Title | Creator | Date | Description | Relation Is Part Of | ||
1 | Template Development for a Potential Web-Based App Targeted to Low Income Populations | Yanguez, Katie | 2016 | As of 2008, 1.3 billion people worldwide did not have access to healthcare. Low and middle income countries (LMICs) bear 93% of the world's disease burden; at least 5.8 million annual childhood deaths could be prevented in LMICs if affected communities had accurate health information to manage the m... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
2 | Preconception Health Education and Web Site Development for Brigham Young University-Idaho Students | Baron, Kathleen | 2013 | Preconception health care focuses on the health of the female from menses through menopause. When a woman is attentive to addressing possible chronic health concerns, knowledgeable about her medications, and up-to-date on her immunizations; understands her genetic risk factors; and refrains from alc... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |