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TitleCreatorDateDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
1 Measurement-based Care Protocol for Group Therapy in a University Counseling Center: A Quality Improvement ProjectLybbert, Nicole D.; Elder, Jeffrey L.; Bailey, ElLois W.2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
2 Development of a Nutrition Program at a Rural Addiction Medicine Clinic: A Quality Improvement ProjectCirenza, Allison G.; Cook, Paula; Morgan, Deborah2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
3 Developing and Evaluating a Parent Support Group for Those Affected by a Fetal Diagnosis at a Tertiary Fetal CenterCheshire, Shauna; Jenkins, Megan; Romano, Annie; Morgan, Deborah2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
4 Implementation of a LGBTQIA+ Evidence Based Toolkit in an Outpatient General Psychiatry Clinic: Quality Improvement ProjectBawden, Dallin; Jennings, Devan; Webb, Sara2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
5 Imlementing Routine Screening for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder in an Outpatient Psychiatric ClinicSundstrom, Kim; Rogers, Kate; Bullock, Randy2024POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
6 Assessment and Management of the Suicidal Patient: A Process Improvement FrameworkSeitz, Marie Christine M.; Garrett, Larry; Luistro, Elvina; Virgallito, Mary; Korkis, Leah2021POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
7 Transgender Preventive Health Awareness in a Therapy SettingNibley, Mariana; Hardin, Pamela2020POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
8 Developing and Implementing Medication Administration Protocol in a Residential Treatment FacilityKrambule, Heather; Allen, Nancy A.2020POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
9 Improving Postpartum Depression Screening and ReferralsGarrett, Heather2019POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
10 Improving Access to Evidenced Based Parent Training in an Outpatient Psychiatric ClinicPolombo, Britney2018POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
11 Improving Training to Decrease Co-prescribing of Benzodiazepines and OpiatesManwaring, Ryan T.2018POSTERGraduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Poster
1 - 25 of 11