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1 Bergerson, Amy A.Conflict at Pierce CollegeThis case was written for use in courses in higher education leadership. It is particularly useful for examining the environment in which decisions are made in higher education institutions. In the case, a young administrator is confronted with an ethical dilemma. She initially receives the suppo...Politics.; Ethics; Leadership2004
2 Johnson, Bob L.Extending the study of learning environments: Connecting the field to other literaturesThe study of learning environments in educational organisations has a short but impressive history. A review of this literature reveals that considerable progress has been made in the investigation of this phenomenon. Yet in spite of these advances, momentum in the field has diminished in recent yea...Organizational theory; Learning environments2002
3 Hillman, Nicholas WThe impact of state appropriations and grants on access to higher education and outmigrationEducation policymakers at all levels of government have long been interested in finding ways to entice more students to go to college. This goal has been driven by the belief that, as people acquire more education, they not only reap personal benefits from their investment in education, but they als...2012-01-01
4 Brinkman, Paul T.Student price response in higher education: the student demand studiesWhat happens to enrollments when colleges and universities raise their prices? Who, if anyone, is sent away? What is the net impact of higher prices and reduced enrollments upon institutional financial ledgers? These questions have been investigated in what have come to be called the "student dem...Enrollment; Colleges; Universities; Student demand; Tuition1987
5 Pounder, Diana G.; Bergerson, Amy A.Job desirability of the university professorate in the field of educational leadershipThis survey research study uses job choice theory to assess recent educational leadership doctoral graduates' perceptions of the desirability of the educational administration professorate. Results reveal attractive and unattractive aspects of professorial work as well as those job attributes that ...Educational administration; Professorial work2004
6 Hillman, Nicholas WTuition discounting for revenue managementOver the past decade, institutionally-funded financial aid (or "tuition discounts") have been the fastest-growing item within most public four-year college and university operating budgets. One explanation for this trend is due to the changing structure of public colleges' revenue streams, as tuitio...2010
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