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1 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshTowards providing low-overhead data race detection for large OpenMP applicationsNeither static nor dynamic data race detection methods, by themselves, have proven to be sufficient for large HPC applications, as they often result in high runtime overheads and/or low race-checking accuracy. While combined static and dynamic approaches can fare better, creating such combinations, ...2014-01-01
2 Berzins, MartinParallel breadth first search on GPU clustersFast, scalable, low-cost, and low-power execution of parallel graph algorithms is important for a wide variety of commercial and public sector applications. Breadth First Search (BFS) imposes an extreme burden on memory bandwidth and network communications and has been proposed as a benchmark that m...2014-01-01
3 Kasera, Sneha K.Exploiting altruism in social networks for friend-to-friend malware detectionWe propose a novel malware detection application- SocialScan-which enables friend-to-friend (f2f) malware scanning services among social peers, with scanning resource sharing governed by levels of social altruism. We show that with f2f sharing of resources, SocialScan achieves a 65% increase in the ...2014-01-01
4 Kasera, Sneha K.Energy efficient radio tomographic imagingIn this paper, our goal is to develop approaches to reduce the energy consumption in Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI)-based methods for device free localization without giving up localization accuracy. Our key idea is to only measure those links that are near the current location of the moving object...2014-01-01
5 Kasera, Sneha K.Secret key extraction using Bluetooth wireless signal strength measurementsBluetooth has found widespread adoption in phones, wireless headsets, stethoscopes, glucose monitors, and oximeters for communication of, at times, very critical information. However, the link keys and encryption keys in Bluetooth are ultimately generated from a short 4 digit PIN, which can be crack...2014-01-01
6 Henderson, Thomas C.Symmetry based semantic analysis of engineering drawingsEngineering drawings have posed significant challenges to image analysis for many decades. The goal is to take images of scanned engineering drawings and interpret them so as to understand their contents (e.g., characters, digits, line segments, box segments etc.). This is known as semantic analysis...2014-01-01
7 Henderson, Thomas C.SLAMBOT: Structural health monitoring robot using lamb wavesWe propose the combination of a mobile robot and a computational sensor network approach to perform structural health monitoring of structures. The robot is equipped with piezoelectric sensor actuators capable of sending and receiving ultrasound signals, and explores the surface of a structure to be...2014-01-01
8 Brunvand, Erik L.Speculatorum OculiDescription Speculatorum Oculi (The Eyes of Spies) comments on current surveillance activities of governments and corporations through an installation that includes an architectural model surveilled with looming video cameras providing live feeds to a set of video monitors. These monitors show views...2014-01-01
9 Bargteil, Adam WadeStrain limiting for clustered shape matchingIn this paper, we advocate explicit symplectic Euler integration and strain limiting in a shape matching simulation framework. The resulting approach resembles not only previous work on shape matching and strain limiting, but also the recently popular position-based dynamics. However, unlike this pr...2014-01-01
10 Henderson, Thomas C.Received signal strength based bearing-only robot navigation in a sensor network fieldThis paper presents a low-complexity, novel approach to wireless sensor network (WSN) assisted autonomous mobile robot (AMR) navigation. The goal is to have an AMR navigate to a target location using only the information inherent to WSNs, i.e., topology of the WSN and received signal strength (RSS) ...2014-01-01
11 Hansen, Charles D.Boundary aware reconstruction of scalar fieldsIn visualization, the combined role of data reconstruction and its classification plays a crucial role. In this paper we propose a novel approach that improves classification of different materials and their boundaries by combining information from the classifiers at the reconstruction stage. Our ap...2014-01-01
12 Whitaker, Ross T.Curve boxplot: Generalization of boxplot for ensembles of curvesIn simulation science, computational scientists often study the behavior of their simulations by repeated solutions with variations in parameters and/or boundary values or initial conditions. Through such simulation ensembles, one can try to understand or quantify the variability or uncertainty in a...2014-01-01
13 Kasera, Sneha K.Violating privacy through walls by passive monitoring of radio windowsWe investigate the ability of an attacker to passively use an otherwise secure wireless network to detect moving people through walls. We call this attack on privacy of people a "monitoring radio windows" (MRW) attack. We design and implement the MRW attack methodology to reliably detect when a pers...2014-01-01
