Title | Creator | Date | Description | Relation Is Part Of | ||
1 | Nursing Perspectives of Developmental Care in Reducing Opioid Exposure in the Preterm Infant in the NICU | Russell, Kathryn | 2018 | As medical technology advances, so do the number of lives saved, including the lives of extremely low-birth-weight preterm infants. Although these babies are being given the chance at life, the care and procedures they require can have detrimental long-term effects. Many of these procedures are pain... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
2 | Nursing Perspectives of Adopting Developmental Care in Reducing Opioid Exposure in the Preterm Infant in the NICU | Russell, Kathryn | 2018 | POSTER | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
3 | Developing Clinical Guidelines for Follow-Up Care for Sexual Assault Patients in a Primary Care Setting | Calvin, Justin Page | 2016 | Sexual assault (SA) is a persistent problem in the United States and in the Salt Lake City, Utah area; impacting one in five women during their lifetime. National and international organizations recommend that patients who have been sexually assaulted follow-up with their primary care providers; how... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |