Title | Creator | Date | Description | Relation Is Part Of |
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Evaluating a Tailored Stress-Reduction Program Through the Lens of Mindfulness: A Component of Group Prenatal Care for Teens | Reno, Monica | 2013 | Strong evidence demonstrates the association between maternal psychological stress and preterm birth, showing that mind-body interventions that emphasize the "connectedness" between our psychological and biological health are needed. Currently, there are only few interventional stress reduction prog... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |
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Metabolic Syndrome Pilot Clinic: Group Educational Sessions | Polston, Alison | 2013 | The Pilot Clinic delivered five interactive counseling sessions to a group of seven patients diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome (MS); a support person or partner was strongly encouraged to accompany the patient to each session. The educational materials focused on pathophysiology, disease comorbiditi... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |