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1 A bibliography of thermal methods of oil recovery1965-03Thermal methods; Oil recovery; Bibliography; Bureau of Mines Petroleum Research Center; Thermal methods of oil recoveryThe Oil Recovery Committee, Independent Petroleum Association of America, in response to requests and in recognition of expanded interest in the application of thermal methods of oil recovery, has sponsored the compilation of the following bibliography, with literature and patent references, and aut...
2 A brief history of early mineral exploitation in the Uinta Basin1964Uinta Basin; Mining; Uintah Valley; Indian Reservation; Meeker; Utah; History of early mineral exploitation; Uintah Reservation; Gilsonite; Coal; Copper; Iron; Oil shale; Ozocerite; Wurtzilite; Oil; Asphalt; Ashley Creek; Hatchtown; Vernal; Fort Duchesne; Ouray SubagencyEarly mining activities in the Uinta Basin can be summarized by saying that they included mining for gilsonite, coal, copper, iron, oil shale, ozocerite, wurtzilite, and oil and asphalt (under the placer mining laws). Of these minerals only coal and gilsonite were produced in commercially significan...
3 A growth allocation model for the Boston region1965-05The model described in this article is based on extremely simple concepts and represents the first case of a complete model covering all aspects of urban location. Basically, the future growth of each of a number of activities in a number of subareas of the Boston Metropolitan Region is projected in...
4 A projections model for small area economies1966-06
5 An industrial development information system for Utah1969-12
6 Analysis of crude shale oil1952-08A laboratory method for examining crude shale oil is described. The method uses only about 500 ml. of sample and a limited number of analytical determinations. Results provide information on the general characteristics and composition of an oil and serve as a basis for comparing different oils. Howe...
7 Bituminous sands and some legal aspects of leasing1964A brief description of the more important bituminous sand deposits of Utah at Asphalt Ridge, Sunnyside, Whiterocks River, and other localities. Discussion of their probable origin and present physical qualities with comparison to liquid oil and natural solid bitumen deposits in Utah. Capsule history...
8 Bituminous sands and viscous crude oils1964-10-10Bituminous sands; Viscous crude oils; Rocky Mountain region; Low gravity; high viscosity; Heavy crude oil; Quiet Revolution; Thermal recovery; Utah; Bituminous sandstone depositsBituminous sandstones of the Rocky Mountain region contain large reserves of low gravity, highly viscous oil that can be recovered at costs equal to or less than the cost of finding and producing oil from conventional methods. Heavy crude oil is defined as "oil which cannot be produce through the no...
9 Bituminous sandstone deposits Asphalt Ridge1966-12Asphalt Ridge probably is the second largest bituminous sandstone deposit in northeastern Utah's Uinta Basin. Discontinuous concentrations of bitumen occur in the Rim Rock Sandstone of the Mesaverde Group of Cretaceous age, in the overlying Uinta Formation of Eocene age and the Duchesne River Format...
10 Bituminous sandstones in the Uinta Basin1964The largest single deposit of bituminous sandstones in the United States is found in the Uinta Basin. This deposit along with two other well known occurrences of bituminous sandstones in the northeastern portion of the basin have proved reserves exceeding 1% billion barrels of oil. The reserve calcu...
11 Capitol Reef-Miners Mountain oil-impregnated rock occurrences1967The Capitol Reef bituminous sandstone area occurs mainly on the northern and northeastern portions of the area known as Miners Mountain. This is a dome structure of the Teasdale anticline, the axis of which parallels the Teasdale fault system.
12 Central Utah planning region manpower survey: a rural area report June, 19671967-06
13 Composition and origin of the Uinta Basin bitumens1963-01The names of the three formations of interest, from oldest to youngest, the Wasatch, Green River, and Uinta, have been used largely as facies terms to differentiate sediments which were believed to be of different age but actually were deposited simultaneously. The Wasatch is predominantly fluviatil...
