Title | Creator | Date | Description | Relation Is Part Of |
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Improving Providers' Recommendation of Therapeutic Exercise as Part of Substance Abuse Treatment | Terry, Briana | 2018 | POSTER | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |
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Bone Marrow Transplant Survivorship Care Plan: Bridging the Knowledge and Care Access Gap: A Pilot Study | Lee, Wenny | 2018 | In 2006, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), now known as National Academy of Medicine (NAM), recognized that there is a lack of continuation of cancer survivor care in the United States. The IOM recommended that all comprehensive cancer centers address the need of survivor care by using survivorship c... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |
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Improving Provider Recommendation of Therapeutic Exercise in Substance Abuse Treatment | Terry, Briana | 2018 | An epidemic of substance abuse in the United States is wrecking havoc on millions of people and their families. Relapse rates remain high with more than 70% of patients relapsing within the first year after initiating substance abuse treatment (Smith & Lynch, 2012). Inpatient and outpatient substanc... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |