Title | Creator | Date | Description | Relation Is Part Of | ||
1 | Implementing a Minimal Stimulation Guideline to Decrease the Risk of Intraventricular Hemorrhage | Tingey, Cameron L. | 2019 | Background: Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in preterm infants. It is a condition most often affecting infants born less than 32 weeks' gestation, and more likely occurring with decreasing gestational age. The majority of IVH occurs during the firs... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
2 | Improving Type II Workplace Violence Prevention in the Outpatient Free Clinic Setting | Lo, Brittany A. | 2019 | From 2011-2013, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics reported that approximately 75% of 25,000 workplace violence (WPV) events occurred in healthcare and social service settings. Most research addressing WPV in healthcare has focused on inpatient hospital settings and there is a paucity of information... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
3 | Exploring an Integrated Maternity Care System Across Birth Settings in the Salt Lake Valley | Whiting, Christina | 2014 | Birth certificate data from 2010 reported that 1.18% of U.S. births occurred out of hospital (OOH) (MacDorman, Declerq, & Mathews, 2013, p. 2). Evidence for safety in births that take place OOH is debated for various reasons. Research methods are observational and not controlled or randomized which ... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |