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1 APPENDIX E - Integrated treatment of produced water by chemical and biological unit operations, A subpart of project - Quantifying water availability impacts and protecting water quality while developing Utah oil shale and sands - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21st, 2006 to October 21st, 20092010-10-07Water treatment; Water quality - Utah; Oil shale and sandsWater generated along with oil, gas, and coal bed methane production is commonly known as produced water, formation water, or oilfield brine [1]. Produced water represents the largest waste stream volume in production operations on most offshore platforms [2]. According to the American Petroleum Ins...
2 Heavy-oil resources of the United States1995heavy-oil resources; United States; petroleum; heavy oilPetroleum is considered to originate from marine and terrestrial organic matter (composed principally of hydrogen and carbon) buried along with sediment. The organic molecules are eventually broken by thermal stress encountered during progressive burial. The product of this heating can be liquid and...
3 Summary of air quality regulations and recommended guidelines for oil shale development in the Colorado Piceance Basin1982-02air quality regulations; oil shale development; Colorado Piceance Basin; domestic fuel; shale oilThe Piceance Basin of northwestern Colorado contains the greatest domestic concentration of oil shale deposits favorably located for economical recovery. These deposits are defined geologically to be at least 30-ft thick with at least 30 gal of oil per ton of shale; by conservative estimate, they co...
4 Draft environmental impact statement on conversion of oil and gas leases to combined hydrocarbon leases, Tar Sand Triangle, Utah1984-07-16The Draft Environmental Impact Statement will provide the Regional Director, National Park Service, and State Director, Bureau of Land Management, with the necessary information to make a decision on whether existing oil and gas leases in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and on adjacent BLM land...
5 Policy analysis of the Canadian oil sands experience-Topical Report2013-09Topical Report; Oil & Natural Gas Technology; October 1, 2009-September 30, 2014; Canadian Oil Sands; Policy; Subtask 6.2For those who support U.S. oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands industry is often identified as a model the U.S. might emulate, yielding financial and energy security benefits. For opponents of domestic oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands experience illustrates the risks that oppo...
6 Environmental, health, safety, and socioeconomic impacts associated with oil recovery from tar-sand deposits in the United States1981-09-12tar sand; tar sand resources; oil recovery; petroleum extractionThe tar-sand resources of the United States have the potential to yield as much as 36 billion barrels (bbls) of oil. The tar-sand petroleum-extraction technologies now being considered for commercialization in the United States include both surface (above-ground) systems and in situ (underground) pr...
7 Los Alamos environmental activities/oil shale effluents1985-07oil shale effluents; oil shale resource; Los Alamos; health and environmental issuesComplex health and environmental issues will affect both the extent and rate of development of the nation's oil shale resource. Among these issues are concerns about land disruption, air and water contamination, waste disposal, and health and environmental problems associated with the refining and u...
8 Survey of geologic research on Green River oil shale1977Survey; geologic research survey; geologic survey; oil shale deposits; Green River oil shale; mineral deposit studyIn the last decade, geologic research on oil-shale deposits and associated rocks of the Green River Formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming has mushroomed largely in response to the Department of the Interior's oil-shale leasing program and to the active interest of private and governmental groups ...
9 Utah Heavy Oil Program - Final Scientific/Technical Report - Project Period: June 21, 2006 to October 20, 20092010-01-31Utah heavy oil program; heavy oil; UHOP; developing heavy oil resources; oil sands resources; oil shale resourcesThe Utah Heavy Oil Program (UHOP) was established in June 2006 to provide multidisciplinary research support to federal and state constituents for addressing the wide‐ranging issues surrounding the creation of an industry for unconventional oil production in the United States. Additionally, UHOP w...
10 Research and information needs for management of tar sands development1983tar sands management; research needed; tar sandsThe purpose of this report is to review the research needed to support the regulatory and managerial role of the agencies in the development of tar sands resources. The material reviewed in preparation for this report was assembled and presented at the Workshop on Research Needs for the Management o...
11 Control strategies for abandoned in situ oil shale retorts1979-04In situ oil shale retorting may result in a number of environmental impacts including degradation of local surface and groundwaters, low resource recovery and subsidence. The target of present oil shale commercialization activities is the Mahogany zone in Colorado's Piceance Creek Basin. The princip...
12 Land and resource management issues relevant to deploying in-situ thermal technologies: Topical Report: October 1, 2009 to December 31, 20102011-01in-situ; oil shale; domestic energy source; oil sandsUtah is home to oil shale resources containing roughly 1.3 trillion barrels of oil equivalent and our nation's richest oil sands resources. If economically feasible and environmentally responsible means of tapping these resources can be developed, these resources could provide a safe and stable dome...
13 America's oil shale: A roadmap for federal decision making2004-12Oil shale resources; Oil supply; U.S. economy; Domestic oil shale; Oil production; Multi-agency Federal oil shale plan; Energy; Interior; Defense; Treasury; America; Import dependence; Natural gas by-products; Oil price; Oil supply and demandThe President and the Department of Energy have determined that increasing liquid fuels supply from domestic sources is an important national objective. America's rich and concentrated oil shale resources, containing as much as 2 trillion barrels of potential oil supply could make a major contributi...
