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1 Characterization of Pyrolysis Products from a Utah Green River Oil Shale by 13C NMR, GC/MS, and FTIR2013-10-14Pyrolysis; Utah; Green River; Oil Shale; GC/MS; FTIR; 33rd Oil Shale Symposium; Kerogen; Oil shale kerogen; 13C; NMR; TGA
2 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - April 2014-June 20142014domestic oil shale resources; domestic oil sands resources; ICSE; developing oil resources; CO2 management; utilization of oil shale and oil sands; liquid fuel production; in-situ thermal processing of oil shaleThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
3 Unconventional energy development in Utah2012-05-15
4 Atomistic modeling of oil shale kerogen and asphaltenes2010-04-28Kerogen is a mixture of organic chemical compounds that make up a portion of the organic matter in sedimentary rocks. It is insoluble in normal organic solvents because of the large molecular weight (upwards of several thousand Daltons). When heated in the Earth's crust (oil window ca. 60 ° - 120 �...
5 Characterization of macromolecular structure elements from a Green River oil shale2013-10-14Macromolecular Structure; Green River; Oil Shale; 33rd Oil Shale Symposium; Golden, Colorado; Kerogen; Shale; Green River oil shale; BitumenThis work is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DENT0005015. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect thoseof the United States Government or any agency thereof.
6 Oil shale pyrolysis kinetics and product characterization2012-05-15
7 Oil impregnated carbonate rocks of the Timpoweap Member Moenkopi Formation, Hurricane Cliffs area, Utah and Arizona1979Oil impregnated rocks; Hurricane Cliffs; Utah; Arizona; Timpoweap Member; Triassic Moenkopi Formation; Timpoweap Canyon; Hurricane, UtahOil impregnated rocks crop out at several localities near the Hurricane Cliffs in southwestern Utah and adjacent Arizona. The most significant petroliferous deposits occur in the Timpoweap Member of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation in Timpoweap Canyon and the Hurricane Cliffs south of Hurricane, Utah...
8 Earth Energy Resources, Inc. oil sands production in Utah: Continued development2009-02-27Oil Sand; Utah; Hydrocarbon Energy Environmental Gap; HEEG; Earth Energy; Oil sand production; Ophus Process; Oil sand deposits; Bitumen extraction; Oil sand mining; EER Spring Mine Site; Vernal, UtahOverview of Earth Energy Resources, Inc.'s continuing oil sands development activities in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by D. Glen Snarr, President & Chief Financial Officer, Earth Energy Resources, Inc.
9 Rates and mechanisms of oil shale pyrolysis: A chemical structure approach2014-11Green River oil shale; oil and natural gas technology; oil shale pyrolysis; chemical structure of oil shaleThree pristine Utah Green River oil shale samples were obtained and used for analysis by the combined research groups at the University of Utah and Brigham Young University. Oil shale samples were first demineralized and the separated kerogen and extracted bitumen samples were then studied by a host...
10 A brief history of early mineral exploitation in the Uinta Basin1964Uinta Basin; Mining; Uintah Valley; Indian Reservation; Meeker; Utah; History of early mineral exploitation; Uintah Reservation; Gilsonite; Coal; Copper; Iron; Oil shale; Ozocerite; Wurtzilite; Oil; Asphalt; Ashley Creek; Hatchtown; Vernal; Fort Duchesne; Ouray SubagencyEarly mining activities in the Uinta Basin can be summarized by saying that they included mining for gilsonite, coal, copper, iron, oil shale, ozocerite, wurtzilite, and oil and asphalt (under the placer mining laws). Of these minerals only coal and gilsonite were produced in commercially significan...
11 Coal devolatilization at very slow heating rates2007coal devolatilization ; slow heating rates; volatiles; coal; devolatilization temperatures; volatile yeilds; atmospheric gasesThe yield of volatiles of liquid and gaseous species is a function of operational conditions, including effects of reactor atmosphere gases, coal ranks, heating rates, ultimate devolatilization temperatures, pressure, soak time at ultimate temperatures, and catalysts. One important factor of coal de...
12 Characterization of nickel and vanadium compounds in tar sand bitumen by petroporphyrin quantitation and size exclusion chromatography coupled with element specific detection1988-02Previously, we have examined the Ni and V in heavy crude oils, residua, and processed products by several metal speciation techniques to ascertain molecular structure and processing behavior. Two classes 01 metal compounds were found -- metallopetroporphyrins and metallo-nonporphyrins - each having ...
13 Co-simulation for design and optimization of advanced energy systems with carbon capture2009-10NETL; APECS; IGCC; U.S. Energy challenges; Design and optimization of advanced energy systems; CFD; Reduced Order Models; ROMs; Carbon capture; Virtual power plant; Carbon management; Fossil Energy Industry; Ultra-supercritical; USC; Oxy-combustion; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Integrated gasif...Outline of Presentation: 1-Introduction: -U.S. Energy Challenges -Design and Optimization of Advanced Energy Systems; Simulation Tools and Challenges 2-Advanced Process Engineering Co-Simulation (APECS): -Basic Features; Process/CFD Workflow/Integration, Engineering Knowledge Manager(Trademark), Red...
