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1 U.S. tar sand oil forecasts (1985-1995)1979-11Domestic tar sands; Oil production forecast; United States; 1985-1995This Technical Report forecasts production of oil from domestic tar sands through 1995 under low, medium and high world oil price scenarios. It also includes background information such as the extent, nature, and location of tar sands in the United States, as well as the status of technology and a f...
2 Basin oriented strategies for CO2 enhanced oil recovery: Rocky Mountain Region2006-02Rocky Mountain; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil; Gas; Enhanced oil recovery; EOR; CO2; Carbon dioxide injection; Oil fields; Basin oriented strategies; Domestic oil productionThe Rocky Mountain oil and gas producing region of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming has an original oil endowment of nearly 34 billion barrels. Of this, 11 billion barrels (33%) has been produced or proven. As such, nearly 23 billion barrels of oil will be left in the ground, or "stranded", following the ...
3 Basin oriented strategies for CO2 enhanced oil recovery: Alaska2005-04Alaska; North Slope; Cook Inlet; Oil; Gas; Oil recovery; EOR; CO2; Carbon dioxide; Oil fields; Oil production industryThe oil and gas producing regions of Alaska have nearly 45 billion barrels of oil which will be left in the ground, or "stranded", following the use of today's oil recovery practices. A major portion of this "stranded oil" is in reservoirs technically and economically amenable to enhanced oil recove...
4 Economic comparison of the thermal and hot-water process for recovery of oil from tar sands1978-11A comparison of the economics of the Hot Water and Thermal Process for recovery of oil from the tar sands at Sunnyside is presented using a plant size of 25,000 B/D of hydrocarbon products. The Thermal Process will require an investment of approximately $120,000,000. The product is a low viscosity f...
5 Water availability for development of major tar sands areas in Utah1979-05water availability; major tar sands area; development of tar sands; tar sands deposits; water requirements; water availabilityThe Sutron Corporation, under contract with Colorado State University, has conducted a study for the Laramie Energy Technology Center (LETC) to determine the availability of water for future extraction of viscous petroleum (bitumen) from the six major tar sands deposits in Utah. Specifically the are...
6 Oil shale: History, incentives, and policy2006-04-13oil shale; retorted oil shale yeilds; liquid hydrocarbonsOil shale is prevalent in the western states of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. The resource potential of these shales is estimated to be the equivalent of 1.8 trillion barrels of oil in place. Retorted oil shale yields liquid hydrocarbons in the range of middle-distillate fuels, such as jet and diesel...
7 Potential hydrologic impacts of a tar-sand industry in 11 special tar sand areas in eastern Utah1983crude oil tar-sand deposits; U.S. Bureau of Land Management; Tar Sand Triangle area; hydrolic impactAbout 93 percent of the Nation's estimated 30 billion barrels of crude oil in tar-sand deposits is in 11 areas in eastern Utah that were chosen for leasing by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. The largest deposit, which is in the Tar Sand Triangle area, contains about 15 billion barrels of oil. Th...
8 Strategic significance of America's oil shale resource: Volume 1--assessment of strategic issues2004-03oil shale; oil shale resource; petrolium production; tar sand; oil shale development.It is generally agreed that worldwide petroleum supply will eventually reach its productive limit, peak, and begin a long-term decline. What should the United States do to prepare for this event? An objective look at the alternatives points to the Nation's untapped oil shale as a strategically locat...
9 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 4 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03STSA; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 4 tract; tar sand extraction; surface miningThe Sunnyside No. 4 Tract is in the southwestern part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 24 miles east of Price (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
10 America's oil shale: A roadmap for federal decision making2004-12Oil shale resources; Oil supply; U.S. economy; Domestic oil shale; Oil production; Multi-agency Federal oil shale plan; Energy; Interior; Defense; Treasury; America; Import dependence; Natural gas by-products; Oil price; Oil supply and demandThe President and the Department of Energy have determined that increasing liquid fuels supply from domestic sources is an important national objective. America's rich and concentrated oil shale resources, containing as much as 2 trillion barrels of potential oil supply could make a major contributi...
11 Oil shale in the West: 14 unanswered questions2009-06oil shale; Western oil shale; oil shale developmentThis report summarizes recent research and policy documents to provide a brief overview of the current state of oil shale development in the U.S. West. Recent high crude oil prices, anticipation of a peak oil crisis, and a focus on developing domestic sources of fossil fuel have contributed to a ren...
