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1 Microstructural distribution of sulfur during the retorting and oxidation of oil shale1982-11Oil shale; Retorting; Combustion; Sulfur; Microstructural distributionWe report here the first direct observations of the mineralogical and chemical changes in oil shale caused by retorting and combustion. Electron microprobe and scanning electron microscopy techniques were used to examine a portion of the surface area of a sample in the raw shale state, the same area...
2 Geologic summary report of the 1990 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah--volume 11991-02-28geologic summary; exploration program; Sunnyside tar sands project; tar sand; regional, engineering geology.This 1990 report is a supplement to the extensive 1989 report. This 1990 report concentrates on results of the following four categories: (1) regional geology and engineering geology needed to investigate the feasibility of conveyor routes that will bring the tar sand ore down from the Roan Cliffs t...
3 APPENDIX B - Depositional heterogeneity and fluid flow modeling of the oil shale interval of the upper Green River Formation, eastern Uinta Basin, Utah - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-10Green River Formation; Uinta Basin; Utah; Uintah County; Oil shale; DepositionIn this project, a detailed geological analysis was performed followed by a reservoir modeling exercise. For the geological analysis, ~300 m of cores were correlated to gamma and density logs in well P4 in the lower to middle Eocene (49.5-48.0 million years ago (Ma)), upper Green River Formation of ...
4 Report on the composition, texture diagenesis, and provenance of the Sunnyside tar sands, Carbon County, Utah1984-12-04Sunnyside Tar Sands; sandstone composition; tar sandThe sandstones of the Sunnyside tar sand deposit are composed of detrital minerals and rock fragments (70% of rock), carbonate grains (3%). authigenic cements (St), pores plus tar plus solid bitumen (21%), and unidentified constituents (1%) . The detrital minerals and rock fragments are from most to...
5 Inventory of Sunnyside Tar Sands data: Located at the Utah Geological Survey2004-05-18Sunnyside Tar Sands data; Utah geological survey
6 Geologic summary report of the Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah1981-02-04geologic summary report; Sunnyside Tar Sands project; tar sandsThe project area is located in the southwest portion of the Uinta Basin, near the northeast portion of the San Rafael Swell and localized within a small delta complex that formed in Lake Uinta during early Tertiary. The delta complex encompasses dimensions approximately 4-6 miles parallel to the anc...
7 Geologic summary report of the 1981 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah1982-02-19Geologic summary; exploration project; Sunnyside Tar Sands project; delta complex.The 1981 Sunnyside exploration program consisted of: (1) diamond drilling of sixteen drill holes and logging of the core, and (2) initial geologic mapping in the northern area to better define the limits of the tar sands associated with the Sunnyside delta complex. In order to comprehend the geometr...
8 Geologic summary report of the 1984 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah--volume 11985-06geologic summary; exploration program; tar sands; Sunnyside tar sand deposit.The 1984 Sunnyside exploration program consisted of: (1) diamond drilling of fifteen drill holes, (2) logging of all core and (3) additional geological mapping in the north area to better define the limits of the tar sands associated with the Sunnyside delta complex. Both regional and detailed geolo...
9 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - July 1, 2011 to September 30, 20112011-09domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; OFCThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
10 APPENDIX D - Meeting data needs to perform a water impact assessment for oil shale development in the Uinta and Piceance Basins, A subpart of project - Quantifying water availability impacts and protecting water quality while developing Utah oil shale and sands - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-06-23Uinta Basin; Piceance Basins; Water impact assessments; Oil shale developmentThe goal of this project was to mitigate water resources impacts from oil shale development in the U.S. by compiling geospatial data and water use estimates to assess water availability impacts.
11 Geologic summary report of the 1982 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah1983-06-30geologic summary report; exploration program; Sunnyside Tar Sands project; tar sands; bituminous sandstone depositsThe Sunnyside tar sands are located within the southwest portion of the Uinta Basin and localized within a small delta complex that formed in Lake Uinta during early Tertiary time. The essence of the Sunnyside tar sands deposit is a sequence of laterally continuous sheet sands or stacked bituminous ...
12 Geologic summary report of the 1986 exploration program, Sunnyside tar sands project, Carbon County, Utah--volume 11987-07-19geologic summary report; exploration program; Sunnyside tar sands project; hydrocarbon leases; tar sand.The 1986 exploration program focused on detailed geological and geophysical field work in outlying areas of hydrocarbon leases east of Mt. Bartles. Field work was also completed in the Whitmore Canyon area. The field program extended from June 16 through September 19. During this time geological and...
