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1 2012 Unconventional fuels conference introduction2012-05-15unconventional fuels; computational simulation and pilot-scale experiment; unconventional resources; emissions minimization; CO2 regulation; CO2 coal researchPresentation given at the 2012 Unconventional Fuels Conference.
2 Utah energy: Perspective on unconventional fuels development2010-04-28Utah energy; oil shale basins; unconventional fuels.Utah energy goals: 1) Affordable energy 2) Sustainable economy 3) Strengthen energy security and independence 4) Reduce emissions
3 Welcome and Introduction: 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference2009-02-27oil sands industry; industrial combustion; gasification technology research; CO2 capture technologies; coal; OxyFuel Combustion; chemical looping; gasification; oil shale/sandsSummary of challenges facing U.S. oil sands industry and the role of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy at the University of Utah in addressing those challenges, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Philip Smith, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering and Director...
4 Oil shale social and economic factors2008-03-12oil shale; social factors; economic fractors; oil shale developmentAnalysis of social and economic factors relevant to oil shale development, including industrial infrastructure, population numbers, personal income figures, and labor force statistics.
5 Ending the energy stalemate: A bipartisan strategy to meet America's energy challenges2004-12Energy; Greenhouse gas emissions; Energy supplies; Energy security; Global climate change; National energy policy; Future U.S. energy policy; Bipartisan; Oil security; Vehicle fuel economy standards; Energy efficiency; Sustainable energy; Hybrid vehicles; Natural gas; Refrigerator; Alaska natural ga...This report recommends a revenue-neutral package of measures designed to ensure affordable and reliable supplies of energy for the twenty-first century while responding to growing concern about energy security and the risks of global climate change driven by energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. ...
6 A proposal to evaluate oil-impregnated sandstone in the Uinta Basin, northeast Utah; made to the Energy Research and Development Administration by Utah Geological and Mineral Survey1976-06-15Petroleum; Utah; Uinta Basin; Oil; Bitumen; Ore waste radiation; Oil-impregnated sandstone; DepositsMost of the known petroleum resources in the form of oil-impregnated in the United States occur in Utah. It is estimated that over ten billion barrels of petroleum occur in such deposits in the Uinta Basin alone (Ritzma, 1973; Campbell, 1975). Four deposits among the twenty identified in the Uinta ...
7 Potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts of oil sands leasing and development in Utah: Serious unanswered questions2006-09-21oil sands; oil sands leasing and development; tar sand.Understanding the resource: 1-> 3 trillion barrels of oil in tar sands in the world, 2-~650 billion barrels in North America, 3-Utah has > 90% of U.S. resource 4-~12-20 billion barrels in Utah 5-At most 3% of North American reserves in Utah, -EIA predicts that roughly only 1/5 of total Canadian tar ...
8 When should you start thinking about wildlife?2006-09-21wildlife; wildlife resources; USFWS; habitat conservationUtah Division of Wildlife Resources: -The Wildlife Resources Code of Utah; Title 23, Utah State Code -Utah Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy http:// www.wildlife.utah.gov/cwcs cwcs/ -Conservation Agreements -Utah Partners in Flight Avian Conservation Strategy http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/...
9 Planning for oil sands development in a changing regulatory, economic, and social environment2009-02-27oil sands development; oil sands; energy.Analysis of the regulatory, economic and social issues relevant to oil sands development in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Ron Daniels, Energy Policy Coordinator, Office of Governor's Energy Advisor, State of Utah.
10 Ecoshale: Environmental alternative fuels2008-11-13Unconventional fuel; Oil industry; Oil shale; Utah; Colorado; Wyoming; Tar sand; Red Leaf; Duchesne County; Uintah Basin; Carbon County; Emery County; Grand County; Ecoshale; In-capsule process; Kerogen; Alternative Fule; Environmental; In-capsule; Economic
11 Oil shale in the West: 14 unanswered questions2009-06oil shale; Western oil shale; oil shale developmentThis report summarizes recent research and policy documents to provide a brief overview of the current state of oil shale development in the U.S. West. Recent high crude oil prices, anticipation of a peak oil crisis, and a focus on developing domestic sources of fossil fuel have contributed to a ren...
12 Conjunctive surface and groundwater management in Utah: Implications for oil shale and oil sands development2011-12-31Unconventional fuel development; Conjunctive water use; Surface water; Groundwater; Utah; Utah water law; Oil shale; Oil sandsUnconventional fuel development will require scarce water resources. In an environment characterized by scarcity, and where most water resources are fully allocated, prospective development will require minimizing water use and seeking to use water resources in the most efficient manner. Conjunctive...
13 A new electronic gain device for high-temperature applications1976-07This report deals with a new integrated thermionic device capable of withstanding ambient temperatures in excess of 500°C, which eliminates the problems associated with earlier versions. The history of the ITC (Integrated Thermionic Circuit) is traced along with Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LA...
14 APPENDIX A - Analysis of environmental, legal, socioeconomic and policy issues critical to the development of commercial oil shale leasing on the public lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming under the mandates of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-10Oil shale; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Energy Policy Act of 2005; Green River Formation; Environmental; Legal; Socioeconomic; Policy Issues; Oil shale deposits; BLM; Bureau of Land ManagementThe United States is home to the largest oil shale deposits in the world. This resource is located in the Green River Formation, spreading across the states of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Despite the vast potential of this resource, successful commercial development has yet to occur. To date, concer...
15 Basin-wide evaluation of the uppermost Green River Formation's oil-shale resource, Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado2008-11-13Presentaion; Green River formation; Oil shale; Uinta Basin; Utah; Colorado; Oil-shale resource evaluation; UGS; Isopach mapsScope--Oil Shale Resource Evaluation: 1) Focus - Entire Uinta Basin - Data from 293 wells spread throughout the Uinta Basin 2) Determined thickness of continuous intervals averaging 50, 35, 25, and 15 gallons per ton (GPT) 3) Created GIS-based maps - Isopachs for each richness zone - Overburden thic...
16 Red Leaf Resources, Inc. overview and update2012-05-15EcoShale; Red Leaf; oil shale; oil extractionFounded in 2006, Red Leaf Resources, Inc. is a privately-held Delaware corporation based in Salt Lake City, Utah focused on: the production of high-quality oil extracted from oil shale resources, the expansion of its resource portfolio, the licensing of its oil shale extraction technology, the EcoSh...
17 Bibliography of tar sand deposits in Utah1987
18 A technical, economic, and legal assessment of North American heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources: In response to Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 369(p)2007-09Oil sands; Oil shale; Heavy oil; Energy Policy Act; 2005; Climate Change; Petroleum; Oil Cost; United States; North American heavy oil; Utah Heavy Oil Program; UHOP; World economic development; Energy; Canadian oil sands; Unconventional resources ;Technical; Economic; Legal assessmentAgainst the backdrop of world population growth, rapid economic expansion in the world's most populous countries, challenging political climates in many oil-producing nations, and the specter of climate change, worldwide energy consumption is projected to increase from the 2004 level of just over 40...
19 Assessment of unconventional fuels development costs2013-05-07ICSE; Unconventional fuels; Development cost; Oil Shale; In situ; Ex situ; Oil Sands; Utah; Uinta BasinPresentation given at the University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 7, 2013.
20 Mineral management plan: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area--Arizona and Utah1980-03A General Management Plan (GMP) for Glen Canyon National Recreation Area was prepared during the period 1973 - 1979 and was approved on November 21, 1979, after it and an accompanying final environmental statement (FES 79-23) had been released to the public. That Plan called for the preparation of a...
21 Environmental concerns for oil sands development in Utah--serious unanswered questions2008-02-22tar sands development; tar sand; Southern Utah Wilderness Association; BLM; PEIS; EIA; tar sand recoveryOverview of environmental issues and concerns associated with potential tar sands development in Utah presented by Stephen Bloch, Conservation Director of the Southern Utah Wilderness Association.
22 STAR-CCM+ simulations of in-situ thermal treatment of oil shale2013-03in-situ thermal treatment; oil shale; shale oil/gas; oil shale formationsPresentation given at the STAR Global Conference on March 13, 2013.
23 Policy analysis of the Canadian oil sands experience-Topical Report2013-09Topical Report; Oil & Natural Gas Technology; October 1, 2009-September 30, 2014; Canadian Oil Sands; Policy; Subtask 6.2For those who support U.S. oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands industry is often identified as a model the U.S. might emulate, yielding financial and energy security benefits. For opponents of domestic oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands experience illustrates the risks that oppo...
24 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: January 2013 to March 20132013ICSE; Domestic oil shale; Oil sands; CO2 management; AMSO; Uinta Basin; KerogenThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
25 North American oil sands--history of development, prospects for the future2008-01-17oil sands; development of oil sands; North American oil sands; future prospects for North American oil sandsWhen it comes to future reliable oil supplies, Canada's oil sands will likely account for a greater share of U.S. oil imports. Oil sands account for about 46% of Canada's total oil production and oil sands production is increasing as conventional oil production declines. Since 2004, when a substanti...
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