Title | Description | Subject | Date | ||
1 | The Development of a Virtual Database and an Evaluation of Techniques to Improve the Performance of a Virtual Database | This project evaluated the practicality of the virtual database and the effectiveness of the performance enhancement techniques. The overhead associated with the virtual database was negligible for interactive applications. The additional delays for sequential queries may be negated because the enti... | 1992-03 | ||
2 | Implementation of a network database using a function graph language | Abstract: Most of the work on databases to date has involved approaches that deviate considerably from a purely mathematical (functional) viewpoint. The research reported in this thesis deals with an implementation of a network database using FGL to achieve this functionality. The amount of database... | network database | 1981-06 | |
3 | FEL + set abstraction = database query language | The methodology of embedding set abstraction into FEL is described. Set abstraction is a powerful notation which can be used directly for higher level database query language. | set abstraction; FEL | 1983-09 | |
4 | Computer-Aided Geometric Design Based Three-Dimensional Object Representations For Computer Vision | Model-based recognition is one of the key paradigms in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition. However, at present there is an absence of a systematic approach to build vision models for a large class of three-dimensional (3-D) objects used in industrial environments. Computer-Aided Ge... | computer vision; model based recognition; pattern recognition | 1988-12 | |
5 | An Empirical Study of Persistent Object Stores | Persistent object stores support the creation, manipulation, storage, and retrieval of objects. Other desirable features of persistent stores are protection, transaction management, version control and concurrency control. Due to a lack of complete understanding of the demands of applications, there... | persistent object stores; CAGD; Alpha_1; ESM; Postgres; data clustering; object identifier | 1993-06 | |
6 | Parallel Algorithms and Architectures for Very Fast AI Search | A wide range of problems in natural and artificial intelligence, computer vision, computer graphics, database engineering, operations research, symbolic logic, robot manipulation and hardware design automation are special cases of Consistent Labeling Problems (CLP). CLP has long been viewed as an ef... | parallel algorithms; CLP; consistent labeling problems; computer programming; computer science | 1989-08 | |
7 | A pipelined architecture for ray tracing | Ray tracing is a computer graphics rendering algorithm well known for the realistic images that it generates. Its primary drawback is the huge amount of computation required for even moderately complex scenes. Pipelined architectures have been used for many years to accelerate conventional scan conv... | computer architecture; computers; pipeline; computer graphics; RayPipe | 1994-06 |