13 Estimate of total, oil in place White Rocks Oil Properties Uintah county, Utah1961-12-09oil; petroleum recovery; heavy oil; tar; oil reserves; White Rocks Oil propertiesWestern Industries, Inc., is engaged in a project with the ultimate objective of recovering petroleum products from the "heavy oil" or "tar" bearing Navajo sandstone formation which is found at or near the surface on certain properties which they have acquired in Uintah County, Utah. Work on this pr...
14 Data informed multipoint ground flare evaluation using measurement and theoryThis paper will explore the comparison of experimental (PFTIR) and simulation data obtained from assisted multipoint ground flares operating at high turndown. The flare assist is intended to encourage air entrainment for best combustion efficiency as well as reduce visible smoke. Operational envelop...
15 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: October 2012 to December 20122013-01ICSE; Oil shale; oil sands; CO2 management; Uinta Basin; Liquid fuel production; In-situ thermal processing; White River oil shale; Green River Formation; American Shale Oil; AMSO; X-ray flourescence; Pyrolysis; Demineralized kerogenThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
16 UUSAC staff award report and recommendations 19961996Awards; University of Utah staffRecommendations of the Presidential Staff Award Selection Committee for the award winners of 1996 at the University of Utah.
17 Hardening of arches for commercial simulation of industrial flares: a program updateReaction Engineering International (REI) is working with the University of Utah to leverage the Uintah Computational Framework (UCF) for commercial simulation of industrial flares, with funding from the Department of Energy (DOE). The Arches component of the UCF provides a reacting large eddy simula...
18 Geologic summary report of the 1987 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah--volume 11988-06-01geologic summary report; 1987 exploration program; Sunnyside Tar Sands project; tar sand distribution; tar sands; bituminous sandstones1. The distribution of tar sands in the Sunnyside deposit is related to both structure and lithology. The structural control is associated with a northwest trending flexure that segments a large monocline which slopes gently into the Uinta Basin. The lithologic control is determined by porous and pe...
19 Geologic summary report of the 1988 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah--volume 11989-06-01geologic summary report; exploration program; Sunnyside tar sands project; tar sandThe 1988 field program focused on completion and logging of twelve core drill holes and three measured sections. Five marker beds were established within the Parachute Creek Member and include the Wavy Bedded Tuff, Mahogany oil shale, R-5 oil shale, lower tuff and Blue Marker containing the R-2 oil ...
20 Geologic summary report of the 1989 exploration program, Sunnyside tar sands project, Carbon County, Utah1990-07-30geologic summary report; exploration program; Sunnyside tar sands project; tar sand.This report includes the 1989 data and represents a summary of previous exploration reports. Eight photographs included in Volume I are used to highlight aspects of the Sunnyside. Tar Sands project. Volume II contains five maps and five cross sections. Volume III contains twenty-six strip logs. Both...
21 Clean and secure energy from coal, oil shale, and oil sands: Revised quarterly progress report: April 1, 2009 to June 30, 20092009-08-13CASE; Energy development; Electric power generation; Liquid transportation fuels; Coal; Oil sands; Oil shale; Clean Coal Program; Oil Shale and Sands Program; OSSP; Policy Environment, and Economics Program; PEEP; CO2 capture; sequestration; Gasification; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Ash-partit...The University of Utah Clean and Secure Energy (CASE) project is pursuing interdisciplinary, cradle-to-grave research and development of energy for electric power generation and for liquid transportation fuels from the abundant domestic resources of coal, oil sands, and oil shale. Its work is divide...
22 Geology and tar sand resource Nine Mile Ranch and vicinity Carbon County, Utah: Sunnyside and Cottonwood-Jack Canyon tar sand deposits1984-03tar sand resource; oil production; Nine Mile Ranch; geology; Sunnyside; Cottonwood-Jack Canyon; tar sand depositsA very major tar sand resource is located within the study area. This is estimated on a reconnaissance basis at 4.16 billion barrels (gross) of oil in place in beds from a few to more than 700 feet in thickness extending over about 39,400 acres. About 2.50 billion barrels of the total is on lands co...
23 Quarterly Progress Report Phase 3: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - January 1, 2012 to March 30, 20122010-05-01domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; OFC simulationThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
24 Mineralogy of Sunnyside, Utah tar sand deposits1981-04-09X-ray diffraction; Mineralogy; Sunnyside, Utah; Tar sand depositsMineralogy as determined by x-ray diffraction is reported in the attached tables.
25 Oil shale in the West: 14 unanswered questions2009-06oil shale; Western oil shale; oil shale developmentThis report summarizes recent research and policy documents to provide a brief overview of the current state of oil shale development in the U.S. West. Recent high crude oil prices, anticipation of a peak oil crisis, and a focus on developing domestic sources of fossil fuel have contributed to a ren...
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