14 Inventory of Sunnyside Tar Sands data: Located at the Utah Geological Survey2004-05-18Sunnyside Tar Sands data; Utah geological survey
15 A technical, economic, and legal assessment of North American heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources: In response to Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 369(p)2007-09Oil sands; Oil shale; Heavy oil; Energy Policy Act; 2005; Climate Change; Petroleum; Oil Cost; United States; North American heavy oil; Utah Heavy Oil Program; UHOP; World economic development; Energy; Canadian oil sands; Unconventional resources ;Technical; Economic; Legal assessmentAgainst the backdrop of world population growth, rapid economic expansion in the world's most populous countries, challenging political climates in many oil-producing nations, and the specter of climate change, worldwide energy consumption is projected to increase from the 2004 level of just over 40...
16 Solar Parking Project2011Solar Energy; Parking; University of UtahFeasibility study to install photo voltaic structures at the University of Utah.
17 Final report--volume 2: Publications and presentations1986-12Cooperative Agreement DE-FC21-83FE60177; Western Research Institute (WRI); DOE programs; oil shale; tar sand; underground coal gasification; advance process technology (APT); asphalt; annual and quarterly reportsVolume 2 of the final report for Cooperative Agreement DE-FC21-83FE60177 lists the publications and presentations by Western Research Institute (WRI) researchers under that agreement. Entries in this list represent the four major U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) programs included in that agreement ...
18 Slow radio-frequency processing of large oil shale volumes to produce petroleum-like shale oil2003-08-20slow radio-frequency processing; large oil shale volumes; petroleum-like shale oil; oil shaleA process is proposed to convert oil shale by radio frequency heating over a period of months to years to create a product similar to natural petroleum. Electrodes would be placed in drill holes, either vertical or horizontal, and a radio frequency chosen so that the penetration depth of the radio w...
19 Strategic significance of America's oil shale resource: Volume 2--oil shale resources technology and economics2004-03oil shale resource; oil shale; alternative fuel source; oil shale technology.It is generally agreed that worldwide petroleum supply will eventually reach its productive limit, peak, and begin a long-term decline. What should the United States do to prepare for this event? An objective look at the alternatives points to the Nation s untapped oil shale as a strategically locat...
20 Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area site specific analysis Sunnyside no. 4 tract: Moab District, Price River Resource Area1983-03STSA; site specific analysis; Sunnyside no. 4 tract; tar sand extraction; surface miningThe Sunnyside No. 4 Tract is in the southwestern part of the Sunnyside Special Tar Sand Area (STSA) in Carbon County, Utah. The tract is located about 24 miles east of Price (See Maps 1 and 2 in Appendix I). The legal description and ownership are shown in Table 1.
21 Lands with wilderness characteristics, Resource Management Plan constraints, and land exchanges: Cross-jurisdictional management and impacts on unconventional fuel development in Utah's Uinta Basin2012-03Utah oil shale; oil sands; unconventional fuel resources; land exchanges; land rightsUtah is rich in oil shale and oil sands resources. Chief among the challenges facing prospective unconventional fuel developers is the ability to access these resources. Access is heavily dependent upon land ownership and applicable management requirements. Understanding constraints on resource acce...
22 Environmental assessment: Tar sand in situ steam injection experiment1979-12LETC; in situ recovery of bitumen from tar sand; tar sand; bitumenThe U. S. Department of Energy - Laramie Energy Technology Center (LETC) intends to conduct a field experiment for the in situ recovery of bitumen from tar sand. The experimental site is located on a ten acre site approximately 6.5 miles West of Vernal, Utah. The operational phase of the experiment ...
23 Statement of project objectives: Phase 2--clean and secure energy from coal2009domestic coal resources; clean coal utilization; oxy-coal combustion; coal gasification; chemical looping combustion.The University of Utah (the Recipient), via their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE), shall pursue research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organiz...
24 Federal control of geological carbon sequestration2011-04geological carbon sequestration; carbon sequestration; carbon dioxide capture; carbon dioxide storageThe United States has economically recoverable coal reserves of about 261 billion tons, which is in excess of a 250-year supply based on 2009 consumption rates. However, in the near future the use of coal may be legally restricted because of concerns over the effects of its combustion on atmospheric...
25 A comparison of biomakers in gilsonite, oil shale, tar sand and petroleum from Threemile Canyon and adjacent areas in the Uinta Basin, Utah1992Gilsonite; Oil shale; Tar sand; Petroleum; Threemile Canyon; Uinta Basin; Utah; Green River; Hopane; Sterane; Carotenoid biomarkers; Alginite; GC/MS; Ion fragmentograms; Biodegradation; Maturation; Oil shale outcrops; Bluebell-Altamont; Red Wash field; Bitumen; Pyrolysis; Py-GC/MS; Curie-point pyrol...Relationships between gilsonite, oil shale and petroleum were investigated by comparison of hopane, sterane and carotenoid biomarkers. Samples examined were alginite, gilsonite, oil shale, tar sand and petroleum. Comparison of peak distributions in specific GC/MS ion fragmentograms of the above hydr...
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