14 Developments in upgrading of bitumen by hydropyrolysis1989hydropyrolysis; upgrading bitumen; gas processingHydropyrolysis, a short residence time, moderate temperature process, has been under development at the University of Utah for more than a decade. Hydropyrolysis has been shown to produce 90+% liquid product yields from feedstocks containing more than 50% nonvolatile materials. The process results i...
15 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: April 1, 2010 to June 30, 20102010-08-01domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; DQMOM approachThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
16 America's oil shale: A roadmap for federal decision making2004-12Oil shale resources; Oil supply; U.S. economy; Domestic oil shale; Oil production; Multi-agency Federal oil shale plan; Energy; Interior; Defense; Treasury; America; Import dependence; Natural gas by-products; Oil price; Oil supply and demandThe President and the Department of Energy have determined that increasing liquid fuels supply from domestic sources is an important national objective. America's rich and concentrated oil shale resources, containing as much as 2 trillion barrels of potential oil supply could make a major contributi...
17 Oxy-coal combustion studies - Task 3 topical report, Utah Clean Coal Program.2014-08oxy-coal combustion; Utah Clean Coal Program; oxy-coal; large eddy simulations; near-flame aerodynamics; pilot-scale oxy-CFB; single-particle oxy char oxidation; ash partitioning; carbon capture; pulverized coal-fired power plantsThe objective of this task is to move toward the development of a predictive capability with quantified uncertainty bounds for pilot-scale, single-burner, oxy-coal operation. This validation research brings together multi-scale experimental measurements and computer simulations. The combination of s...
18 Strategic significance of America's oil shale resource: Volume 1--assessment of strategic issues2004-03oil shale; oil shale resource; petrolium production; tar sand; oil shale development.It is generally agreed that worldwide petroleum supply will eventually reach its productive limit, peak, and begin a long-term decline. What should the United States do to prepare for this event? An objective look at the alternatives points to the Nation's untapped oil shale as a strategically locat...
19 Ground-water flow and migration of hydrocarbons to the Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone, Tar Sand Triangle, southeastern Utah1995ground-water flow; migration of hydrocarbons; hydrocarbons; Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone; Tar Sand Triangle; heavy oilThe Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone in the Tar Sand Triangle of southeastern Utah contains an estimated 12.5-16 billion barrels of heavy oil. Despite the large size of the deposit, the source of its oil is unknown. This paper systematically discusses source rocks for this petroleum from the standp...
20 Validation/Uncertainty Quantification for Large Eddy Simulations of the heat flux in the Tangentially Fired Oxy-Coal Alstom Boiler Simulation Facility - Task 9 Topical Report, Utah Clean Coal Program2014-10large eddy simulations; Utah Clean Coal Program; heat flux; Tangenitally Fired Oxy-coal Alstom Boiler Simulation Facility; task 9; oxy-coal boilers; BSF; coalThe objective of this task is to produce predictive capability with quantified uncertainty bounds for the heat flux in commercial-scale, tangentially fired, oxy-coal boilers. Validation data came from the Alstom Boiler Simulation Facility (BSF) for tangentially fired, oxy-coal operation. This task b...
21 Policy issues associated with using simulation to assess environmental impacts2014-11oil and natural gas technology; policy issues with using simulation; environmental impacts; simulation-based science; judicial assessments and models; environmental policymakingThis report examines the relationship between simulation-based science and judicial assessments of simulations or models supporting evaluations of environmental harms or risks, considering both how it exists currently and how it might be shaped in the future. This report considers the legal standard...
22 Uncertainty analysis of thermocouple measurements used in normal and abnormal thermal environment experiments at Sandia's Radiant Heat Facility and Lurance Canyon Burn Site2004-04thermocouple measurements; thermal environment experiment; Sandia's Radiant Heat Facility; Lurance Canyon Burn Site; thermocouple data.It would not be possible to confidently qualify weapon systems performance or validate computer codes without knowing the uncertainty of the experimental data used. This report provides uncertainty estimates associated with thermocouple data for temperature measurements from two of Sandia's large-sc...
23 Mineral management plan: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area--Arizona and Utah1980-03A General Management Plan (GMP) for Glen Canyon National Recreation Area was prepared during the period 1973 - 1979 and was approved on November 21, 1979, after it and an accompanying final environmental statement (FES 79-23) had been released to the public. That Plan called for the preparation of a...
24 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: January 1, 2010 to March 31, 20102010-05-13ICSE; University of Utah; CO2 capture; Mahogany zone; Green River Formation; Utah; Uinta Basin; Oil sands; Crude oil refining; International Flame Research Foundation; Liquid fuel production; In-situ thermal treatment; Oil shale; PyrolysisThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program continued its focus on enhancing industrial, national...
25 A sulfur isotopic study of Uinta Basin hydrocarbons1973Sulfur isotope analyses of tar from oilimpregnated sandstones, crude oils and solid hydrocarbons from the Uinta Basin (Tertiary), Utah, show wide variations, but all are heavier than the troilite sulfur isotopic standard. The data range from +2.7 to 30.3 permil and sulfur contents are low, usually l...
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