14 Riloff, Ellen M.Domain-specific coreference resolution with lexicalized featuresMost coreference resolvers rely heavily on string matching, syntactic properties, and semantic attributes of words, but they lack the ability to make decisions based on individual words. In this paper, we explore the benefits of lexicalized features in the setting of domain-specific coreference reso...2014-01-01
15 Bargteil, Adam WadeDynamic spritesTraditional methods for creating dynamic objects and characters from static drawings involve careful tweaking of animation curves and/or simulation parameters. Sprite sheets offer a more drawing-centric solution, but they do not encode timing information or the logic that determines how objects shou...2014-01-01
16 Bargteil, Adam WadeDeformation embedding for point-based elastoplastic simulationWe present a straightforward, easy-to-implement, point-based approach for animating elastoplastic materials. The core idea of our approach is the introduction of embedded space-the least-squares best fit of the material's rest state into three dimensions. Nearest neighbor queries in the embedded spa...2014-01-01
17 Bargteil, Adam WadeAnimation of deformable bodies with quadratic bézier finite elementsIn this article, we investigate the use of quadratic finite elements for graphical animation of deformable bodies.We consider both integrating quadratic elements with conventional linear elements to achieve a computationally efficient adaptive-degree simulation framework as well as wholly quadratic ...2014-01-01
18 Berzins, MartinA survey of high level frameworks in block-structured adaptive mesh refinement packagesOver the last decade block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (SAMR) has found increasing use in large, publicly available codes and frameworks. SAMR frameworks have evolved along different paths. Some have stayed focused on specific domain areas, others have pursued a more general functionality, p...2014-01-01
19 Balasubramonian, RajeevNDC: Analyzing the impact of 3D-stacked memory+logic devices on MapReduce workloadsWhile Processing-in-Memory has been investigated for decades, it has not been embraced commercially. A number of emerging technologies have renewed interest in this topic. In particular, the emergence of 3D stacking and the imminent release of Micron's Hybrid Memory Cube device have made it more pra...2014-01-01
20 Venkatasubramanian, SureshMultiple target tracking with RF sensor networksRF sensor networks are wireless networks that can localize and track people (or targets) without needing them to carry or wear any electronic device. They use the change in the received signal strength (RSS) of the links due to the movements of people to infer their locations. In this paper, we cons...2014-01-01
21 Kasera, Sneha K.Monitoring breathing via signal strength in wireless networksThis paper shows experimentally that standard wireless networks which measure received signal strength (RSS) can be used to reliably detect human breathing and estimate the breathing rate, an application we call "BreathTaking". We present analysis showing that, as a first order approximation, breath...2014-01-01
22 Balasubramonian, RajeevMemZip: exploring unconventional benefits from memory compressionMemory compression has been proposed and deployed in the past to grow the capacity of a memory system and reduce page fault rates. Compression also has secondary benefits: it can reduce energy and bandwidth demands. However, most prior mechanisms have been designed to focus on the capacity metric an...2014-01-01
23 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshOvis: A framework for visual analysis of ocean forecast ensemblesWe present a novel integrated visualization system that enables interactive visual analysis of ensemble simulations of the sea surface height that is used in ocean forecasting. The position of eddies can be derived directly from the sea surface height and our visualization approach enables their int...2014-01-01
24 Balasubramonian, RajeevSandbox prefetching: safe run-time evaluation of aggressive prefetchersMemory latency is a major factor in limiting CPU per- formance, and prefetching is a well-known method for hiding memory latency. Overly aggressive prefetching can waste scarce resources such as memory bandwidth and cache capacity, limiting or even hurting performance. It is therefore important to e...2014-01-01
25 Regehr, JohnCause reduction for quick testingAbstract-In random testing, it is often desirable to produce a "quick test" - an extremely inexpensive test suite that can serve as a frequently applied regression and allow the benefits of random testing to be obtained even in very slow or oversubscribed test environments. Delta debugging is an alg...2014-01-01
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