Title | Creator | Date | Description | Relation Is Part Of | ||
1 | Sexuality Education within the Juvenile Justice Services | Stratford, Shane | 2018 | Over 71% of adolescents in the Utah Juvenile Justice System report being sexually active. With the national average in the United States being just over 40%, there is a significant increased risk for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and unintended pregnancies in this population. While adolescen... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
2 | Pediatric Resident Education to Facilitate Adolescent Contraceptive Counseling | Birdsall, Rebekah | 2018 | Teenage pregnancy is associated with myriad physical and socioeconomic risks for both mother and baby. Pediatricians have a vital role in providing sexual health education, ideally before the onset of sexual activity, and in preventing teenage pregnancy. Prevention of pregnancy during adolescent yea... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
3 | Enhancing Knowledge of Contraception and Safe Sex among Hispanic Teens | Garzón, Stanley | 2017 | The aim of this DNP project was to increase knowledge regarding safe sex practices, and contraception among Hispanic adolescents in order to improve their ability to prevent unintended pregnancies. Teen pregnancy rates are notably higher among Hispanic individuals in underserved areas with limited a... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
4 | Increasing Knowledge of the Intrauterine Device as Emergency Contraception among Pregnant and Parenting Teens | Guerra, Helena | 2015 | Teen mothers are at high risk of repeat pregnancy due to continued sexual activity and inconsistent contraceptive use. Among 22 studies, the mean rate of repeat teen pregnancy within 18 months was 39% (Meade & Ickovics, 2005). Emergency contraception (EC) is a safe and effective method to decrease t... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP | |
5 | Evaluating a Tailored Stress-Reduction Program Through the Lens of Mindfulness: A Component of Group Prenatal Care for Teens | Reno, Monica | 2013 | Strong evidence demonstrates the association between maternal psychological stress and preterm birth, showing that mind-body interventions that emphasize the "connectedness" between our psychological and biological health are needed. Currently, there are only few interventional stress reduction prog... | Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP |