JacobIntegrating Smartphone Technology in Chemical Engineering Research, Education, and OutreachSince smartphones are such a widely used and popular technology in modern times it makes sense to integrate a technology that is easily accessible and incredibly useful into chemical engineering research, education and outreach. Upon completion of this project two Android applications (apps) have be...2014
16 Potter, BriannaGraphene Imaging and Electronic PropertiesThis thesis explores the process required to determine the near-field photocurrent of single- and multi-layered graphene. The experimental procedures for both imaging the graphene as well as collecting data for the near-field photocurrent are described. The imaging and data collection were both to b...2014
17 Ruan, TingEndogenous ceramide contributes to cardiovascular complications in Type II diabetes by decreasing the association between PP2A and I2PP2ACardiovascular complications are the leading cause of death in individuals with conditions associated with insulin resistance, e.g. type 2 diabetes, diet-induced obesity. In patients with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular complications are 2-4 times more prevalent. One common cardiovascular complicati...Ceramides - Physiological effect; Diabetic angiopathies2014
18 Ansari, AdamDesigning Polymer Coated Carbon Nanotube Detectors for Alkane VaporsAlkane vapors are difficult to be detected in oil pipelines until a leak exceeds 1% of the total flow. Yet, an alkane leak can cause severe security, environmental, and human health problems if it is not identified or addressed. Detecting low concentrations of alkanes will lead to the detection of s...2014
19 Anjewierden, ScottAutomated kinematic analysis of pre-pluse inhibition in larval zebrafishAnimals differentially ignore or attend to sensory information depending on their immediate environment. A significant example of this phenomenon is audiomotorpre-pulse inhibition (PPI), in which the startle response to a loud noise is suppressed by a preceding stimulus of lower intensity. This a...Zebra danio - Development; Kinematics - Research; Kinematic parameters; Swim kinematics; Pre-pulse inhibition2014-12
20 Freckleton, K. BeauSarrus-based passive mechanism for rotorcraft perchings: Structural design and mass optimizationCurrent quad-rotors provide excellent maneuverability and opportunity for data collection in large scale areas such as agriculture, but lack the capability to maintain flight for an extended period of time. This is primarily due to a lack of energy supply, requiring operators to replace the battery ...Drone aircraft; Drone aircraft -- Control systems; Sarrus2014-12
21 Taggart, Maxwell M.A novel MRI-based screening method for assessing atrio-esophageal fistula risk following cardia ablationAtrio-esophageal fistulas affect 1 in 2000 patients who undergo cardiac ablation procedures with a mortality rate of 93%. Methods for detecting atrio-esophageal fistula formation that are objective and non-invasive could reduce the mortality associated with this disease. This study was performed ret...Magnetic resonance imaging; Cardia ablation; Trio-esophageal fistual2014-12
22 Hahn, CarinaPlasmonically active silver nanowire structures for energy storage applicationsCurrently, there are no sustainable solutions available to meet the increasing demand for grid scale energy storage. Solar to fuel conversion has the potential to curb our dependence on natural gas and costly storage technologies by recycling waste products into chemical fuels. A realistic device mu...Nanowires; Energy storage; Plasmons (Physics)2015-04
23 Black, Taylor MadisonImpacts of Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Outlier Body Mass Indices on Pediatric Asthma OutcomesThere are seven million children in the United States impacted by asthma [1]. When assessing the severity of a child's asthma, it is important to take into account risk factors known to affect child hood asthma. Two such risk factors that are modifiable include parental tobacco smoke exposure (TSE)...Asthma - Child; Tobacco smoke - Health aspects - United States2015-05
24 Beus, ZacharyPower system stabilizerThe goal of this project, part of the Power Industry Consortium, was to design a power system stabilizer for a small grid-connected three phase synchronous generator. Power System Stabilizers control the excitation of synchronous generators to reduce lowfrequency oscillations on the grid and increas...Voltage regulators; Power system stabilizers2015-05
25 Khoury, MarkMuscle activity changes due to immobilization and partial weight bearing of the lower legTibial fractures account for half a million hospitalizations per year. Although clinical treatment of tibial fractures requires immobilization of the affected limb and partial weight bearing (PWB) prescriptions, the effects of this treatment protocol on gait and muscle activity have not been studied...Muscles -- Physiology; Tibia -- Wounds and injuries; Muscle activity; Partial weight bearing2015-05
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