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1 Johnston, Susan S.Replacing challenging behavior: the role of communication interventionIT IS WIDELY accepted that all individuals communicate (National Joint Committee, 1992). Along with this acceptance, however, comes the acknowledgment that specific communication strategies emitted by learners may vary extensively. Although conventional forms of communication, including spoken lan...1993
2 Johnson, Bob L.Extending the study of learning environments: Connecting the field to other literaturesThe study of learning environments in educational organisations has a short but impressive history. A review of this literature reveals that considerable progress has been made in the investigation of this phenomenon. Yet in spite of these advances, momentum in the field has diminished in recent yea...Organizational theory; Learning environments2002
3 Hawken, Leanne Sue; Burrow-Sanchez, JasonPreservice special education service providers' attitudes on diversityThis survey design study involved preservice special education service providers who were in degree seeking programs in the departments of special education, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Participants provided views and belief structures on diversity issues identified through a review ...2007
4 Hillman, Nicholas WPreparing for the silver tsunami: the demand for higher education among older adults(Over the next decade, Baby Boomers will be reaching retirement age in large numbers and the U.S. will be undergoing one of the most significant demographic shifts in its history. This demographic shift has important implications for the role of higher education as a provider of lifelong learning an...2010
5 Hillman, Nicholas WThe ethical dimensions of awarding financial aidAbstract In countries charging tuition fees, and those that are considering adopting tuition fee policies, recent economic conditions are making education less affordable and accessible for students (Johnstone & Marcucci, 2010; Schwarzenberger & Opheim, 2009). To combat these challenges, nations, ...2011
6 Pounder, Diana G.Opportunities and challenges of school collaborationCollaborative work organizations and related themes (such as community, cooperation, etc.) have become the focus of both research and practice in education during the past few years. Some may view emphasis on collaboration (or community) in schools as the second stage of the initial "site-based m...School collaboration1999
7 Johnston, Susan S.Coordinating preservice and in-service training of early interventionists to serve preschoolers who engage in challenging behaviorThis chapter focuses on the need to coordinate and improve preservice and in-service training (including technical assistance) for professionals who serve individuals and family members who live or work with young children who engage in challenging behavior. Positive behavioral support: includin...Behavior problems; Proactive strategies; Intervention strategies1996
8 Nardo, Rachel L.California preschool curriculum framework, Volume 2I am pleased to present the California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 2, a publication I believe will be a major effort in working to close the school-readiness gap for young children in our state. Created as a companion to the California Preschool Learning Foundations, this framework presen...2011-01-01
9 Johnston, Susan S.Considering response efficiency as a strategy to prevent assistive technology abandonmentOften, specialists in the field of Assistive Technology (AT) are presented with the challenge of teaching learners to utilize AT in order to increase, maintain, or improve their capabilities. Despite best efforts, rates of AT abandonment are alarmingly high. Understanding the factors that may infl...Assistive technology; Training; Disabled people2005
10 Johnston, Susan S.Beginning augmentative communication systemsTo be unable to produce communicative behavior that can be understood by others represents one of the most frustrating experiences imaginable. Communicating through a communication board or with gestures lessens this frustration but does not eliminate it. Since 1975, remarkable advances have been ma...Intervention; Challenging behavior; Symbols1992
11 Pounder, Diana G.; Bergerson, Amy A.Job desirability of the university professorate in the field of educational leadershipThis survey research study uses job choice theory to assess recent educational leadership doctoral graduates' perceptions of the desirability of the educational administration professorate. Results reveal attractive and unattractive aspects of professorial work as well as those job attributes that ...Educational administration; Professorial work2004
12 Hillman, Nicholas WTuition discounting for revenue managementOver the past decade, institutionally-funded financial aid (or "tuition discounts") have been the fastest-growing item within most public four-year college and university operating budgets. One explanation for this trend is due to the changing structure of public colleges' revenue streams, as tuitio...2010
13 Pounder, Diana G.; Sperry, David J.; Drew, Clifford J.Educator evaluation and the law: a case study of common statutory problemsStatutorily many states have gone through an evolutionary process regarding educator evaluation. This often results in a disconnected body of laws and amendments that create problems with respect to purposes of evaluation, appropriate standards and methods to be employed, and implementation strategi...Parsimony; Incompetence, Preformance1992
14 Pounder, Diana G.Organizational orientation in public and private elementary schoolsIn this study, we investigated the relationship between organizational value orientation and tow variables, organizational commitment and job satisfaction, among teachers from private and public elementary schools.Organizational commitment; Job satisfaction; Value orientation1993
15 Johnston, Susan S.; Hawken, Leanne SuePreventing severe problem behavior in young children: the behavior education programBest practice in preventing severe problem behavior in schools involves implementing a continuum of effective behavior support. This continuum includes primary prevention strategies implemented with all students, secondary prevention strategies for students at-risk, and tertiary interventions for st...Behavioral Problems; Prevention; Intervention2007
16 Hillman, Nicholas WWhat matters in student loan default: a review of the research literatureFederal higher education policy has shifted over the past few decades from grants to loans as the primary means for providing access to postsecondary education for low and moderate-income families. With this shift, policy makers have begun tracking student loan default rates as a key indicator of th...2009
17 Hillman, Nicholas WThe impact of state appropriations and grants on access to higher education and outmigrationEducation policymakers at all levels of government have long been interested in finding ways to entice more students to go to college. This goal has been driven by the belief that, as people acquire more education, they not only reap personal benefits from their investment in education, but they als...2012-01-01
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