12 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 12 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03Sunnyside special tar sand area; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 12 tract; tar sand extraction; STSAThe Sunnyside No. 12 Tract is in the north-central part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 33 miles east of Price, Utah (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
13 Naval petroleum and oil shale reserves1996Naval Petroleum Reserve; Oil shale reserves; California; Wyoming; Utah; Colorado; Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act of 1976; Annual Report; 1996 fiscal yearDuring fiscal year 1996, the Department of Energy continued to operate Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 in California and Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3 in Wyoming through its contractors. In addition, natural gas operations were conducted at Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3. All productive acreage owned b...
14 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: January 1, 2010 to March 31, 20102010-05-13ICSE; University of Utah; CO2 capture; Mahogany zone; Green River Formation; Utah; Uinta Basin; Oil sands; Crude oil refining; International Flame Research Foundation; Liquid fuel production; In-situ thermal treatment; Oil shale; PyrolysisThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program is part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah. In this quarter, the Clean and Secure Energy program continued its focus on enhancing industrial, national...
15 Appraisal of the technical and economic potential of U.S. tar sands1986-11U.S. tar sands constitute a large, essentially undeveloped resource that could, with technological advances. provide an important source for future liquid supplies of petroleum. The identified resource base, as reported in the update to the 19B3 report by the Interstate Oil Compact Commission (IDCC)...
16 An analysis of cost improvement in chemical process technologies1989-05Chemical process technologies; Cost improvement; Chemical industry; U.S.Cost improvement--sometimes called the learning curve or progress curve--plays a crucial role in the competitiveness of the U.S. chemical industry.
17 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 5 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03STSA; Sunnyside special tar sand area; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 5 tract; in situ tar sand extractionThe Sunnyside No. 5 Tract is in the east central part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 30 miles east-northeast of Price (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
18 National Strategic Unconventional Resource Model- A decision support system2005National Strategic Unconventional Resource model; unconventional resources; DOE; process economics; oil; heavy oil; oil sands; oil shaleSupporting documentation for a model produced by DOE to assess the requirements, process economics, and potential benefits of producing oil from heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale under a variety of resource and market conditions.
19 Clearn combustion, a path to net zeroUse of fossil fuels as the major source of energy is one of the main sources of GHG emissions that contribute to global warming. However, for at least a foreseeable future, the world will still continue to rely on fossil fuels to sustain the economy and the quality of life. IEA is evaluating the pat...
20 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 11 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03Sunnyside special tar sand area; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 11 tract; tar sand extraction; drillingThe Sunnyside No. 11 Tract is in the central part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 26 miles east-northeast of Price, Utah (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
21 Sunnyside special tar sand area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 10 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03special tar sand area site; specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 10 tract; STSA; tar sand resourceThe Sunnyside No. 10 Tract is in the north-central part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 33 miles northeast of Price, Utah (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1. The nominated tract c...
22 Geologic summary report of the 1990 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah--volume 11991-02-28geologic summary; exploration program; Sunnyside tar sands project; tar sand; regional, engineering geology.This 1990 report is a supplement to the extensive 1989 report. This 1990 report concentrates on results of the following four categories: (1) regional geology and engineering geology needed to investigate the feasibility of conveyor routes that will bring the tar sand ore down from the Roan Cliffs t...
23 Shale oil value enhancement research - Quarterly report: January 1 - March 31, 19961996shale oil; value enhancement; compound type analysisActivities during this quarter focused on (a) compound type analysis of shale oil and its extraction products, (b) thermal hydrodealkylation of the > 290°C polar fraction, and (c) economic analysis of the SPX project. At the end of this quarter, Mr. Jerry Wiser - the chief process engineer of JWBA,...
24 Utah data guide a newsletter for data users1998Utah's seven associations of government (AOGs)1 have produced these city and unincorporated area population projections for each year from 1997 through 2002 and for the years 2010 and 2020. These are consistent with the county population projections produced by the Governor's Office of Planning and ...
25 Report of investigation: Oil-impregnated rocks and other evidences of petroleum1974-09petroleum; oil-impregnated sandstone; oil seepGeneral geology: The surface geology is entirely Uinta Formation. Most rocks are thinly laminated, fine-grained lacustrine shales and cherts. Only a few sandstone units are present, which are predominantly fine-grained, well-cemented, and lacking in porosity and permeability. Regional dip is gently ...
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