14 Coring and testing wells Asphalt Ridge, Utah1957-10-21A second well was cored and some injection and production tests were made using this well and the well that already existed on Gulf's Palmer lease at Asphalt Ridge, Utah. The formation that has been tested is the Duchesne River, which is more lenticular and erratic than the Mesa Verde which contains...
15 Description of work elements1968-08-26Previous programs have initiated and refined the development of a Utah population model to be used in projection of future requirements of both public and private facilities, goods and services.
16 Description of work elements IV: land use model1968-08-26Previous programs have initiated and refined the development of a Utah population model to be used in projection of future requirements of both public and private facilities, goods and services. The present state population forecasts are based upon the "cohort-survival" method of analysis of birth r...
17 Determination of oil shale potential Green River Formation, Uinta Basin northeast Utah1967-11-03
18 Domestic tar sands and potential recovery methods--a review1969-12The purpose of this paper is to review and evaluate present knowledge of United States tar sands including physical properties, occurrence, reserves, and recovery methods. Tar sands are oil, bitumen, asphalt, tar, or petroleum-impregnated rock from which little hydrocarbon material is recoverable by...
19 Employment and population analysis and projections Ogden Metropolitan Area, Utah and the United States1963-07Thomas A. McLean and M r s . Connie P„ F a u l k n e r , graduate s t u d e n t s , and David L . Sutton, a senior student, in the Department of Economics, r e n d e r e d very valuable a s s i s t a n c e in the p r e p a r a t i o n of this r e p o r t. The Utah Department of Employment Se...
20 Employment and population analysis and projections Provo metropolitan area, Utah and the United States1964-09This is the third and final report analyzing and projecting the employment profile and estimating the future population of Utah's three Metropolitan Areas Salt Lake, Ogden, and Provo--as part of a transportation study of each area by the Utah State Highway Department and local government agencies ...
21 Employment and population analysis and projections Salt Lake Metropolitan Area, Utah and the United States1962-09Thomas A. McLean and Mrs. Connie P. Faulkner, graduate students in the Department of Economics, rendered very valuable assistance in the preparation of this report. The Utah Department of Employment Security was most cooperative and helpful in making available the necessary basic data for this stud...
22 Employment, population, income and automobiles in Salt Lake, Ogden, Provo Metropolitan Area and State of Utah1966-12William C a r l i s l e and Michael A. Stoddard, graduate students in the Department of Economics, rendered v e r y valuable a s s i s t a n c e in the p r e p a r a tion of t h i s r e p o r t . Gregory M. Nielson, graduate student in Mathematics, a s s i s t e d in computer programming, and Iver...
23 Engineering prospects of a field test thermal recovery of oil from tar sands Asphalt Ridge, Uintah County, Utah1959-04-25tar sand deposits; thermal recovery methods; tar sand; oil field; Asphalt RidgeIn late 1956 Sohio acquired certain interests in tar sand deposits at Asphalt Ridge a few miles west of Vernal, Utah. During 1957 and 1953 we conducted an extensive coring program to evaluate those shallower areas most susceptible to mining and air injection tests to evaluate those deeper areas most...
24 Estimate of total, oil in place White Rocks Oil Properties Uintah county, Utah1961-12-09oil; petroleum recovery; heavy oil; tar; oil reserves; White Rocks Oil propertiesWestern Industries, Inc., is engaged in a project with the ultimate objective of recovering petroleum products from the "heavy oil" or "tar" bearing Navajo sandstone formation which is found at or near the surface on certain properties which they have acquired in Uintah County, Utah. Work on this pr...
25 The estimation of intercensal migration from birth-residence statistics: a study of data for the United State, 1950 and 19601968-02This is the seventh in a series* of technical and analytical reports issued by the Population Studies Center of the University of Pennsylvania. All except Report No. 6 are focussed upon some aspect of recent migration and urbanization in the United States.
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